Windows :: Finding An Amazon EC2 Hosting Instance For A Website?

May 28, 2011

My company is about to conduct a big project which involves a flash games website. This website is targeted to the US, meaning it will serve a lot of concurrent users. We bought many flash games and the website is about to be finished, so we must find a hosting company right away.

The website consists of 10 static pages, 140KB each (design+images+CSS).JavaScript is being delivered via Google CDN (jQuery, SWFObject) to save bandwidth.We have 20 SWF games, each weights around 500KB to 6MB top.I'm planning to use dynamic compressions and basically any possible method to save bandwidth and resources, but nevertheless I must get a large hosting for possible growing in the future.SQL is nothing special: DB size will be 150MB top and all tables are indexed using fulltext catalogs and non-clustered indexes.

After doing some research, I've found that big websites are using Amazon's EC2. I tried to contact Amazon but they're weren't really helpful. All I got is the following URL.We are talking about Windows 2008 R2 and SQL Server 2008 R2.

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ActionScript Code:
package {
public class DocumentClass extends MovieClip {
private var myProj:Content;


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function loadBlog(url:String) {


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//code to draw a box around the object

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private function onClick():void {
fileReference = new FileReference();
fileReference.addEventListener(Event.SELECT, onSelect);


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I would like to find the url of the page that is embedding the swf.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Getting Information About The URL Hosting A SWF?

Mar 25, 2005

Does anyone know of a way to obtain information about the environment that a SWF is served into? Things like the URL of the page that is hosting the SWF?

So say there's the URL [URL] which has the movie flashmovie.swf embeded in it ... is there a way to get the URL from inside flashmovie.swf and cast it into a string datatype?

I've been picking apart the _global object by recursively un-hiding it and the objects it holds properties, but so far have not come up with anything that could prove useful.

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