I need to make a clock that starts at 10:00:00 (showing 10 hours, minutes, seconds).It needs to count up to 12:00:00 (in real time) and if it hits 12:00:00 then it starts over back at 10:00:00
I have to make this analog clock for a university assignment and despite some really good efforts last night and tonight I just can't work out how to get it fully working. There is both a digital and analog clock; the digital clock works fine, but the analog clock just starts from a random time whenever I play the test movie. I am supposed to use the date object, not the timer object. And I am also supposed to add a sound every minute - I have added the sound to the minutes layer and selected but I don't know where to go from there. I seem to be able to find lots of example code for the timer object but not the date.
this.addEventListener("enterFrame",clockHandler); false, 0, true; function clockHandler(e:Event) {[code].....
I'm building a customized clock at the moment. For seconds i'm using 12 movieclips with bars inside (fig1) For every second a bar lights up. I can get the number of "group" to pick and the number of "bar" to light up but i can't actually make them light up because I'm not sure how to actually select the group of bars according to the time.
My movieclips are called "group0", "group1" etc. and inside I made different states depending on how many bars light up (fig2) fig1 fig2 Here's my code:
var now:Date;var hour:Number;var min:Number;var sec:Number;var group_access:Number;var specificbar:Number; addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, settime);
I was thinking the other week - wouldn't it be great to have a flash clock that not only tells a classy analogue time but also, like a church clock, gives out bell noises when the hour is reached, an also chimes the number of hours the time corresponds too. So at 1pm/am it will chime once, and at midnight you get 12 chimes and so on, I'm sure you get my meaning. I'm not great when it comes to working with sound, infact I've never added much more than a custom click noise on a button. How to go about this? I've attached a nice church bell noise for y'all just incase.
I'm trying to make a volume button for my site and it looks something like this:
- ||||| +
i want the volume bar to start filled and when the user hits the minus button it lowers the volume and when it hit plus it takes the volume up well when I go down and up the volume bars start to get crazy...it just works when I go down the whole way and after it goes up the whole way, when I change direction on the midle of the path it jumps some bars...
Code: volDown.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, menosVol); volUp.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, maisVol); var cliques:uint = 0 if (cliques == 7){
can you tell me if it is possible to detect if an object is rotating anti clockwise or not? at present i get x,y co-ords and use the code below to rotate it which is fine. now i could write an if statement to check if rotation is negative or positive but because rotation can be negative and positive when rotating clockwise and anti clockwise this wouldnt work.
at present i get x,y co-ords and use the code below to rotate it which is fine. now i could write an if statement to check if rotation is negative or positive but because rotation can be negative and positive when rotating clockwise and anti clockwise this wouldnt work.
I've found a simple count up script over on Actionscript.org
var count:Number = 0; var maxNum:Number = 1250; var num:Number = 1; this.createTextField("txt", this.getNextHighestDepth(), 0, 0, 100, 50);
This works great for my use, but now I am trying to figure out how to make it count down. I've tried changing everything to opposites like count=1250 and maxNum=0 (I think this would be the minNum instead), count+=num to count-=num, and count>=maxNum to count<=maxNum.
Timing Format in Flex "24-hour clock" and "12-hour clock"if "24-hour clock" Button is selected, the control should convert times to 24 hour clock time. For example, if 3:45 p.m. is entered, it should be converted to 15:45.if "12-hour clock" Button is selected, the control should convert times to 12 hour clock time. For example, if 15:45 p.m. is entered, it should be converted to
For an upcoming project the client wants an animated "Sun Clock" that shows the areas of the world map that are currently day/night. The Sun Clock changes continuously throughout the day to match the movement of the sun. I've attached an image of a Sun Clock as reference.
I'm really not sure where to start with this. I've found an example of a functional Sun Clock using Yahoo Widgets, but that's a bit different because I need to embed the Sun Clock on a web page.
I am trying to create a dice that doubles up as a 60 second timer that counts from 60 to 0. I have managed to create the timer with some actionscript and a single frame swf, one layer for the AS 3 and one for the dynamic text box. I have also create a die from four 60*60 squares that animates 90 degree's so it looks as if it is rolling.
My issue is, how do I bring these together? As the clock/timer is dynamic textbox it can't be animated around 3D space, so it needs to be converted into a movie clip (to the best of my knowledge). when I do this, the actionscript no longer works as it's no longer having to update the text attribute of a textfield, but the contents of a movieclip.Next, I tried to import the timer.swf (clock) and dice.swf with the Loader class and loaded each of them into a movieclip, then layered them. This ALMOST works, however unlike the text in timer.swf, the text in this instance is not refreshed and simply writes the updated value over the previous value.Here is what I've ended up with:
I'm re-building my web site and I will like to add a Fliping clock, a few days a go i found this images that would help me to the create the clcok. How can I create (or found) this fliping clock.
URL...Everything in the clock is working expect for the hour hand. The hour hand stays on 12 all the time.I have used the entire code as it is.. changed nothing in it. The clock is working fine on the example page.
i have an circle shape, and what i would like to achieve is that it gets masked and thenon enter frame it zhould get unmasked like a clock, so you get to see from 0 to 1, then from 0 to 2, 0 to 3, etc, i know it has to be done with radiants etc but math isnt really my cup of tea.
I want to create a clock that goes backwards really quickly. Something that would be used to represent going back in time. I found a clock that uses the following AS...
I worked out that adding a minus to all '360' elements would run the clock backwards but I can't work out how to run the clock really fast....Can anyone shed a bit of light?
I'm trying to make a clock that goes to a frame with a set amount of bars across the screen at 8 am. Then every 15 minutes it goes to another frame where one bar is gone and a certain action happens. It's just a joke clock to countdown the workday. But after it switches over the clock stops telling time. I have a dynamic text named Clock_text I tried putting this actionscript in the first frame:
ActionScript Code: time=new Date(); // time object var seconds = time.getSeconds()[code]....
and so on for the corresponding frames going to the 5 o clock celebration page. After it switches over to frame 3 the clock stops working.
I have a clock image that has a space for the day (eg: M, Tu, etc)a space for the month (spelled out) and a space for the date. It refers to a page I'm working on in Flash CS4. I'd like it to show the correct date in a specific type style. How do I program that?
I want to create an analogical clock but i have a problem. I've created a new MovieClip that is a square. This square i want to use to represent the seconds in a minute and minutes in a hour.[code]...
Ive followed the countdown tutorial found here but I have to make the clock follow the server clock instead of the user�s computer clock. How to do it?
I've been surfing around trying to find a tutorial or an open source file, on how to make an analogue clock tick backwards to a defined date/time. Maybe even with a shorter day 'hand'.
There's some really good digital looking ones out there, but me being the difficult person I am, it has to be analogue.