Xml :: Programmatically Remove An Attribute Completely In Flex?

Oct 24, 2011

I am experimenting with e4x. I could programmatically add an attribute to an Xml by doing something like this :


now i have added a name attribute to it programmatically because even though the xml had no attribute called name, after the statement above, it automatically has one now. My difficulty now is how do i , as well, remove the name attribute i have inserted programmatically again?

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Css :: FLEX: Completely Remove Buttons Effects?

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Button {
fillAlphas: 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0;
fillColors: #FFFFFF, #FFFFFF;


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Flex ::remove Validation Programmatically From Component?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Remove External Swf Completely From Memory?

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I have read many many post and I don't find the answer of how to remove completely a swf load external.Every time I load and unload I see the windows memory task manager and see that the memory increase and don't reduce when remove child.

this is my code:
var oneLoader=new Loader();
bt1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, swf1);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Completely Remove A Movieclip That Is Created As A New Class?

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is this enough or do I have to 'null' the object? I can't just do 'e.target = null' because the property is read only. Will the internal garbage collection do the rest for me if I have no references somewhere else?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Remove External Swfs Completely From Memory?

Jan 14, 2011

I have developed a touchscreen application that works perfectly fine except for the memory issue. Basically, the touchscreen app works kinda like a website with navgation on the side and content displaying next to it. I separeate each section into external swfs, and load each one up when it is needed, thinking it would reduce memory used on the pc. But unlike actionscript 2, AS 3 would not remove the external swfs from the memory. You can remove it from the stage and you won't see it, but the swf will still stay in the memory! So... as you navigate through the app, loading up all these external swf, even I do loader.unloadAndStop();, the swf is still there, and they just keep piling up in the memory as you navigate from the app. After leaving the touchscreen for a day or 2, having all these users naviage through it,  all the external swfs will just completely consume all the resources and freeze the pc.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Remove External Swfs Completely From Memory

Jan 14, 2011

I have developed a touchscreen application that works perfectly fine except for the memory issue. Basically, the touchscreen app works kinda like a website with navgation on the side and content displaying next to it. I separeate each section into external swfs, and load each one up when it is needed, thinking it would reduce memory used on the pc. But unlike actionscript 2, AS 3 would not remove the external swfs from the memory. You can remove it from the stage and you won't see it, but the swf will still stay in the memory! So... as you navigate through the app, loading up all these external swf, even I do loader.unloadAndStop();, the swf is still there, and they just keep piling up in the memory as you navigate through the app. After leaving the touchscreen for a day or 2, having all these users naviage through it, all the external swfs will just completely consume all the resources and freeze the pc.Also, is it better to develop touchscreen application with actionscript 2 since it doesn't have this pressing memory issue?

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Actionscript 3 :: Is RemoveChild Enough To Completely Remove A Movieclip From Flash Player Memory

Jul 26, 2011

Will this line


completely remove the child of clip at 0 index? I read somewhere you should set to null to all the references to that clip, but I have no other reference in my code. The clip at 0 was added via a regular addChild().

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Removing Child And Setting It To Null Completely Remove Object?

Jan 24, 2010

In document class action script file I add a movie clip to stage using

public var square:Square
square = new Square

So it adds square to stage.Then after sometime I want it to be removed. I call a function "removeSquare" also located in document class. It executes the following code. And it removes the square from stage visualy.

trace("proff that it's executed")
square = null

Then of course I want to add a square to stage again, using code I written at top of the post. And remove it again, and so on..But game is lagging more and more and more. So I guess that the square is not properly removed. If you need more details about my code feel free to say, I just written that since I really doesn't know what else should be important.

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Actionscript :: Programmatically Remove A Mask That Was Defined In Flash Professional?

Apr 10, 2012

I realize this is a total newbie question, but it is driving me crazy. In Flash Professional I have a movie clip, say 1000px high and 50px wide. I have it contained within (under) a mask layer where the mask is 100px high and 50px wide. In my program I move the movie clip vertically and as expected it is masked such that I only see 100px vertically.

My question is: how do I remove the mask from my movie clip? When I debug inspect the movie clip in Flash Builder, its .mask property is null. But it is masked..

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Flash :: IDE - Communicating PHP / JS - Remove All The Actual Attribute Options

May 26, 2009

I'm working with cart software called PinnacleCart. It's a pretty good system, I use it mainly because of the flexibility in the attributes fields, and our products require alot of customization. The obvious solution here is to add in a Flash customizer, to make it easier for prospective clients to see the changes being made to the items. Inside of the cart software I can select images to upload. I thought about stripping out the validation so I can upload .swf files (edit the product page php to embed if it's a swf file) and go from there.

Now here is the tough part, for usability reasons I want to remove all the actual attribute options - So the logic is simple, if SWF = true then don't display attributes. So, from here I assume when the person clicks 'add to cart' I need to run some javascript to grab the attributes from flash, assign them to the javascript attributes, then proceed as normal.


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Eclipse :: Remove Runnable Attribute From A Source File In Flash Builder?

Jul 20, 2011

I am using Flash Builder 4 and have mistakenly set an abstract class to be the default application class.. It's not too much of an issue as I have set the correct one again, which works fine most of the time, but not when I am editing the incorrect one and hit F11 - it attempts to run the project via this incorrect class. Is there any way to remove the "runnable" attribute from this file so that this doesn't happen?An example of how this looks in the package explorer is below (Application.as is the correct file, AbstractQuickDraggable.as is not):

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Flex :: 4 - Scroll Flex Spark Datagroup To Maximum Amount Programmatically

Jul 6, 2011

I have a spark skinnable component which contains a datagroup with images. The datagroup is scrolled by hovering the mouse over it. Everything works fine except one thing: after I change the datagroup provider, I need to scroll down automatically. The problem is the images are not loaded immediately after I set the provider so (contentHeight - height) does not yet represent the actual maximum scrolling position. Is there an easy way of telling the datagroup to scroll down as its content loads? Because the workaround seems to be not so straightforward. This is the code for scrolling(thumbnailStrip is my datagroup):


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Flex :: Flex - Programmatically Close A DateField Component?

Oct 17, 2010

I'm using a dateField component (with editable = true) as an itemEditor in a dataGrid. Interestingly, when editing the textInput part of the dateField it doesn't seem to react to an ESC keydown as I would expect, i.e. reload old dateField value and give up focus. This seems to be standard for most other components, but not for as most other components do.

How would you go about implementing such behavior? I can listen to keydown == escape on the TextInput portion, but just realized that I don't know how to tell dateField to give up focus and politely close - in fact I'm not even sure that's the right strategy (maybe I should work at the DataGrid level?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: XML Parsing Not Working When Attribute Has A : In The Attribute Name?

May 13, 2009

I am having trouble parsing some xml that has a few attribute names with : characters in them. The compiler is not throwing any errors and when I trace my complete xml object out it is all there, however when I try to trace out any element or node it keeps comming up undefined. I removed the attribute names with : characters in them and everything works fine. I cant seem to target the attributes either to delete them.

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Flex :: RichEditableText Component Not Completely Resetting Its View

Mar 1, 2011

I'm experiencing some strange text rendering behavior in the Spark RichEditableText component.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
[Code] .....

The above application simply navigates through the five sentences in the DATA array (every time the Next button is pressed). For whatever reason, RichEditableText component doesn't completely reset its view (by clearing the previous text) before setting new content. From what I can gather, this faulty rendering is somehow based on the combination of line count and relative width. I also discovered that if I set the width property of the RichEditableText component to an absolute value (say, 100) as opposed to relative (percentage, 100%) the text is rendered correctly. As far as I can see, this behavior is unintended and is, in fact, a bug.

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Flex :: Initialization - Completely Initialize A Component But Not Add It To The Display?

Dec 20, 2011

I need to completely initialize a custom component in my Flex app (i.e. I should be able to access it from action script and get its properties and its children etc), But I do not want to add it to the display or make it visible. I have tried to add it to my visible component, but keep it visible, but often many of its properties are set only when it is drawn, so i don't get what i need. Is there a way to add a custom component to some sort of 'Virtual' display, that is not visible to the user?

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Flex :: Custom Cursor In AIR App Doesn't Show Up Completely?

Jul 11, 2011

For the application that I am developing in AIR, I have removed the chrome through the app.xml. I am managing the features of minimizing, maximizing, close, resize and all other functions from within the application. I am facing a problem with resize feature. I have defined the grips for resizing and also I am able to display my custom cursor when mouse moves over it. The problem is that only the part of this cursor is visible which lies inside the boundary of the application rest of the cursor image is hidden.For implementing the custom cursor, I do the following.Embed the cursor image.

public var resizeRight:Class;

Add the event listener to the canvas that acts as a grip.

rightResizeGrip.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, function(e)


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Flex :: Programmatically Load Images In It?

Dec 7, 2009

I need to load several images as Bitmap or BitmapData objects. The images are hosted outside the Flex project, and they're referenced by an external configuration file, so I can't embed them. Because the images won't be displayed directly to the user (they're being added to a PDF that is generated for download), creating a grouping of Image objects, attaching them to the application, and waiting for their LoadComplete handler to fire seems inefficient.

What is the best way to load these images into an application? Programatically load images in it?

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Flex :: Multiple Selection Programmatically?

Mar 17, 2010

I have I datagrid, on which I want to select multiple rows on a other user interaction than the one intended by the Programm. I'm wondering, whether I can programmatically select some rows depending only on code?

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Actionscript :: FLEX Add Stroke Programmatically

May 4, 2010

how can I assign the stroke to my LineSeries, programmatically in Actionscript ?<mx:LineSeries stroke="{new Stroke(0xCC33CC, 2)}"/>How is it in Actionscript? LineSeries.stroke doesn't exist

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Flex :: Programmatically Add Views To A Viewstack

Jun 10, 2010

I'm trying to figure out how to in as3 (not mxml) add views to a view stack.For example I have a view component like so[code]I've being trying to add it to a viewstack in the following way.[code]I'm aware I have to assign ID's but for now I just want to get the view in there

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Flex :: Programmatically Close An AIR Application?

Feb 17, 2011

I would like to know the correct way to close an AIR application programmatically. In my Spark WindowedApplication I have:this.addEventListener( Event.CLOSING, shutdownApp );and of course an implementation of the shutdownApp method (which basically tidies up temporary files).his works fine for the top-right close button of the window. However I also have functionality which needs to shutdown the application. Within the code I have called:NativeApplication.nativeApplication.exit();However this doesn't trigger the Event.CLOSING method, and so my temporary files are not cleared up. Should I not be calling nativeApplication.exit ? If so, what should I call instead? I'd rather not have to call my shutdownApp method before the NativeApplication.exit() as this doesn't feel quite so elegant.

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Flex :: Write A DataGrid Programmatically?

Aug 10, 2011

I have this code but I am trying to convert this to actionscript so I render this programaticaly but I failed. how do i write this on AS?

<mx:DataGrid allowMultipleSelection="true" id="dg_disk" dataProvider="{people}" height="100%" width="100%" selectedIndex="0" x="50" y="50">
<mx:DataGridColumn dataField="name"


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Actionscript 3 :: Add A Flex Skin Programmatically?

Sep 2, 2011

I have various components that are skinned through a programmatic skin. The skin class references a singleton class that holds various colors to be applied to different aspects of the component. The singleton class has default colors set to variations of black/grey etc. I'm loading in custom colors from an XML file that are then loaded into the singleton. I'm applying the custom skin through a css stylesheet that is included in the main Application mxml.

The problem is that when the swf initially loads, the components that are drawn on screen are black and don't reflect the changes in color loaded from the XML file. I have some dropdown windows that show on button clicks and those dropdowns do reflect the correct colors from the XML file. Therefore, the system is working correctly, but the initial drawing of components obviously happens before the XML is loaded and applied to the singleton.

My question is, is there a way to apply a skin to an element programmatically by calling the constructor?

I have this in my css file:

.PanControlsBackground {


or something to that effect? This way, I can remove the loading of the skins in the css file and control when they are instantiated to ensure that the correct colors are applied before displaying the various components.

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Actionscript :: Flex - Know When The Source Property Of An Image Is Completely Updated

May 31, 2010


I am presuming this is because the image hasn't finished reading the png file off the disk yet. What event can I monitor to know when it's width and height will have the right values? The 'Complete' event only seems to work for DOWNLOADED images. The 'Render' event happens EVERY FRAME. The (undocumented?) 'sourceChanged', happens as soon as source changes, and has the same problem! What event do I watch that will let me know when the image's width and height properties will have valid values? Or is there some Synchronous version of I.source='xxx.png', that I don't know about?

P.S. Yes, I know I shouldn't use "C:" in an Air Program. This was just for illustrative purposes, so that you won't suggest I use "Complete", which never even seems to fire when the file indicated by source is local.

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Flex :: Programmatically Add A Set Of Controls With Some Amount Of Pixels Between Them?

Nov 8, 2009

I need to programmatically add a set of controls with some amount of pixels between them. I can't seem to find how to do this in the Flex docs.

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Flex :: Programmatically Stream Audio With NetStream?

Dec 31, 2009

In Flex you can stream microphone audio to an FMS/Red5 server using NetStream.attachAudio, which requires a Microphone object. Is it possible to stream audio through the NetStream from somewhere other than a Microphone? For example, from a file/embedded resource?

The reason I'm asking is that I'd like to be able to run automated tests that don't require using an actual microphone.

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