Make A Letter, Sentences Animation?

Jul 1, 2009

im tryin to develop a game, and i wanna make a flash and in that i wanna make my letter to have typwriter kinda animation. Like you know in RPG when NPC are talking the letter are going one by one.and also how do you make it so that when any button are pressed then its going to go to the next thing.

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IDE :: Creating Letter Spacing Animation - Tween / AS3

Apr 13, 2009

I want to create animation of the text where at frame 1, letter spacing is 0 and at frame 200, letter spacing is 60 for specified text. This process is unsuccessful via motion tween in cs4 flash, and i guess neither in earlier versions, nor that I have done that before. But I was certain that it would be very straight forward to achieve via motion tween, so far it feels that I was wrong and for such simple animation and straight forward concept, why it doesn't work, again, via motion tween. I presume I can write AS3 code spinet that would run every frame and increase or decrease property value for letterSpacing, to achieve the effect. Why such basic manipulation of text can not be done via motion tween?

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Jan 25, 2007

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TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at mx.controls.listClasses::ListBase/findStringLoop()[C:autobuild3.2.0frameworksprojectsframeworks]
at mx.controls.listClasses::ListBase/findString()[C:autobuild3.2.0frameworksprojectsframeworks]


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function doSomething(number){  var errors:Array = new Array();  errors[0] = "The specified file could not be located.";  errors[1] = "Another error";  var


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var num:Number = 0;
var s:String = "This message will appear.";
function onEnterFrame():Void {


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2) Sentence two (n=3 seconds)
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4) ...etc

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Flash :: How To Make Animation

Sep 6, 2010

I'm building a web site for a client. He asked me to make an animation on the homepage to show at start a world image / a globe (just the company logo) that "expands", like if it opens (from behind) into a plain map (which is another image) of the world and then show a text over it. I know and develop in PHP / MYSQL / Photoshop / JQuery effects/plugin but sadly (are we sure ? :P ) I know nothing about flash and actionscript.

So I was wondering if you could guide me to what to do, where should I start?Consider I video edit since 2003ish so I'm not lost here, I was thinking making a video about it and the show it on the page but doesn't feel like a good solution considering that the last frame should be static and more importantly the file size!. Is at least possible to do it in Flash?

I have an advantage over this situation though: I learn fast, so speak up :) what should I do?

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Mar 26, 2009

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import fl.transitions.*;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
import fl.transitions.TweenEvent;
import flash.filters.BlurFilter;


I do want make a Timer with "newTween();" method and I also know that i need to aply the "MOTION_CHANGE" to the blur array. I don't like those ready to use Tweeners, so that is not a option for me.I like to learn how things realy work.

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Dec 15, 2004

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Jun 19, 2004

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Make A Symbol A Looping Animation?

Jan 2, 2010

The first question: How do you make a symbol a looping animation? Say I want to make a short loop which I can repurpose later.. something such as a falling raindrop or a moving mouth. A webseries I enjoyed when I was younger, Bonus Stage, used the same moving mouth animation most of the series.. I'd like to learn how to make that.

The second, and I'd like to take advantage of the tag on the link leading to this forum that reads "there is no such thing as a stupid question in here"... How do you change the size of the brush tool?

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Make An Animation To Display Quite A Few Photos?

Mar 14, 2010

I haven't used Flash in quite a while and wanted to make an animation to display quite a few photos. As i'm out of practice, linking videos kind of skipped my mind and therefore my first file which has lots of images in has become quite heavy and slow to run.My problem is... Is there a quick and easy way i can directly switch one part of an animation with another, keeping all the tweens and actions that are on it? (EG I want to switch out images for the same images saved as smaller files)

Or, is there a way i can scale down the movie in size to make it run smoother? I am going to have quite a lot of photos in a series of linked videos, but as i forgot about it, my first video has too much content and is too big in file size. It can be quite big as it's only for use on my mac (not online) but i still need it smaller as it won't run smoothly.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make Character Have A Different Animation

Jun 26, 2010

So I'm making a platforming game, how do I make my character have a different animation for when he runs or jumps?

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Flash Animation Lags - Make It Lag?

Oct 9, 2010

I currently made a flash animation. the background is the only one that is animated and scrolls to the right. But my problem is why it lags? Is there any way to not make it lag? here's a link of the swf file you can view: http:[url]......I tried it on a high spec pc and it does not lag when it is in normal screen(640x480) but when I view it in full screen it lags. There are no scripts or anything in this file just animation.

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Jan 31, 2011

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