AS3 :: Objective-C-Cocoa Book Recommendation For A Developer

Jan 15, 2010

Just looking for more recommendations for great Ojective-C-Cocoa books. My ideal book would be one with actual hands-on walk thru examples increasing in complexity and doesn't spend unnecessary time on basic OOP. Trying to leverage what knowledge I DO have in Actionscript 3. (or maybe its all about unlearning?)

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CLLocationCoordinate2D coords = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(0.0, 0.0);
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Iphone :: Actionscript Style Events In Objective-C?

Jul 7, 2010

I have an iPhone app with an UIApplicationDelegate conforming delegate called MyAppDelegate - it has a UIWindow.Instead of adding buttons, labels and whatnot directly to the window, I guess I'm supposed to make a child class of UIViewController for every screen I wanna make. When that screen should be displayed, I add the respective controller's view to the window as a subview. When another screen should be displayed, I should pop off any other view from the window and add the new view. Hope I got everything correct so far...

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Apr 24, 2010

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[myTextObject setString: @"Hello World" color: kWhiteColor];

In Actionscript(or javascript) would this be the same as calling 2 accessor methods on 'myTextObject'?

myTextObject.setString("Hello World")

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Jun 1, 2010

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Flash :: Read Objective-c Code That Is Generated From Adobe?

Nov 10, 2010

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Iphone :: Haxe Convert Flash Content Into Objective C?

Dec 15, 2011

I went through many links like this,this and this, but not getting good direction to move with. I need to implement some flash content in my iPhone app. good tutorials to move on with the conversion process.

Suppose I am having a flash air iOS app and I need to convert the whole app in objective c for say adding some features like APNS then I have to do some needful. I want to convert the air iOS based app in objective c for same thing and hence need a tool like Haxe.

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Objective C :: Failing To Build Air IPhone App (with A IOS Native Extension) With Adt?

Feb 13, 2012

My issue is when I try to compile my .ipa using the adt tool (through Terminal) I get the following error:

ld: absolute addressing (perhaps -mdynamic-no-pic) used in -[MediaCaptureViewController showCamera] from /var/folders/NP/NPNiEhuUEwGiPRg0Bym7Sk+++TI/-Tmp-/97f7f1f9-6d5e-4486-9ba0- 147ff50f7157/libcom.luxson.mediacapture.a(MediaCaptureViewController.o) not allowed in slidable image. Use '-read_only_relocs suppress' to enable text relocs
Compilation failed while executing : ld64

The iOS native extension pops up an instance of the UIImagePickerController and it works apart from the following line of code, which causes the above adt error:

cam.mediaTypes = [NSArray arrayWithObject:(NSString *)kUTTypeMovie];

I have included the MobileCoreServices framework in my project and added the following to my header file:

#import <MobileCoreServices/MobileCoreServices.h>

I'm using Xcode 4.2.Project set to build with the following settings:

iOS Deployment Target: iOS 4.3
Enable Linking With Shared Libraties: No

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Media Server :: Downloading FMS Developer Edition

Jan 16, 2012

I'm having a problem trying to download FMS developer edition.Basically when I try to download I get a window where I have to update my address data, which I do so correcly. After that I see the following screen:After this I continue and then I get sent back to the previous screen with the message "a general error occurred please try again".

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Flash :: Compile An IPhone App With CS5 Without A Developer License?

May 10, 2010

I understand Flash CS5 isn't the best way to make an app, but I'd really like to test out the apps I've made with it on my iPhone. Has anyone come up with a way to modify Flash CS5 so it doesn't require a Developer Certificate or Provisioning Profile (like the way you would modify Xcode so you can compile apps without paying $99 for the developer program)?

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Feb 14, 2011

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Sep 21, 2011

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Flex :: Any Way To Tell Developer That Methods Throws Exception?

Mar 30, 2012

Like java, you can specify that method you are calling throws certain exception.
For e.g.- public void getListOfAssessments() throws SQLException;
So, is there any way we can achieve this in ActionScript (Flex)?

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