SIFR 3 Rev.436 Is Unable To Sucessfully Publish Movie - The Flash File Is Blank

Oct 24, 2010

I have been trying to get sIFR 3 rev.436 working on my site but I stuck at publishing the movie. I did everything the instruction had told me to but when I published the movie and double clicked it to test, it failed, the movie was blank with the following error. Someone said the Action Scripts should be in the same folder as the sifr.fla, it was but it didn't help at all.

Scene=Scene 1, layer=code, frame=1, Line 19

The class or interface 'sIFR' could not be loaded.I was puzzled and after hours of looping in the situation I downloaded rev.432 and tested it out. To my delight, everything turned out right and I published the movie successfully!

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May 21, 2009

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This might be related to another issue: If I Test Movie with the Bandwidth Profiler on, Flash CS4 doesn't resize the window correctly to fit my entire movie in it, resulting in a big blank space underneath the Bandwidth Profiler, and that same amount of space being cutoff the bottom of my movie. I haven't seen anything like this in 10yrs of Flash development. This is a Mac Pro, 8-core. The graphics card is ATI Radeon HD XT 2600. 6GB RAM. 10.5.3-10.5.7
The same FLA works without any issues on CS4/XP. The FLA saved to CS3 works without any issues on CS3/OSX and CS3/XP (same machine).I have all but given up on CS4 for OSX. Between the crappy framerates, the crashing, and not being able to TEST MOVIE, I just avoid CS4 on OSX and use CS3 on OSX or CS4 on XP.

(36.4 K)
(72.4 K)

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Jul 6, 2009

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Extra Information: I have used a exe to swf converter to convert the EXE file that was already made into a SWF file for the internet. This does make an swf file but the file is not editable and will not autoplay once it is uploaded.

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May 20, 2010

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Now, for the workaround I've discovered. To get Flash CS5 to publish an AIR 1.5 file, I first published an AIR 2.0 app. Then I went into the app descriptor xml file and changed the version from 2.0 to 1.5 <application xmlns=""> Then I deleted the xml nodes in that same file that are specific to AIR 2.0 (<visible>, <fullScreen>, <autoOrients>, <aspectRatio>, <renderMode>). I locked the app descriptor file so it couldn't be changed by the next publish. Then I deleted the previously created .air file and the .swf file. I then republished the app from CS5 and it was able to install under the publically available version of AIR (

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Mar 15, 2005

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ActionScript 2.0 :: FLASH 8 - JavaScript Work In A Blank Flash File When Open It In A Html Page

Feb 14, 2007

I have this java script and want it to work in a blank flash file when i open it in a html page.


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Professional :: Warning Unable To Load SWC And Unable To Test Movie Afterwards (CS5.5 Also In CS5)

Oct 13, 2011

I work with Flash Pro allmost 11 hours per day and every while i get a error  which messes up everything. Approximetly i get this after about 2-3 hours withevery project.After i get this error there is no chance to test movies afterwards.I see a fast flash of the loader window but it dissapears so fast i cant even really see if it is loader.

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Flash :: Professional - Any Version Of (cs3-cs5) Will Not Publish File

Jun 30, 2010

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I am willing to send the file for testing of course, have tried to publish using Flash cs4 and Flash cs5. I thought of going back to Flash 8 by opening the file and saving to a previous version but as soon as i open the file in Flash cs3 (while the file has been saved as cs3) it will not open the file with an error message that i cannot remember right now.

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Feb 13, 2011

without geting security notice on swf

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Jan 9, 2010

Whenever, I create a project in CS4 and publish or export the movie none of the code works! Yet the same code works when I create the project in CS3 and export it.

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Flash :: Update SIFR To AS3?

Jan 10, 2010

In my experience, the text rendering is better in flash 9/10 AS3. Are there any plans to get sIFR working with AS3?

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Flash :: Max Font Size For SIFR?

Nov 18, 2009

I am trying to implement a large font for sIFR, but it seems to have a ceiling where you cant go any higher. I have adjusted the the variable MAX_FONT_SIZE within the to no avail. Is this possible or is it a limitation with flash?

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Actionscript :: Export The Button Symbol From Flash And Publish Swc File?

Aug 6, 2010

I am trying to export the button symbol from Flash and publish swc file for Flex.I have successfully export 3 buttons which are playBtn, stopBtn, pauseBtn from flash and add swc file to my flex actionscript code is:

private var stopBt:stopBtn;
private var playBt:playBtn;
private var pauseBt:pauseBtn;

private var mutebt:muteBtn // no such datatype.....

error internal build error has occurred, right click for more information.Since I add swc from flash in flex, I don't have to import these button...However, when I tried to create 1 more button (muteBtn) in flash and did the same thing again in flex, it gave me "an internal build error has occurred, right click for more information" error.When I created a var and tried to type :, there are no muteBtn datatype pop up.... I have spent 2 hours on this crazy crap and don't know WTF is going on.

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Flash :: Use Publish Method To Record Flv File With Streaming Servers?

Jan 5, 2012

Can i use publish method to record flv file with streaming servers other than Flash Media Server, or it is just meant for FMS? How about crtmp server?

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