ActionScript 1/2 :: Append Onto A Xml Object Dynamically Inserting

Jun 29, 2009

I am trying to append onto a xml object dynamically. The format of the XML is as follows


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at Forms::LessonPlan/addLesson_clickHandler()

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var obj:Object = new Object();
var temp:Object = new Object();
obj.activityid = arrayNames.selectedItem.activityid;


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var objectA:ObjectA = new ObjectA();
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for (var i:Number = 0; i < xmlData.object_count; i++){
//create movie clips
var boxContainer_mc:boxContainer = new boxContainer();


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ActionScript Code:
var prefs:XML = new XML();
prefs.ignoreComments = false;


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//two options for
var spa_my_videos:XMLList;
var eng_my_videos:XMLList;


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Mar 29, 2011

I am using this method to fix the Active Content issue,[URL]but now I have come across a situation when I have to append the end of the .swf. EG: Active content fix script. It does not use the extension .swf

<script type="text/javascript" >
'codebase', ',0,0,0',
'width', '764',


I need to add .swf?<%response.write qs%>" to the images/footer_graphic_1_about, because I am passing a variable through the .swf.

Eg: images/footer_graphic_1_about.swf?intro=no

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var newFileBytes:ByteArray=new ByteArray();

Works only partially, file is playable; first part fully and second - only some notes (then player hangs out)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Using Manual JS Active Content Fix, But Append The *.swf?

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I am using this method to fix the Active Content issue,[URL].. but now I have come across a situation when I have to append the end of the .swf. EG: Active content fix script. It does not use the extension .swf

<script type="text/javascript" >
'codebase', ',0,0,0',
'width', '764',
'height', '141',


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Append XMLList And Element Function

Apr 8, 2009

I have an XMLList:
var contentList:XMLList = loadedXML.someNode.elements(nodeFromNavElement);

Where "nodeFromNavElement" is a var being passed from a movie clip the user clicks on. That all works fine. The user is now in a particular section of the Flash app, and the content being pulled from the XML corresponds to the section. If the user clicks another movie clip (or navigation element, the content needs to update.

I need to get another node within the current node, like this:
var contentList:XMLList = loadedXML.someNode.elements(nodeFromNavElement).elements(nextNodeFromNavElement);

But I'm trying to append to the XMLList... something like:
var contentList:XMLList = loadedXML.someNode.elements(nodeFromNavElement) + .elements(nextNodeFromNavElement);
Which obviously doesn't (and shouldn't) work.

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Dec 11, 2009

I am a newbie in flash and action script. I have a AS2 code which fetches the images and their URLs from a XML file and shows all of those images.I need to append my own images in those images however from the script itself therefore from Flash. I don't want to add that image in the XML.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Append To A Function?

Mar 8, 2011

What I'm trying to do is have a website where there are menu buttons on the sides and when you Mouse Over any of the buttons, the picture in the middle changes. Ideally I'd like to set it up so that the image in the center stays until the next button is touched and then it is removed and replaced with another button. Now I could manage this inside the timeline, but it would take a very long time so I'm trying to figure out how to do this with AS3.This first bit of code I used was as follows:



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Flash - Append Flow To Existing Textarea Component?

May 16, 2011

I'm looking to simply append the following text to an existing spark.components.TextArea's text flow:
<b>something</b>: hello world

I have attempted to do this using the following code, but nothing happens:
"<b>something</b>: hello world",

How can I accomplish this? I know in the old mx.controls.TextArea component, I could simply do:
this.textarea.htmlText += "<b>something</b>: hello world";
How can I do this with the new TLF/FTE API expressed in the spark.components.TextArea component?

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Flash :: Simply Append A Sprite Into A Text Area?

Jun 7, 2011

How would I go about appending (not just changing the entire text area to this img, actually appending) a simple 25x25 image sprite into a text area in a flex project? using actionscript? (not mxml)

(it has to be a spark text area component, mostly because this is a flex mobile project and thats all thats optimized for mobile)

edit: I guess I should have said this, i know html text is the way to go about it. But my real confusion lies with first it being a Sprite, so i dont have a url to link to. It's an actual sprite var (it would be a file sent over the network in bytes, and saved in a sprite object.) and then the second part where im lost is APPENDING it to the text inline, so it doesnt replace any of the text already in the text area, and will be scrollable in the text area.

also, remember im trying to append this to a SPARK TEXT AREA component. I know i could just make a text field instance and thats it, but i cant find any information about appending this to a text area

SInce there was some confusion about the sprite im trying to append, this is how the image is being transmitted,

it's starting out as just a standard cameraphone image, then..

var fs:FileStream = new FileStream(); File(imageURL), FileMode.READ);
var bytes:ByteArray = new ByteArray();


So then finally I have the image in imageSprite... and that brings us to my main problem appending this image in a TEXT AERA spark component. With an end result that will have the look of a picture message sent on an android or iphone.

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Flex :: Append Submenus To An Existing FlexNativeMenu Instance?

Aug 12, 2011

I'm completely confused by this. An Adobe Flex WindowedApplication has a 'menu' property, which by default is assigned a FlexNativeMenu instance, which is used to create a native menu tree for the application.For example, on OS X, if I create a WindowedApplication, I get the standard 'application menu', 'File', 'Edit' and 'Window' menus created on startup. The question is, how do I append additional menus to this without creating an entirely new menu? I want to use the default OS X menus as a starting point and add my own. If I assign menu = new FlexNativeMenu; I just get a completely empty application bar with no menus at all.

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Aug 13, 2011

Is there a spark TextArea decleration in actionscript3 file since private var ta:TextArea is a mx component?

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Aug 23, 2011

I am trying to convert a bytearray into a string. The problem is whenever I try to append a NULL character using String.fromCharCode(0) it cuts off the end of the string and than I cant run it throw base64. I tried using String.fromCharCode(32) (space) instead but no luck.

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IDE :: Loading ASPX File - Append Dynamic Number Instead Of 1?

Sep 15, 2009

I'm using Flash CS3 Actionscript 2. I'm loading an external file (it used to be an XML file but now it is an aspx file). Anyway, my actionscript for loading the file looks like this:
xmlFile = "flash/info.aspx?id=1"
Which works great with the aspx file I've created. But I need the "id=1" to append a dynamic number instead of the "1".

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using Array Data And Append It To A GotoAndPlay Command?

Mar 4, 2010

I have loaded content into an array and have displayed that data in a dynamic text field. What I need to do now is take that same array data and append it to a gotoAndPlay command.

var myArray:Array = new Array(); // lets pretend a button has been clicked and loaded ( into the array

//I can then display the contents of the array in a text box

myTextBox.text = myArray[0]; //this works well

but I need to also do this

myMovieClip.myArray[0].gotoAndPlay("start"); in which will actually end up being myMovieClip.home.gotoAndPlay("start")

How do I write this the correct way

----actual code-----

var myMenuArray = [home, about]; //1 button duplicated with instance names to reflectfor each (var btn in myMenuArray)[code]....

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