ActionScript 1/2 :: XML Text Into Button Instance?
Jun 30, 2009
I have created seven buttons in flash called "button1" through "button7" within each button is a text box. Is there a way to load XML text into each text box within the button instance?
How can I change the text of a button instance without affect the other button text? I belive an AS aproach would solve it but I don't know how to do it.
I am trying to learn Flash and as soon as I think I am in good shape, comes along this "curve ball". Take a look at the .FLA from this site ([URL]) How in the world do the alpha buttons get their captions? I understand the numeric ones, but alphas completely baffle me as there is no code (that I can find) that sets them. I have deleted all of the Actions, I have deleted virtually everything there is, and I still can't figure out how does the button instance appear as the caption in the text box.
My library has an instance of a button symbol which brings up a popup with more information when clicked. All i want to do is change the display text of the button instance. From what i've read i thought i could just double click the instance and modify in the properties but there is nowhere in the properties to change the text.
I have a website i designed which contains buttons that navigate the user to different points on the timeline using frame labels. when they get to the appropriate frame label, they are presented with a movieclip containing two layers. The bottom layer is a map, and the upper layer is a collection of printer buttons that have a tooltip component on them that show you detailed printer info on mouse over and takes you to the printer remote ui on release. each button has a unique queue name for the appropriate printer as its instance name (ex. itm100_btn). Here's the jist... I want to be able to place a dynamic text box near the printer button and using action script have it display the printer queue name automatically simply based on the button its targeting, or even placing the dynamic txt box inside the printer button mc. See, on some pages, there are like 24 printers... I DREAD having to put all these names in manually as there are like 150 printers total
Ive made a button (Convert to symbol > Button)and set that up, then made a new layer for a dynamic text box and gave that the name btn_txt so my plan is to just have instances of that button and be able to change the text through actionscript2this is my code and i thought it would work but nothing happens
ive traced one of the text fields and it returns with undefined ive also tried using _level0. but that does nothing
I have a problem with a button.It has 4 keyframe and a text field with the same instance name "myText".I use this button in a MC, and its instance name is "myBtn".I'm trying to change myText with actionscript in the MC without any results.Debugging it I find a text field insiede this button named "instance6", so i think there is some problem with instance name.
I trying with: trace(myBtn.myText); and it says "undefined"!
How can i correctly give instance name to this text field?Is there any way to find out the name of the instance of an object (the text field) knowing the instance name of its parent (the button)?
I placed a movie clip instance inside a button, and I want this movie clip to play when the button is released. I'm using this code on the frame containing the button:
function playMovie(event:MouseEvent) { this.theButton.theMC.gotoAndPlay(3);
Does anyone know if it is possinle to scroll a graphic or a movie instance as well as a text instance in flash. I want to scroll text and images as well. Actually text with imges embedded in it.
Alright so lets say I have a number of movieclips or text fields or something with instance names test1, test2, test3 and so forth. Now say I want to fill these text fields with text that I have in an array and I want to do this with a loop, how do I do this? What I'm really asking is if there is a way to use a variable in an instance name if you catch my drift.
There's a movieclip, lets call it myMovieClip. Inside this movieclip there is a dynamic text box, lets call this one myText. Now to change the text within this text box that is embedded in a movieclip, it's simply:
However, what if there is a variable, called myVariable that stores the instance name of the text box. With only one text box I know it's pointless, but for the sake of example, lets leave it simple. So, suddenly the code looks like:
Does creating a new instance of an Object that uses an identical name to an older instance, delete the previous instance? Or should the original instance be deleted first? The code uses a ridiculous amount of XML vars. Isn't it less memory intensive to parse the XML and save the properties to an Object, and then delete the XML Object, rather than keep the XML Object around and reference it's child nodes directly? Is it better form to break up a huge XML file (>600lines/3200vars) into smaller chunks?
I created a dynamic text box and gave it the instance name "body" however i loaded the text from an external source using one of my classes. how do i reference the dynamic text box on the stage from my class???
I want the following to happen: when I press my button, it should get the instance name of the button. I have the following code:
within the instance/flash actions window on(release) { PressButton(); }
I keep getting "undefined" as my answer. Furthermore, if I put trace(this._name) I get nothing (as in I get black on the output window). However, if I put in a string within the trace (such as 'Hello'), it works. So, assume everything works but the whole NamesButton._names part.
I have 4 instances of the same button on a single layer in a timeline of the mc 'coverflow_mc' named 'ThatsMe_btn_a' to 'ThatsMe_btn_d' ie same button, same position.. it just changes instance name on 4 keyframes. Why does it call the function fine for button a but not for b,c, or d? There is a stop on each of these frames and I can see from the swf that it is stopping at the correct frames.
function thatsMe() { right = new Sound(); right.attachSound("right");
In my timeline I have a button, with an instance name of view_only_button. On my actions layer, I have code that is attempting to add a listener for a MOUSE_DOWN event. The frame that has the button is the same as where the actionscript is going, but of course it is two different layers. When I try accessing the variable by the code below, I get the error:
Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
ActionScript Code: view_only_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, viewOnlyDownHandler); function viewOnlyDownHandler(event:MouseEvent):void{ //Code to execute inside of the event call }
When commenting the addEventListener line out, the error goes away. I am unsure why this would issue an error
I'm using a loop to generate and position a bunch of movieclips on my stage and another to add mouse eventlisteners to them, turning them into buttons.
All this works fine however when i attempt to trace the instance name of the button pressed, output is firing "instance40" or "instance41" etc.
how do i get the correct instance name? I'm attempting to get at the value of the textfield held within the movieclip i.e. trace(; however this is resulting in errors.
Is there a standard procedure for generating buttons in a loop? I'm not understanding why my buttons aren't tracing the correct instance names or why i can't access the movieclips contents, specifically the value of the dynamic text field?
Code's below, if anyone wants to see the whole code, or FLA, give me a shout.
ActionScript Code: var eggs:Array = []; for(var i:uint = 0; i < 24; i++){
I am trying to sort out someone else's project and am not used to AS2. There are nine people in a folder called peeps. I want to load a swf into a modal on the page based on the instance name of the button clicked on. How do I get the instance name? I put ? around where the selector should go, not sure what should be there.
I'm trying to give a button an instance name. The button is situated in the library, and i suppose that's why I cannot give it an instance name (which is really necessary.)It 's in actionscript 2.
I have about 10 buttons on the page. When you click one of the buttons, there is a popup (which is closeable). The user is meant to click all buttons (and open all of the popups) before they can move on (before the next_btn becomes visible). So far I just have a counter type of code in place (when you click a button one gets added to the counter), but you could just click on the same button 10 times and the next_btn will become visible. I cant figure out how to specialise the counter. I want the user to click ALL of the different buttons before they can click the next button and move on..
I created a button on the stage and made it a movie clip and called it's instance name "play_btn" then i made a document class "" and a second class "play". How is to access the instance name in the play file like this...
public class login_page extends MovieClip { public function login_page() { play_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onPlayDown); } public function onPlayDown(evt:MouseEvent):void { trace("Test"); }}
And then I want to call the function in the but the general problem is that I want to access the instance name "play_btn" in the "" file. I tried to link it to the class but i get this error: 1120: Access of undefined property play_btn.
I have a button which appears on multiple frames. I want to define an action on the button rather than each instance. Is there any way that I can do this in CS5?
I've created a button in Flash, and inside that I have a TextField and a MovieClip, both with instance names set. They cover all 4 frames of the button, with no keyframes.I found I couldn't access the objects using the instance names I'd set, so I used this piece of code to see what's going on:
var obj:DisplayObject = this.m_graphics.btnChange.upState; for ( var i:int = 0; i < obj.numChildren; i++ ) {
I have 2 instances of a button wich is red and has a white label I have to edit the buttons so one button is red, and the other is green I was doing this, but when applied Also the title of label goes green instead of being white...