Objective C :: CLLocationManager Crashing App?

Jan 19, 2012

I'm working on a quite simple native extension for Adobe Air powered iOS app.I'm playing with CLLocationManager class and i ran into really strange problem.When i'm trying to initialize CLRegion object app crashes.

CLLocationCoordinate2D coords = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(0.0, 0.0);
CLRegion *region = [[CLRegion alloc] initCircularRegionWithCenter:coords radius:100.0 identifier:@"Region1"];`


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Feb 13, 2012

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ld: absolute addressing (perhaps -mdynamic-no-pic) used in -[MediaCaptureViewController showCamera] from /var/folders/NP/NPNiEhuUEwGiPRg0Bym7Sk+++TI/-Tmp-/97f7f1f9-6d5e-4486-9ba0- 147ff50f7157/libcom.luxson.mediacapture.a(MediaCaptureViewController.o) not allowed in slidable image. Use '-read_only_relocs suppress' to enable text relocs
Compilation failed while executing : ld64

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Error message: Adobe Flash Player 10.1 r52 has encountered a problem and needs to close.Then once I click the error report to read the reporting details it says: this error includes information regarding the condition of adobe flash player 10.1 r52 when the problem occurred; the operating system version and computer hardware in use; your digital product ID, which could be used to identify your license; and the internet protocol (IP) addresses of your computer.

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Encoding Flash From Wmv Crashing

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I was wondering if anyone else has been experiencing the same problem with flash that I have. For me Flash can't even stay open for 5 seconds without it completely crashing and having to restart.

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Professional :: Flash CS3 Keeps Crashing?

Feb 13, 2010

When I copy and paste an illlustrator file into Flash, it keeps quitting on me. I can't seem to get past the first step. Is there some kind of bug fix i can download. I have a big project to start and I have to get this figured out soon!!

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CS4 :: Flash Professional Keep Crashing

Feb 16, 2010

Flash CS4 keep crashing. Is there some kind of bug fix i can download.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Keep Crashing?

Nov 3, 2010

I'm building this whack-a-turkey game and every time the countdown clock reaches 00:00, if I try to do anything other than stop the timers, it makes Flash crash.I've commented my code below where it crashes and you can also check ou the app here.[code].....

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Flash :: Crashing But Won't Uninstall From My Mac

Nov 14, 2010

Flash is crashing when I try playing video in Safari, Firefox or Google Chrome.

Chrome says that I have two almost identical versions of flash installed.
I have downloaded the uninstaller - it completes and says it has uninstalled, but does absolutely nothing.

Installing new versions does nothing either, I have rebooted in between etc but nothing. I've even tried removing the browsers and reinstalling.

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Professional :: Flash Cs5 Crashing?

Feb 18, 2011

i have been using flash cs5 for like a week and almost everytime i try to save, make a movieclip, or test my file flash decides its going to crash so my work often is gone.. non existant after that.    The error message that pops up  is something about aflamingo.dll.

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Flash :: CS4 Crashing When Compiling?

Sep 5, 2011

Since I purchased flash CS4 (upgrading from flash 8), I have gradually shifted from writing code in AS2 to AS3. Now all of my projects are in AS3 except 1, it's an old legacy project written in such a way that conversion would be almost impossible. Earlier today I started to work on it and then tried to compile it causing flash to crash. After about an hour I realised that whenever I compile an AS2 project flash crashed. After trying to download patches, restarting countless times and searching the internet for similar bugs, I uninstalled and reinstalled flash. But to no avail, the bug persisted. So I decided to create an acount and post about the bug I encountered on this form, hoping that somone might know about it.

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Professional :: CS5.5 Crashing All The Time?

Feb 6, 2012

Flash CS5.5 has suddenly started crashing all the time. It's ridiculous.It's always about 2 seconds after:- Minimizing/Bringing forward another window.- Testing a movie- Opening/closing another fla in CS5.5This is with any fla file. It's incredibly frustrating.The window just tints white and I get a "____________ has stopped working", and my only choice is to close program.I am using Windows 7. am really shocked at how progressively unreliable EVERY Flash Pro has been since CS3, despite being an industry standard.It's been incredibly useful to me since I first started using it in 2004 (MX 2004 that is). However, considering all my other development software, it is clear that it is by far the most unreliable.It is unacceptable.

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IDE :: Flash CS3 Crashing All The Time?

Nov 3, 2009

I am a flash games developer, and I am currently working on a game that is truly massive.The main file size is over 250MB.It's been a work in progress for about 4 months of solid work.Due to the size of the file, I prefer to create things like characters and objects in another file. I then need to import it over, replacing old movieclips.

When copying and pasting now, it always crashes, or tells me that its run out of virtual memory.It appears to be impossible to get it all over, even bit by bit.I've saved and compacted, I've saved as, I've moved it onto another disk drive.All of the above seemed to help temporarily, but I'm now at a stage where nothing is working.I don't think the file is corrupted in anyway. I've had no problems with any other component of flash. Just the copying.I just don't understand what's so intensive about moving over an object of about 10-20 mb.My computer is quite high performance, 5.6ghz, 4gb of ram.

I've asked for help on so many forums now, and all i get is criticism at my file size. Well it can't be helped. It's a massive game.I've tried using a runtime shared library, but unfortunately it doesn't allow attachmovie to get it from the library. It seems the identifier is only being used to connect the 2 libraries when you set up a runtime shared library.attachmovie is very important to the code and it can't be done any other way.

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