Jquery :: Good Flash PageFlip Template / Program

Jan 29, 2011

I'm wondering what the best flash pageflip template is?I prefer a free version but am willing to check out paid ones as well for sure.I'm looking for one that I can just load a PDF into and it will build it for me, ready to go with the template.I'm also open to any alternatives (such as a jQuery one) if there are better methods.This is a good example of one but I'm not sure how good it is and would like to be able to change the look of the.URL...

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<script type="text/javascript" src="[URL]"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
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[Code] .....

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I am using the Free pageflip v2.2.5 by Macc/IpariGrafika


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Pageflip Free From Pageflip.hu?

Aug 6, 2009

When i load the book into my flash website, it works.. when i load it second time it doesent.. (i cannot "grab" the pages anymore) I know this is a long shot, but the pageflipper is pretty popular..so i thought maybe some of you know whats up.

I tried to rewrite all references to _level0/parent etc ect.. that does not sem to be the problem.

Its easy to recreate "bug", simply replay timeline from frame 1

btn.onRelease = function(){ gotoAndPlay(1) }
source: http://pageflip.hu/pageflip_v225_source.php

I'll send you a nice postcard from denmark if you can help me with this one!

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Make Multiple Flash Files From The Same Template And Then Edit That Template

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Jesus Christ - I thought I was really good in flash.Got this template and I can't see S***.
WTH - is it supposed to be this difficult to manipulate a template or am I stupid???
Go into project explorer and can't see much AS so how the hwll are they getting the images and text into the flash swf. By the html??? I don't think so.

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<script type="text/javascript" language="Javascript" src="jquery.1.4.2.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" language="Javascript"


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jQuery SWFObject plugin


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Jun 24, 2010

I'm using the HTML5 JW Player. It sizes the HTML5 video correctly, but shrinks the Flash fallback player; here's an example page: Test Page

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash PageFlip - Dynamically Resize Content Page?

Feb 25, 2012

I have 3 issues i've not been able to figure out how to do:

1) I've not been able to dynamically resize the pages to fit the stage dimensions as it changes, the content MC gets placed into the stage with this code line

addChild(pageFlip = new PageFlip(ContentMc, stage.stageWidth / 2, stage.stageHeight));

i have also set the stage to

stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;

but i cannot figure out a way to dynamically target "ContentMc" from the document class, it either disappears or looks squashed.

2) second issue is that the "hit area" for the mouse is too wide, meaning that if you click almost half way up the page it activates which restricts the amount of usable content area for links and such, how can i reduce it to the lower corners?

3) how can i add other MCs to specific pages from the document class?

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// CLICK to Exit
exit_Btn.addEventListener("mouseUp", goExit);
function goExit(evt:MouseEvent) {

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May 3, 2011

I'm setting up a page that uses a flash menu to load html pages into a div container by the following call:

on (release){

The loading works fine, but some of my pages had specific jquery scripts and that's where I've struck out so far. I assumed all I needed to do was transfer the script importations, css stylesheets and the jquery functions to my main document, but it won't work.

I also tried importing the html as a the complete html, which works on it's own, but not when imported into the main document. Most recently I heard I should try shifting the jquery function calls to the end of the loaded document, to after the content, My scripts work, just not when imported, so I suppose my question is how can I make the main- and imported documents play nice with each other? What say you we make this a jump-start tutorial for all us noobs to reference?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: PageFlip As3

Nov 12, 2009

hy everyone,

I using a pageflip made in as3 that works with javascript...

The problem is that i got in the file bookSettings.js one thing like this to say to the program what pages i want in my pageflip project.

flippingBook.pages = [


The thing is that if i made my project with less then 10pages it works fine... if i put more then 10pages it dosent show more then 10 pages.....

I dont dont how can u help me on this.... that way im going to put my project here, so it can happear one gentil mind and see the project, and maybe say to me what is wrong...


Hope u can help me on this....

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Jul 26, 2009

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Jul 17, 2010

This is working, but is this a good example of polymorphism?[code]...

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Flash :: Good AS3 Date Library?

Feb 2, 2012

Point me to a robust and well documented Date library for AS3. Specifically, I'd like one that works (at least in principal) like the Java date formatter, so that you can pass in a string of a specific type and get back a date object that can then be easily translated to an alternate timezone, etc. Working with the native Date object is an incredible PITA for when one needs to do things like this... I'm hoping I won't have to re-invent this wheel from scratch.

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Integration Of Pageflip And Magiczoom

Feb 9, 2010

I have got the Flashpageflip (a flash based application from [URL]) and MagicZoomPlus (a javascript from [URL]) and I would like to integrate the two.

Flashpageflip does accept swf pages as content and I'd like to zoom into images that are inside these swf files. This means that I have to call the javascript from MagicZoomPlus from within the swf file. Can this be done at all?
And if so, how do I achieve this?

Extra info: The flipping page swf is called from within a PHP-file. I have been able to declare the MagicZoom javasrcipt functions in thie PHP file, but what needs to be done next is that the swf generates the following code:

<a href="big.jpg" class="MagicZoomPlus"><img src="small.jpg"/></a>

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Actionscript 3 :: Good Flash Game Frameworks?

Feb 17, 2010

Pretty straightforward. Open source is good, but organization and documentation is better. Actionscript 3 is a must, I don't really want to start working with the older versions. I guess that's the crux of my problem using Google, because there are vast quantities of how to do thing "the old way" out there, but I'm having trouble getting solid AS3/Flash9+ stuff.

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