Xml :: Flex - Create Xml From Object

Jul 1, 2011

Basically i want to create XMLDesigner kind of thing in Flex, using which user can add/edit components and properties of view/dashboard. i am storing view structure in a xml file. i parsed that file at runtime and display view. How to convert an object (having properties and sub-objects) to xml node (having attributes and elements) and add that xml to the existing xml file. so that next time when i parsed xml file i'll get that new component in my view/dashboard. for e.g, object structure of component in xml file :


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Create An Object Panorama, Emphasis On The Object Version?

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IDE :: How To Create Object

Oct 4, 2009

I followed the tutorial at URL... and now have a basic platform game. I understand actionscript some what, but not very well. I just have a couple of questions about improving my game:

1. How can I create an object e.g. door/ portal that will take me to another level or location?

2. How can I make that new level/ location?

3. how can i make it that when i kill an enemy it puts my score up by 1?

4. how can I create a pause screen: for say mid game I press 'P' which takes me to a screen with options such as resume restart and main menu, that when I resume lets me carry on from the point I paused at?

5. How can I change it so that the enemies on the game wont kill me straight away, but just take away a life?

6. How can I change it so that instead of going back to the start every time I lose a life, I simply lose a life and continue?

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Flash :: Create A Separate Class Then Create An Object Of That Class Within The Main Class?

May 17, 2011

I'm new to Flash AS3. I started making a game and I am a bit confused. Let's assume that I want to create a game that has multiple levels/modes, how can I do this in an object orientated way?

When i create games in other languages e.g. XNA C#, i create a separate class then create an object of that class within the main class and run the game based on a simple statement.


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Flex :: Have Button Object In Column In AdvancedDataGrid Object In It?

Oct 11, 2009

Is it possible to have a Button object in a column in an AdvancedDataGrid object in flex 4? And how would I do this?

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Flex :: Get The Object From Which Focus Has Been Stolen On Click On Other Object?

Aug 23, 2010

for example i have object one a Textinput haveing id="


", and a panel having a lot of children(TextInputs, Trees, Buttons etc.) if user is editing text in one of panel's child and then clik on "id_txtBox". can we get to know


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Xml :: Flex - Dynamically Add Attributes To An Object And Convert That Object?

Jul 1, 2011

How to dynamically add attributes to an object and convert that object into xml in Flex/Actionscript?

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Flex :: Null Object Reference After Creating The Object?

Aug 22, 2011

I have one MXML File as

<objecthandles:ObjectHandles xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009" xmlns:s="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark" backgroundAlpha="1" xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx"


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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Create Any Object

Aug 17, 2010

How to create a object in AS3.0???

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create An Object That Follows Another?

Mar 5, 2011

What i need.(No need for an fla file, just guide me through what codes i should use, things like that.)A turret, that every X seconds it should fire a bullet and the bullet should follow the object enemy.What ive got till now.Turret, Bullet and Enemy are 3 different classes. And i got a Main class also, that at the moment just create the enemy and the turret and put them on stage.Turret class creates the bullet.(I managed to create the bullet and the x and y position of the bullet is where my turret.x and turret.y is.)

So i just need the bullet that move towards the enemy.And BTW if you know any tutorial to make a Turret Defense, Tower Defense or any game above those lines, that just uses external classes, no timeline involved. Plz reply with link.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Create XML From Object

Feb 11, 2010

I have no problem reading XML, but I want to create xml. Is there an easy way to created XML from an object? For example:
var xml:XML = new XML("<images></images>");
XML.prettyPrinting = true;
var imageXML:XML = new XML('<image x="10"></image>');

Could be something like this:
var xml:XML = new XML("<images></images>");
XML.prettyPrinting = true;
var image:Object = {x:11};
var imageXML:XML = new XML(image);

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Create An Instance From A Library Object?

Jun 17, 2009

I have a graphic or movie clip as an example which is a water bottle. An what I wanna do is that depending on what is the user response, in my case is how long the person is doing some activity, depending on that I want flash to generate a number of graphics/movie clips on the screen. As example the person says that takes 6 minutes doing "x" activity, so as a response of a button click which says "generate  consumption", it generates on the screen how many water bottles he has consumed for that range of time doing that activity, for example each minute is 2 water bottles, so it has to generate 12 water bottles on the screen when the user press "generate consumption".

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