Swf Files Loading At Different Speeds?

Jun 13, 2010

I've got a website w/ a few different pages (each it's own swf file). When buttons are pressed the first time things seem good. But if you return to a button that's already loaded once, the movie clip file that has the navigation (and is the background), loads either too slow or too quick for the other swf files and it gets stuck in random spots. It's hard to explain, but something is not working properly.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Two Different Speeds On Dynamically Loaded Multiple Swf Files

Feb 22, 2012

I have created a galley with dynamically loaded multiple swf files. Half of them contain animations running at 60fps. The other half are flash movies at 30fps. If I select the speed of my gallery file to be 30fps animations play slow. If speed of gallery file is 60fps flash movies play too fast. How can I override the speed of the individual .swf's so they all play evenly.
some AS3 script for each individual movie? i.e. animation speed (individual file) speed: 1/2?..

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Flash Movie Speeds Up With Each Play

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Flash :: Smoothly Playback A FLV At Different Speeds?

Dec 21, 2010

I will need to display the frames of an FLV at different rates.

Here are some examples:

the user will 'scrub' through the flv frames(front/back) the flv will need to play at half the speed on a user interaction.

Currently I'm using LoaderMax and it's VideoLoader object to load and play FLV files. I've tried using the playProgress property, but only the keyframes of the FLV are displayed. I got the same result with the basic setup(using the NetStream class)

As a workaround, I playback the FLV once, and cache BitmapData instances in which I draw/cache each frame of the video. After this is done, I use the BitmapData Vector to update a Bitmap on stage. Scrubbing/changing speed works fine with this method, but still the user needs to see(wait for) the sequence once, while it gets cached, which I don't like.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Why Movieclips Are Moving At Different Speeds

Apr 14, 2010

why these two movieclips are moving at different speeds? I would like them to be moving at the same speed (while increasing xspeed every second).

actionscript 2, flash mx.

var xspeed = 1;
countDown = function () {


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Professional :: Varied Swf Speeds On Different Computers/browsers?

Jun 26, 2010

I've been testing my website's intro banner on a few different computers.
On my computer, in Safari and Firefox, it plays at the same speed as when I play it locally.
It runs fine on all machines I checked at work, but one.  On my slowish laptop, ran slowly there too. 
It's a pretty small file 87kb. Is it a cpu issue and not being able to process multiple animations at the same time?
Is there a way to remedy that or just don't worry about it? Is there some sort of standard when it comes to cpu/swf testing?
My concerned file is the middle banner at [URL]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Synchronize Objects Animated At Different Speeds?

Jul 27, 2010

I'm building a game with two main objects on screen.

1) An animated MovieClip with 144 frames inside.

2) A ball that will be moving around the screen.

I've animated both objects with two different timers. One has a delay of 0.0333 seconds (30 fps) and the other has a speed of 0.0222.

Now there is something I do not understand. If both objects start moving/animating at the same time... When my ball reaches certain point on the stage, I check the currentframe property of the other animated moviclip but it's never on the same frame at that point. It varies...

If they are both at a constant speed, even though they are different speeds, why would the animated movieclip be on a different frame each time? It varies a few frames each time I output it to check.[code]...

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File Size And Download Speeds For Smooth Motion?

Dec 16, 2009

I recently posted my first online Flash photo gallery.  It flows perfectly when viewing on my desktop using a Flash Player, however, when viewed online it can look "jerky" and stutter in spots.  This doesn't happen every time.  One friend said it flows smoothly and another noticed that it stutters.  On my own broadband connection it does both. One day it flows smoothly and another time it stutters and jerks.Any suggestions on how to ensure smooth animations?  The frames per second on the .fla files are set at 18.  Would bumping it up to 24 fps help?  But that would increase file size, yes?  Maybe there's not much I can do and I'm at the mercy of download speeds and web traffic?

Here's a link to the gallery. [URL]..

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Images Moving At Different Speeds Based On Mouse

Apr 19, 2004

I'm trying to create the effect on the dreamers site [URL] during the main intro where all the kids are sitting in the theatre and the one kid is smoking. Anyone know how to create this effect that has different images move at varying speeds based on the mouse location to show depth.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Making An Animation That Tweens Two Different Objects At Different Speeds?

Feb 4, 2009

I am making an animation that tweens two different objects at different speeds dependent on the position of the mouse. This is working fine, however, when the user takes the cursor outside the flash box and enters the frame it jumps to that position.

I have created a tween for this first instance however, if the user continues to move there cursor before this tween has finished it continues to jump.

Here is the code I have written

stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, CheckDirection);
import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Images Moving At Different Speeds Based On Mouse?

Apr 19, 2004

I'm trying to create the effect on the dreamers site during the main intro where all the kids are sitting in the theatre and the one kid is smoking. Anyone know how to create this effect that has different images move at varying speeds based on the mouse location to show depth.

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Actionscript 3 :: Prohibit Users From Loading Swf Files By Flash Loader.load() And Only Allow Loading Images?

Apr 1, 2010

I want to have an AS3 app load images from url supplied by the user. But I don't want a malicious user to be able to load an SWF file in place of the image, such as with an altered extension "maliciousSwf.png". Well, not sure how big a security threat that is above and beyond the ability of the hacker to decompile swf, but I think that ideally such behavior should not be allowed.

So, is there any way to prevent this? When people allow users to load images in their Flash apps, do they somehow guard against loading of SWF? Or is this really absolutely no big deal?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading An External List Then Loading The Files In That List?

Sep 3, 2009

So I am trying to load a text file into flash, grab all of the files listed in it and then load them into flash. Not working. Heres my code.

ActionScript Code:
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.events.Event;


View 5 Replies

Loading Different SWF Files In Sequence

May 25, 2011

I'm doing a presentation where it loads different swf files in sequence. I already have a holder with width = 819, height = 614. Right now, I'm loading 1024x768 swf files in it.

This is the code in use:
loadMovie("movie1.swf", holder);
holder._width = 819;
holder._height = 614;

The swf file is loading in the correct position, but when I test play it, the first one [movie1.swf] loads and plays in it's original size [1024x768], then the following one [movie2.swf] loads and plays the way I want it [819x614]... Then when the whole movie loops again, now, the first one [movie1.swf] plays the way I want it to.

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Loading .txt Files From Server?

May 13, 2009

I have an issue with a script I created that loads text strings from a file on my server.The swf file loads a message from a .txt file, displays it in an animation when the animation finishes it loops back to the start and loads the next message and displays it in the animation.
All works fine. However the script reads the text file from the server on every loop ( 3 seconds ) This will be hard on my server so... Is there a way to read the text file once only and then loop through the eight statements?


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading .whatever Files As .txt

Aug 29, 2010

Assuming I have a file like this:
Name: Test
Extension: .whatever
Content: randomcontent1234@!$
How would I load it? Could it be loaded the same way as .txt is? Would I have to make a new class similar to the URLLoader class?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading Swf Files?

Sep 4, 2011

i need to load an external swf which is in as3...and need it to be played in my as2 swf layout. with a time slider ,play, pause ,next, previous for that swf movie clip.

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Actionscript 3 :: Loading And Using SWF Files

Mar 25, 2012

I'm new to AS3, and am trying to understand how externally loaded SWFs work in AS3. Since Flash 4/5, it was common to have one main SWF file in a Flash web project, and then load other SWF files into it, often for various "sections" of a website or web project. In the main file, we'd have masks animating the container movieclip(in which external sections/SWF files were loaded) and have animations and transitions play as the section finished loading and the loaded content was displayed.

In AS3, I've used the Loader class to load and display the external file, my main problem is in communicating with the loaded content, call it's functions, or call root functions from it. In AS2, we could use someMovieClip.loadMovie("ExternalContent.swf") and the ExternalContent file would load inside someMovieClip. You could access functions on the "External.swf" main timeline using someMovieClip.function();. And inside the "ExternalContent.swf", we could use _root.function() to access functions in the main file ExternalContent was being loaded into. Doing this in AS3 seems bizarre and neurotic, and I feel like I'm missing something fairly basic here.


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IDE :: Loading Dynamic Files On PC And Mac

Jun 9, 2008

When loading a file on PC, the location looks like this:


Is there a good work-around for this? Something short of adding a variable for the slash character that changes when a different OS is found? Also, I load XML that has links in it, so changing the links on the fly after they're loaded would be great.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading Txt Files?

Nov 12, 2009

I'm having real trouble in as3.This used to be simple but....I have a flash file with 5 dynamic text fields with instance names... textfield1, textfield2, textfield3, textfield4, textfield5I really need to have one simple .txt file that someone who doesn't know anything about html or xml can easily edit INCLUDING the addition of simple formatting like <a href="">In previous versions of AS it was as simple as referencing a txt file that included...

&textfield1=<a href="http://yourdomain.com">Hi there!</a>


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IDE :: Best Way Of Loading Multiple XML Files?

Dec 7, 2009

What is the best approach in AS3 when loading multiple XML files. I have 3 XML files I need to load. Should make separate XML loaders and functions for each XML file?

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[CS3] Flicker Between Loading Separate SWF Files

Sep 16, 2008

I need to load separate SWF files depending on different flash buttons being pressed. The problem is I see a flicker inbetween SWF's being played. I think the flicker is where it goes back one frame - but I do not know how to solve this.

The first bike should scroll along to the left then stop, buttons should then appear that allow you to load the external/separate SWF files.

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Loading Swf Files In To A Movie, In Order?

Jul 10, 2009

In AC2, I am trying to load .swf files in to a movie.

I know how to load them, and I can load them at random. But what I want to know is, if I have say 500 movies, named movie_0.swf movie_1.swf movie_2.swf etc...

is there a way I can load them ten at a time, in order of highest number to lowest number. In a specific location.

In other words, I want to be able to have many external swf movies, about 400px wide by 100px tall, and load 10 at a time in to a 800px wide by 1200px tall movie, 10 movies at a time, in order of highest to lowest movie name number. Each in a specific place, with a next and precious button to show the next 10 or last 10.

Im basically working on my first site, and want to use something like this so I can show my latest articles first when someone clicks on the articles section of the website.

Now resolved with AS3

PHP Code:

var loaderone:Loader = new Loader();
loaderone.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loadedone);
loaderone.load(new URLRequest(prefix + totalfiles-- + ".swf"));
function loadedone(one:Event):void


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading The External Swf Files?

Aug 25, 2009

[URL] how can i enable the swf files to run randomly basis without click of button

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Loading Separate Swf Files Into One Swf With A Container?

Jul 15, 2011

there a more official name for a 'flash container' ? because very little results come up when i try and search for answers!can you load a container within a container, i'm thinking no but would like to clear that up also! for example i've followed this tutorial htm however when loaded up in a container nothing appears in the mouse over effect.. i've also tried loading jpegs into a swf via an xml which again works fine until i load it up within a container and nothing appears..

View 21 Replies

Loading Things Like Html An Fla Files?

May 23, 2009

Is it just me or are others having problems loading things like html an fla files?

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Loading Multiple Jpeg Files

Jul 7, 2009

i'm making a simple portfolio site, and bringing in a series of jpeg files using a 'for' loop and the Loader class. once all the files are loaded in, i'd like to just be able to add, remove, tween, etc... the items from the stage as need-be by using instance names, such as movie clips or Sprites. but for some reason, i cannot seem to figure out how to have each image, as its loaded in, be separately accessable to me after the loop has completed.

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Professional :: Loading External .swf Files?

Jan 20, 2010

I'm working on a simple example of loading external swf files with some ActionScript.I've placed an instance of List Component and gave it an instance name of loadList. Using Component Inspector, I assigned data for 4 external files as below:

Next, I've added a UILoader component (instance name - loadWindow). The code that is supposed to load the content into UILoader is this:

loadList.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, selectItem);function selectItem[code]..........

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