Java :: Translating Ecmascript (javascript) Knowledge To Objective C?

Apr 24, 2010

Newcomer to Objective C and trying to translate concepts and sytax I know from ecmascript based languages to Objective C.Is it proper to think of the .h header file in ObjectiveC as an Interface in Actionscript?Lets take the following code example in Objective C which calls a method containing 2 arguments

[myTextObject setString: @"Hello World" color: kWhiteColor];

In Actionscript(or javascript) would this be the same as calling 2 accessor methods on 'myTextObject'?

myTextObject.setString("Hello World")

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with (object1, object2) {
attribute = value;

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var byteA:ByteArray =;

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Nov 9, 2010

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Jan 19, 2012

I'm working on a quite simple native extension for Adobe Air powered iOS app.I'm playing with CLLocationManager class and i ran into really strange problem.When i'm trying to initialize CLRegion object app crashes.

CLLocationCoordinate2D coords = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(0.0, 0.0);
CLRegion *region = [[CLRegion alloc] initCircularRegionWithCenter:coords radius:100.0 identifier:@"Region1"];`


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Mar 22, 2012

We have a project developed in Flex, which we have already successfully able to integrate with our Android app. The best part is Android let you embed adobe air app as part of another Android app so you can integrated seamlessly. We would like to do similar thing with iOS app but cant any way to sort of embed Air app in iOS Objective-C based app. We can launch one app from another but thats not what we want. We would like to show show flex app in half part of the screen of iOS obj C app. If anyone has managed to do such thing, are there any other tricks to achieve such thing? ( Flex app needs to load data do its own bits)

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Jan 15, 2010

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Iphone :: Actionscript Style Events In Objective-C?

Jul 7, 2010

I have an iPhone app with an UIApplicationDelegate conforming delegate called MyAppDelegate - it has a UIWindow.Instead of adding buttons, labels and whatnot directly to the window, I guess I'm supposed to make a child class of UIViewController for every screen I wanna make. When that screen should be displayed, I add the respective controller's view to the window as a subview. When another screen should be displayed, I should pop off any other view from the window and add the new view. Hope I got everything correct so far...

My intent is to make each view controller only know about its own things, so let's say I wanna call view A from view B, in ActionScript I'd add a button in A firing off an event which would be caught in view A's owning object (could be the application), which could take proper action (remove view A, instantiate view B and display it).How do I do this in Objective-C?

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Flash :: Read Objective-c Code That Is Generated From Adobe?

Nov 10, 2010

I make an iPhone app with Flash and it generates my app and a xml (that I don't understand if is it useful).My question is if I can read the objective-c code that Flash generates.

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Iphone :: Haxe Convert Flash Content Into Objective C?

Dec 15, 2011

I went through many links like this,this and this, but not getting good direction to move with. I need to implement some flash content in my iPhone app. good tutorials to move on with the conversion process.

Suppose I am having a flash air iOS app and I need to convert the whole app in objective c for say adding some features like APNS then I have to do some needful. I want to convert the air iOS based app in objective c for same thing and hence need a tool like Haxe.

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Objective C :: Failing To Build Air IPhone App (with A IOS Native Extension) With Adt?

Feb 13, 2012

My issue is when I try to compile my .ipa using the adt tool (through Terminal) I get the following error:

ld: absolute addressing (perhaps -mdynamic-no-pic) used in -[MediaCaptureViewController showCamera] from /var/folders/NP/NPNiEhuUEwGiPRg0Bym7Sk+++TI/-Tmp-/97f7f1f9-6d5e-4486-9ba0- 147ff50f7157/libcom.luxson.mediacapture.a(MediaCaptureViewController.o) not allowed in slidable image. Use '-read_only_relocs suppress' to enable text relocs
Compilation failed while executing : ld64

The iOS native extension pops up an instance of the UIImagePickerController and it works apart from the following line of code, which causes the above adt error:

cam.mediaTypes = [NSArray arrayWithObject:(NSString *)kUTTypeMovie];

I have included the MobileCoreServices framework in my project and added the following to my header file:

#import <MobileCoreServices/MobileCoreServices.h>

I'm using Xcode 4.2.Project set to build with the following settings:

iOS Deployment Target: iOS 4.3
Enable Linking With Shared Libraties: No

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Objective C :: What Language/API To Use For A Standalone Live-input Audio Visualizer App

Mar 24, 2010

I develop with Actionscript and was glad to see that AIR 2.0 was going to give access to mic input data. I planned to use this to create a visualizer set to the tempo of the incoming live audio. After doing a few days of google research it seems unlikely that it will be possible to analyze the data of the mic input in Flash/AIR. If anyone has ideas on how I can achieve this in AIR please let me know. (I'm open to workarounds.)Run on OSX Two windows - one that can go fullscreen while the other(controller GUI) stays put Able to access live mic input data I've done reading on FFT and understand what needs to be done on the sound side so no need to help with that.

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Mar 27, 2011

I'm starting to learn Objective C and I wonder if there is any similar function toactionscript trace to show messages in a console.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: CSS - Make An Application For The Iphone - What / How To Start Learning Objective-C

Mar 13, 2010

I know javascript, CSS, AJAX, and HTML/ XHTML. I was told to learn these in order to make an application for the iphone. Now what? What/how do I start learning objective-C?

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