ActionScript 1/2 :: Code To Insert To Loop Slideshow?
Aug 4, 2010
i have a slidehsow and my code is as follows"waitSec = 5;setInterval(Timer, waitSec*500);//function Timer() {gotoAndPlay(nextFrame()); }stop();"it has 5 frames as i have 4 pictures in my slideshow.but i need to loop it so it can go back to frame 1 in my slideshow after frame 4also when i click on a button on my slideshow it will go to that image but then instantly go to the nexct image and then carry on as normal why ndoes it do that?
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import com.greensock.*;
import com.greensock.easing.*;, 1, {x:-2.2, y:-103.5, alpha:0, delay:5});, 1, {x:-3.1, y:-96.5, alpha:0, delay:10});, 1, {x:-83.0, y:-108.8, alpha:0, delay:15});
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forward_btn.addEventListener(event:MouseEvent.CLIC K,forward)
back_btn.addEventListener(event:MouseEvent.CLICK,b ackward)
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Actionscript Code:[code]........
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Here's the code on frame 1:
ActionScript Code:
/*Navigation Code */
nextbtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, buttonNextHandler);
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MC in the library.I'm using an if statement to determine the end of the loop
if (i>=nameArr.length) {
navCon = new Btn();
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Jul 21, 2009
I found this code in an AS2 .fla and would like to use it in AS3. (The idea is to throw a random number of copies of the movieclip "star_mc" on the stage via AS).
for (var i =0;i<50;i++) {
star_mc.duplicateMovieClip("star"+i,i,{_x:Math.random()*350,_y:Math.ra ndom()*150});
I get this error message: TypeError: Error #1006: duplicateMovieClip is not a function.
at many_fla::MainTimeline/frame1()
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Jul 9, 2011
I looking at a alternative coding which use two for loop, my code is require to overwrite the value in array b into a if b has a larger value than a, after break and loop a will continue point to the next index until it has the next 'mm' value while the loop b will resume from where it was "break"
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Feb 26, 2011
Is is possible to put the following code into a for loop?
ActionScript Code:
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Feb 9, 2010
to loop the below code:
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Aug 9, 2010
how can i simplify this code:
PHP Code:
import com.greensock.*;
import com.greensock.easing.*;
I think, for loop can be used but i don't know how
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Jul 3, 2009
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//----------- INIT VARS -------------------------
var color01:String = "0xE24C9B";
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Dec 4, 2009
I'm creating a simple banner for my site. I found some cool landing confetti code but it seems like after it hits the keyframe with the confetti actionscript it stops and the rest of my simple timeline animations don't play. I just wanted to have a few type animations and a logo fade in and out while the confetti is falling. I removed the stop on the confetti frame and after I do that the animations play but the confetti doesn't work. This code is on the main timeline that causes it to stop
// pause after how many seconds
vSeconds = 11;
vFPS = 20;
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Feb 9, 2012
I have a problem to use each code in for loop. I create 2 Circles in my stage with addChild code. And I gave them function ( mc.x += 2; ) and the time they get to the end of stage I gave the function ( mc.x -= 2; ) but my problem is when one of the circles get to end and wants to move to the right the other circle move with him to the right. and I think the each code in for loop helps me. but I don't Know how to use it in my actions.
my code is:
ActionScript Code:
var mc1:Circle = new Circle();
var mc2:Circle = new Circle();
What should I change in this code to use each for loop..?
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Apr 1, 2011
This was originally a tween, i converted it to code and removed the tweens.[code]....How can i loop that so the animation continues to run, because right now it only runs once.
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Jul 10, 2006
In my project i need a code wich allow me to play an animation (not a motion tween)it is a self hand made animation frames by animation start from frame 10 and finish in frame 15.I just need to play it from 10 to 15 in Loop when my mouse is over.and stop animation loop when my mouse is out.
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Mar 23, 2004
I have three movieclips (used as buttons) on my main MC. The following code swaps the depth of a dynamically loaded image the when I rollOver each movieclip (button)I want to put the button.rollOver code in a for loop so I dont have to repeat this code for every image loaded.
x = 150; // x location of image
Y = 100; // y location of image
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