ActionScript 1/2 :: Movieclip Not Displaying In Html?
Jul 8, 2010
I have a flash file that works fine in CS3, but once its exported one of the movieclips is not displaying in html.Detail on the movieclip:It uses 'attachMovieclip' method to load multiple instances of the same movieclip symbol from library. The first instance is put inside the container, the rest is hidden by a _x offset value
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<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0" width="740" height="450" id="tech" align="middle">
<param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" />
I can see it on my computer in internet explorer just fine (I must have installed something that is needed, or set up IE in some way, I guess).. but its not working on quite a few other computers I've tested it on - this is what they see:
Either a message of something that needs to be installed should be shown to the user, or something in the code itself..
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HTML Code:
<a href="#">A Link</a>
into mytextfield.text, an html-esque link would actually show up in the .swf. Of course now I can't find it anywhere.
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Nov 18, 2010
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Sep 9, 2009
I have a window on my Flash stage that has some scrollable copy in it. The problem is, I can't seem to have any formatting for the text ... if I select a word or two to make bold, it all turns bold. I gather I need to use the "Display Text as HTML" checkbox and then paste in some HTML formatted text but this doesn't seem to work. I searched this forum and found that others were designating "htmlText" in Actionscript instead of just "text" ... that didn't work either. I probably just did it wrong, or maybe it's becuase I'm using the UI component "UIscrollBar" for it's scrolling of the text.
Is there anything else I need to do to be able to format some text with strong tags and maybe some href links?
I have my properties inspector with the following check marks:
Display as HTML
Dynamic Text
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mainAns.htmlText = '<TEXTFORMAT LEADING="2"><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT FACE="Verdana" SIZE="10" COLOR="#0B333C" LETTERSPACING="0" KERNING="0">The differen <B>is</B></FONT></P></TEXTFORMAT>';
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feedback.htmlText = "<img src='Logo_small.png'</img>"
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<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<title>Untitled Document</title>
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Mar 25, 2009
i'm working on a game project and i got some trouble with displaying stuff in the game Launcher. everything is in AS3. I'm actually looking to achieve almost the same results as the World of Warcraft launcher with a news section. the way i think to work it is that i create either a textArea component or a textfield and display html page in it. This html page could contain text, image and flash SWF.
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Oct 25, 2010
I'm having a problem with a Class (extends MovieClip) that is a member variable of another Class (also extends MovieClip). When I add the child Class to the parent Class, it doesn't display when the parent is added to stage's display list. It will display if added to the stage itself, but that negates it being a member variable in the first place. I need that for what I'm doing, as having it all encapsulated is important. Is there something I'm doing wrong in initialization that could be causing it to not display? I'm using CS4 Pro with Flash 10, by the by.
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Jun 8, 2009
loading my images (from an xml) and text, to a movieclip instance.i completed the parsing but i can't load it in my mc instances.
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Jan 11, 2010
I'm trying to add a tooltip of sorts to a mc. the mc has the buttonMode set to true and when I rollover it I want it to display another movie clip as a tooltip. I've worked out how to do this with startDrag. The problem is that unless i remove the event listener for rollover the mouse flickers and won't work properly. I fixed this by removing the event listener in the same function, which works great. The problem is that I have to add and event listener for rollout, but the flickering starts again when its added.
Here's the code I have so far:
clapperHit_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, videoCursor);
clapperHit_mc.buttonMode = true;
function videoCursor(event:MouseEvent):void {
videoCursor_mc.visible = true;
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Oct 27, 2010
how to set a text in a TextInput which is placed inside Movieclip. when ever i set a text its not display on it.I have a MoveClip which contain a TextInput Component. this TextInput have name "letter". when the Application runs it dynamical add the MovieClip like
[AS2] Code
after adding the movieClip i tried to set a Text
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Aug 28, 2011
I have a movieclip on the stage with 3 frames. Each frame has a stop(); in the actions layer. I have double (and triple and quadruple) checked the label names.There is a button to toggle between the three frames of the movie clip. A Frame 1 button, a Frame 2 button, and a Frame 3 button. The movie clip (there are lots of them) is then spawned with a mouse click. The movie clips are already declared at the beginng. They are not unlimited so I can just have a for loop go through all of them and change the frame number even before they are spawned and added to the display list.Frame 2 and Frame 3 work just fine. But the button to go to Frame 1 will display Frame 1 on all of the pieces that are already on the stage, but on all new pieces that will be spawned, it just displays whatever other button was pressed last. For instance if I have a movie clip on the stage that's displaying Frame 2 and I hit the buttom for Frame 1, the movie clip will switch to Frame 1. But if I spawn a new movie clip, it will display Frame 2. If I then click back on the Frame 2 button and then again to Frame 1, the movie clip will correct itself.
I can't find where on earth in the code it's going wrong. I've tried using traces but I can't find any problems or inconsistencies. Everywhere I put a trace to tell me what frame the object is at, it traces correctly. I'll click on Frame 1 button, then click on the stage, and it will trace to the output menu that the current spawned movie clip is on Frame 1 when it's very clearly displaying Frame 2.[code]
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Oct 28, 2010
Dear Friends. Please tell me how to set a text in a TextInput which is placed inside Movieclip. when ever i set a text its not display on it. I have a MoveClip which contain a TextInput Component. this TextInput have name "letter". when the Application runs it dynamical add the MovieClip like [AS2] Code this.timeline.attachMovie("Key_MC2","key"+1,1); after adding the movieClip i tried to set a Text [AS2] Code this.timeline["key"+1].letter.text = "Some Text"; So nothing is displayed on TextInput.
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Feb 9, 2012
This issue is my constant pain, and has set my project back some time. I'm creating a message system for my game, it's supposed to record events that happened during travel, 3 vars per message (topic, in game date, content)All the vars are in an external as file and a public class. The problem is they return blank in the mc's textfields while displaying correctly on the main timeline textfields at the same time. This is the code sitting inside the mc that doesn't work.
import Variables;
var variables:Variables = new Variables();
function setMsgSlot (e:Event) {[code]....
on the main timeline, even in the same frame, works perfectly, and i can't figure out why.
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Oct 28, 2011
I'm having an issue with the PDF displaying outside the viewable area of the mx:HTML control in Flex. When the application starts up - the mx:HTML is set to a certain size, but can be enlarged if the application is maximized. These are the following conditions to replicate it: Issue only happens in Windows (Windows 7, not on Mac) Issue only happens with Reader X installed (not with previous versions) Issue only happens when running the built app, does not happen in debug / development mode from FlashBuilder
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Dec 24, 2009
I am using bulkLoader to load dozens of SWFs into my Flex app, and all of SWFs are static (1 frame only). 'Everything' works fine, however, I'm not sure how to handle data from bulkLoader... I am getting MovieClip types for all of my SWFs, and I am not sure how to tell to Image or SWFLoader classes to use some of those MovieClips as source.
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Oct 8, 2011
DISCLAIMER I've just started to learn flash to fulfill a class assigment. This problem probably has a very easy answer, but I can't find it and now I'm getting close to my deadline.
PROLOGUE The title describes what actions I'm trying to put in a button. I'm making a quiz. Each keyframe has a pic and 4 buttons. The correct answer should show a green V onscreen; the wrong answer should show a red X. After one second, it jumps to a new question in a new keyframe. I've made the X and V as both 12-frame movieclips and 1-frame graphics on the library, but can't seem to make them show up correctly.
1st issue: showing the movie clip/graphic. The movieclip/graphic should appear in the center of the stage *after* you press the button. Currently, the clip is there from the start; can't find a way to make it start invisible, then visible when I click the button. 2nd issue: waiting 1 second before going to next frame.I've tried using setInterval, but failed. Maybe the best way is to use a command that waits for the movieclip to play before making the jump?
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Jul 13, 2010
I am trying to write a class file for loading a movieclip but it is not working. I am not even getting any error message.
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Apr 23, 2010
The HTML content below the flash content not displaying in IE8 browser. Here is the code:
<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,24" width="100%" height="100%">
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Aug 4, 2011
I am designing a web application in Flex 4 and currently facing an issue rendering advanced HTML tags and entities in Flex 4. All I want to do is basically render an HTML text coming to me something like the one given below:-
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