ActionScript 3.0 :: MovieClip.currentFrame Traces To A Different Frame Than It's Displaying

Aug 28, 2011

I have a movieclip on the stage with 3 frames. Each frame has a stop(); in the actions layer. I have double (and triple and quadruple) checked the label names.There is a button to toggle between the three frames of the movie clip. A Frame 1 button, a Frame 2 button, and a Frame 3 button. The movie clip (there are lots of them) is then spawned with a mouse click. The movie clips are already declared at the beginng. They are not unlimited so I can just have a for loop go through all of them and change the frame number even before they are spawned and added to the display list.Frame 2 and Frame 3 work just fine. But the button to go to Frame 1 will display Frame 1 on all of the pieces that are already on the stage, but on all new pieces that will be spawned, it just displays whatever other button was pressed last. For instance if I have a movie clip on the stage that's displaying Frame 2 and I hit the buttom for Frame 1, the movie clip will switch to Frame 1. But if I spawn a new movie clip, it will display Frame 2. If I then click back on the Frame 2 button and then again to Frame 1, the movie clip will correct itself.

I can't find where on earth in the code it's going wrong. I've tried using traces but I can't find any problems or inconsistencies. Everywhere I put a trace to tell me what frame the object is at, it traces correctly. I'll click on Frame 1 button, then click on the stage, and it will trace to the output menu that the current spawned movie clip is on Frame 1 when it's very clearly displaying Frame 2.[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Always Skips The First Two CurrentFrame If Conditionals And Runs The Last CurrentFrame If Conditional

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IDE :: TWEEN From Currentframe To Another Frame?

Feb 26, 2010

I have a movieclip that contains a sequence of jpgs one per frame.When the user clicks a button I would like to use the tween class to move the clip on its x and y axes to a target position but also move the clip's frame from its currentframe to another on its timeline.

var myTween=new Tween(MOV,"x",Strong.easeOut,MOV.x,nx,3,true); //works
var myTween2=new Tween(MOV,"currentFrame",Strong.easeOut,0,260,3,tr ue); //doesn't work

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ActionScript 2.0 :: On(release): Displaying A Movieclip -> Waiting -> Jumping To Frame

Oct 8, 2011

DISCLAIMER I've just started to learn flash to fulfill a class assigment. This problem probably has a very easy answer, but I can't find it and now I'm getting close to my deadline.

PROLOGUE The title describes what actions I'm trying to put in a button. I'm making a quiz. Each keyframe has a pic and 4 buttons. The correct answer should show a green V onscreen; the wrong answer should show a red X. After one second, it jumps to a new question in a new keyframe. I've made the X and V as both 12-frame movieclips and 1-frame graphics on the library, but can't seem to make them show up correctly.

1st issue: showing the movie clip/graphic. The movieclip/graphic should appear in the center of the stage *after* you press the button. Currently, the clip is there from the start; can't find a way to make it start invisible, then visible when I click the button. 2nd issue: waiting 1 second before going to next frame.I've tried using setInterval, but failed. Maybe the best way is to use a command that waits for the movieclip to play before making the jump?


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ActionScript 3.0 :: If Current Frame == 1 Dosomething ... Else (currentFrame ==2) Do Something Else Not Working?

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Im having a little bit of trouble trying to make a button give me different results based on what frame the main timeline is on. I am trying to get a button to go to a different link based on what frame the main timeline is on.� If I am on frame 5 It will trace back "4" .. that is fine but other frames trace back the frame number and also 4.
frame 2 click of button traces back 1 and 4
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ActionScript 2.0 :: CurrentFrame From A Separate Movieclip?

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I am building a gallery that displays images. There is a gallery movie that controls which image is displayed. It is on level 2.

The images are on loaded in movieclips onto level 3. What I am trying to do is create back and forward buttons that load with the images.

What I'm trying to do is get the button that loads with the images (on level 3) to send a command to the movie clip on level 2 top move forward twelve frames.

I've tried using currentFrame to get the clip to move forward, but it I can't get it to work properly. Here's what I have (this is all AS2 in CS4):

(this is on the button on level 3)

on(release) {
_level2.clip.gotoAndPlay(currentFrame + 12);

What seems to be happening is the currentFrame is being defined as the frame on level3 that the button is on. Flash takes that frame number, adds 12 to it and then moves the clip on level 2 forward that many frames. So if my button on level3 is on frame 2, the clip on level2 gets moved 14 frames.

What I need to happen is for the currentFrame to refer to the current frame on level2, not the current frame on level3.

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IDE :: Acquire The CurrentFrame Of A Movieclip Symbol Placed On The Main Timeline?

Aug 19, 2009

Does anyone know a good way to acquire the currentFrame of a movieclip symbol placed on the main timeline? currently there is only 1 frame, but the movieclip has 50.

If i trace currentFrame, i only get 1. and tracing the child name doesnt work either.

I got it to work earlier but it crashed before i got to save and now i cant figure it out. Was something to do with making another movieclip symbol.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Main Timeline Cotrolled By Movieclip CurrentFrame?

Oct 29, 2009

I know that the functionality of the addChildToStage and deleteChildFromStage functions works fine because I have tested it here: [URL] the nav adds a new instance of "player" to the stage and the big red button deletes "player".

I want to start the movie with a mc_CopyBlank on stage and then have the nav issue play(); command to the movie clip held in "player" then have the current frame of that clip trigger the addChildToStage and DeleteChildFromStage functions that I've written here. The .fla is hosted here: [URL]why this doesn't work. Feel free to keep the .fla as it's basically a barebones four page site. (if it ever works)

mc_nav1.buttonMode = true;
mc_nav2.buttonMode = true;
mc_nav3.buttonMode = true;


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Actionscript :: Matching Traces Don't Actually Match

Sep 28, 2011

i'm itterating thru an array of text field objects and tracing the selected focus field when pressing tab, as well as each object.i'm trying to equate these object, but while they trace the exact same they are not.

m_InputFieldsArray = new Array(m_TitleTextInput, m_CommentsTextArea, m_EmailTextInput);
for (var i:Number = 0; i < m_InputFieldsArray.length; i++)
trace("Get Focus: " + Selection.getFocus());


the first group traces the same, but apparently they do not match. Selection.getFocus() returns a string, while the array index is tracing the text field object. if i add toString() to the text field object it will trace as [Object object] how can i accomplish a match?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Traces Wrong Name?

Feb 7, 2009

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function LoadXML(e:Event):void {
xmlData = new XML(;


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Dec 20, 2010


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Flash Builder Traces Out When SWF Loaded / Unloaded

Aug 25, 2010

Flash builder traces out when swfs are loaded and unloaded eg:
[SWF] C:xampphtdocscar_explorerfontsArial.swf - 174,937 bytes after decompression
[Unload SWF] C:xampphtdocscar_explorerassetsspinEXTERIORBASE_12.swf
How to disable these types of traces?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Traces Not Working In Specific Class

Jul 24, 2010

I have a strange issue in an AS3 project I'm building. For some reason I am not receiving any traces from a specific class in my project. I can get traces from any other class though. I have a that loads several classes, one of which is

ActionScript Code:
Tipper: News Scroller
package org.FlepStudio.Tipper{
import flash.display.*;
import flash.geom.*;
[Code] .....

Any reasons why I might not be getting traces? I'd also like to note that I have a container that has several control components as children. I pass the container to the iphoneScroller for scrolling and it works fine...until I click a numericstepper and the iphonescroller breaks. However, other controls like InputTextfields don't break the scoller. These issues are why I've been trying to do traces in the first place.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: For-in-loop - Traces All Keys Within The Object?

Mar 31, 2011

I'm experiencing a strange behaviour in a for-in loop, has someone ever seen this before? >> I have an Object-variable _files, which contains 3 seperate class instances of the wsaxSingleFileUploader class (which, as you can imagine, is a class to upload files ) My code for removing these instances:


So, in the first line of code, it traces all keys within the object. Then in a similar loop, it triggers all the remove() functions of the instances, and then sets the instance to null. Strangely, as you can see in bold in the trace-results below, it tries pdf_hl twice? Does anybody have any clue why that is? The problem occurs in FireFox with Firebug/Flashbug and the Flash 10.2 debugger plugin.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Tracing Arrays - Only Traces The Latest One

Jun 20, 2009

I have two arrays arrscore and arrname i push the percentage to arrscore when the person has finished the quiz and the name to arrname. when the quiz is done once and i trace both of the arrays it's fine but when the quiz is done twice instead of giving all the results in the arrays it only traces the latest one.

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Aug 10, 2010

m working on an Adobe Flex application that loads lots of Flex Modules and other Flash sub-applications and Flash resources. Each time one successfully loads the flashlog.txt and Flex Console show a trace like "[SWF] filename.swf - [filesize] bytes after decompression". Specifically:[SWF] Main.swf - 1,361,299 bytes after decompression [SWF] core/Core.swf - 516,390 bytes after decompression

I don't want to disable traces because I am debugging, but these traces are rather noisy. How can I suppress only the [SWF] loaded traces?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Mouse Of One Clip Onto The Next It Fails The Hittest And Traces?

Jul 16, 2007

I am attempting to build a xml driven drop down menu where everything is taken from xml. now the problem arises with submenues. I have them being created fine, but it's the mouse out that won't work. I want to use a hittest to check if my mouse is over any of the submenues and if not just to trace something so I know it's working.

The problem is when i mouse of one clip onto the next it fails the hittest and traces. There isn't a space between the two MC's so I dunno what would be causing this. I have read sen's guide but I'm not pulling things from the library. Everything is being created at run time so I can't use the attach movie, so I am just positioning them below each other.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Traces In The .as Files Don't Show Up In Output Window

Apr 28, 2010

I have an application which uses multiple packages of AS3 code and a main .fla file. Whenever I publish the main fla, my traces in the .as files don't show up in my output window. Any reason for this? an example would be:


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Movieclip Not Displaying In Html?

Jul 8, 2010

I have a flash file that works fine in CS3, but once its exported one of the movieclips is not displaying in html.Detail on the movieclip:It uses 'attachMovieclip' method to load multiple instances of the same movieclip symbol from library. The first instance is put inside the container, the rest is hidden by a _x offset value

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Child MovieClip Not Displaying

Oct 25, 2010

I'm having a problem with a Class (extends MovieClip) that is a member variable of another Class (also extends MovieClip). When I add the child Class to the parent Class, it doesn't display when the parent is added to stage's display list. It will display if added to the stage itself, but that negates it being a member variable in the first place. I need that for what I'm doing, as having it all encapsulated is important. Is there something I'm doing wrong in initialization that could be causing it to not display? I'm using CS4 Pro with Flash 10, by the by.

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