Website Smaller When Uploaded?
Dec 9, 2011
I have created my website with flash pro cs5 and when i open my html it looks okay but when i upload it to my server host and view swf file it looks smaller in myindex html
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
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Jul 20, 2010
I've created this simple website which consists of a 3d carousel style gallery of images. When I tested it locally everything worked perfectly, however, the version on the web-server is not working. The website is at dansawesomeweb. site11. com. I renamed the html file so you can browse the websites folders if you wish. After much testing I believe the problem of the website lies within me loading external images. You see two of the images(the only two that you can see) are loaded from the same domain and specifically the same directory as the website itself. It seems to be unable to load any image from any where else on the web.It could be to do with the image url's I used: i'm not entirely sure how they should be formatted? (As you can tell I'm not familiar with this kind of stuff) Do you think it's my host? -but from what I hear 000webhost does fully support flash. Or do you think it's purly how I programmed it in as?
The way the website works is that the base.swf loads the caro.swf. The caro.swf's doc class is The flash makes use of some custom classes that are in the class folders. The class called 'Obj' is an image holder movieclip that loads an image off the web into itself: These make up the carousel. There is also one class that is supposed to load a higher resolution of images when you click on one of the Obj's, and also show a description. The image url's, captions and descriptions are held in an xml document which is loaded by the caro.swf at the start. Just go to the webpage and click on the CaroData.xml for the XML.
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May 4, 2010
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Mar 3, 2012
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The thing is that i want the swf to be shown at a smaller size (500X333 instead of 900X600 ).
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I tried playing with the params, but couldn't get it to work.
I don't think it matters but it's a swf of a flex project.
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Mar 26, 2012
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Aug 1, 2011
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Mar 22, 2004
ive seen this done before but i dont know the code, i want to have an image that is moved with the arrows decrease in size as the y value gets kinda like a 3d type of deal so the farther back you go the smaller you are...
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Aug 1, 2003
The following actionscript is some that I got from lostinbeta from an alpha fade question I had, that works fine but I now would like to have the movieclips get smaller at the same time as fading. So I put in some code that went like this
//set the transform
mc._xscale = (i*10);
mc._yscale = (i*10);
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Jun 14, 2002
I want a circle to get large. No problem:
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_xscyle<200) {
but now: when the circle has reached the desired size I want him to shrink back to e.g. 150
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_xscyle>150) {
I have problems because at a certain time both if-conditions would be fullfilled and nothing happens.
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Mar 22, 2004
ive seen this done before but i dont know the code, i want to have an image that is moved with the arrows decrease in size as the y value gets kinda like a 3d type of deal so the farther back you go the smaller you are...
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Feb 26, 2009
I'm wondering if having large peces of text commented in your code, will affect the file size of your exported file, when you put it on the net.About half of my code is commented, so removing it would reduce my file size significantly, and thus decrease loading time. or is commented code removed automatically when you export the .fla file?
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