AS3 :: Flash Change The Text On A Button
Jan 30, 2012
I have created my own button class called custom_btn.I created it on the timeline and have exported it for use in ActionScript.I can make an instance of my button, and add it to the screen fine.The button has a dynamic text field that I would like to change the text in. I have tried to give the text field a name on the time line and the access it when I make the button, but I get an error (I think this is because the name isn't being saved to the class).How do I change the text?[code]
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I am currently working on a website project that is mostly intended for Dyslexia disability users. I'm love flash but I can never get around the advance coding, therefore I have struggled to make any effective contribution to my work.
At the moment I am trying to change the text/font color using a button similarly to the Background color, but I really can't get my head around it.
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News.collegamento.Testo.htmlText="text here";
But Flash is giving me this error:
ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property
Testo not found on
flash.display.SimpleButton and there
is no default value. at
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Jan 27, 2011
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Is there a simple way to add this field to my custom button skin & its property so it can be addressed? If not, is there a simple way to take what I've done and just extend the Spark Button? I can't seem to find any examples that show how to do it without writing it all up in ActionScript.
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Feb 16, 2011
I need to change volume bar (dynamic text) with two btn? - and + if you press + (plus) on dynamic text must to add 1 and so on.
for ex:
text = i
on (release) {
text =i+1;
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Dec 21, 2009
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Feb 1, 2010
add a button to his website that when pressed will load new text into a field.
Currently, the text is loaded from a .txt file.
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ActionScript Code:
//Load external file to load text
Now, i'm not 100% sure how to go about this (been a few months since i last played with flash...) but basically i just want the text that to change from "about_content/about.txt" to "about_ content/abilities.txt" or "about_content/bio.txt" when a button is clicked...
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Nov 30, 2011
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Feb 15, 2003
I am trying to develop a flash site where people can choose from a list of "skins" and when they do, the site color changes. I have a button with the instance name "home". In the "Over" keyframe of this button I have a text box with the instance name of "overText". I can't change the text color
I have used the following code
// set the color
blue = 0x0000FF;
//set object and attibute
menuTextStyle = new TextFormat ();
menuTextStyle.color = blue;
//apply to the text field
_root.home.overText.setTextFormat (menuTextStyle);
I have also tried using _root.overText; home.overText at the start of the text field path but these have't worked either.
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Sep 1, 2008
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<game> GameName1
<description> description1 </description>[code].............
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Dec 31, 2011
I posted a question like this yesterday but I was not clear in the description....i have an app i'm making in flex and I'd like to have a button's text change to a random entry within an xml when the button is clicked....the xml is in the assets folder and is titled games.xml. I would like to have a random game name be selected from the XML when the button is pressed.[code]...
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May 22, 2011
I have a button with text and i want the color of the text to change when you click on the bottun on be that way. How can i do this? the textfeild inside the button have a instancename.
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Nov 10, 2008
I am streaming sound files for a customer with a simple button I created using text, using this stock behaviour code below. I would like the text in the button to change colour while the audio streams and return to its previous state when the audio is finished streaming. Is this possible? And if so, is there anyone who could offer up some sample code to to get me started?
on (release) {
Load Streaming mp3 behavior
if(_global.Behaviors == null)_global.Behaviors = {};[code].............
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Jan 29, 2010
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Sep 9, 2011
Ive made a button (Convert to symbol > Button)and set that up, then made a new layer for a dynamic text box and gave that the name btn_txt so my plan is to just have instances of that button and be able to change the text through actionscript2this is my code and i thought it would work but nothing happens
ive traced one of the text fields and it returns with undefined ive also tried using _level0. but that does nothing
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Feb 16, 2012
I've got a bunch of text boxes that I need to be able to change the text size of with the click of a button. All the text needs to be embedded so I tried to use a tlf text field and target it but to no avail. This is what i have.
ActionScript Code:
fifteen_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, changeSize);
function changeSize(evt:MouseEvent):void
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Dec 7, 2011
I wrote a code that's suppose to change the number in a dynamic text when I press a button,<br>What did I do wrong?
Object(root).pageNum.text = Object(root).currentNum;
Object(root).arrowLeft.addEventListener(MouseEvent .CLICK, arrowLeftClick);
function arrowLeftClick (e:MouseEvent):void{
now it's only showing me the number 1.
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Feb 24, 2012
I created an application that whenever I click the button, the text on the textfield will change, I tried to use dispatch Event in this..
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Jun 17, 2004
I *know* this is simple. I've read every thread on this board pertaining to this (including senocular's Best Of thread), done everything there and this still doesn't work and I can't see why.
I feel like an idiot even asking, because I've seen the examples and lengthy tutorials.
All I want to do, is change the color of a dynamic text field when you press a button. But I want the name of the field to be a variable.
Now, this is what's there:
1. the variable "_root.expinttype1" is equal to "branch" and is set elsewhere.
1a. There is an existing dynamic field called "branch" on screen.
2. On the button release I set the format:
Why? I set a dummy variable txt = _root.expinttype1; and even threw it into a text field to verify the data, and it shows "branch", so why doesn't this work?
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