ActionScript 2.0 :: Loop A Prev/Next Scrolling Slideshow That Uses
Oct 11, 2011
how to make this file go from Image 3 to Image 1 when clicking the right arrow, and from image 1 to image 3 when clicking the left arrow, like a continuous loop:
(the file is called index2.fla)
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Mar 16, 2009
I still can not get a basic slideshow with the either thumbnails or prev/next buttons to work. It seems that every tutorial either assumes I downloaded the correct libraries or understand when they are using AS2 or AS3.point me to a "FOOL" proof tutorial or template..I understand the basic part of what is going on but do not know enough AS yet to hammer out the actions myself.
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Aug 26, 2009
I have a simple slideshow with images beside each other with a mask on top of them. I currently have it where I can click on the images and they will move with a switch/case statement. I'm puzzled on how I can do it so simple so I can use a next button so the images will be clickable for other reasons!
Here is my code:
Code: Select all
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.display.StageAlign;
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Oct 6, 2007
for (j=0; j<70; j++) {
var links = thumbsss.attachMovie("pt"+String(j), "pth"+String(j), j);
posX = xIni+ln*int(j%18)-70;
i'm trying to create next/previous buttons for externally loading movies. it works ok except a situation that when i load some movie first then i click the next button, it loads the same movie, when i clicked 2nd time it loads the next movie..
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Aug 6, 2008
But when the videos player is initiated, the first video is paused at the start, and a faded black screen overlays the video with a description of the content of the video.Also, there's a for loop that links each video of the array to a numbered button which also sits on the back screen along with the description, in case the user wants to view the second video not the first.Everything works perfectly fine as I want it, but I have next and previous buttons that are always there, so in case the user wants to go from one video to another, they can click next or prev.
I have been struggling with this for a week, and can't get it to work.I tried setting up a _global variable, but the prob is, the results of the XML array, gets stored in the for loop for the numbered buttons, and I don't know how I can get the next and prev buttons to know which video is playing and go through the index of the array to trigger the next or prev video.Here's the code that I have so far:
var videolist:XML = new XML();
videolist.ignoreWhite = true;
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Jan 13, 2009
I installed the in the Flash extensions.I need to make the background color blocks move to the stage when I click on the buttons above.
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Aug 23, 2011
I'm trying to make a scrolling slideshow. They are real estate listings read from an XML file which consist of a thumbnail and 3 text fields (Title, address, price). Right now I have it working to the point where all of the data loads into a row of MCs that scroll to the left using the Tweener class.
I just can't achieve a wrap around effect. Here's a link to the swf as it is now: [URL] Knowing that duplicating MCs is a difficult task, I just half-assed it by loading the dame data into a new array of MCs (arrayBox and arrayBox2). The code below does not actually make use of the "duplicated" listing MCs. I thought I could just move a listing MC over to the right after when totally offstage but that does not seem to be working. Here's the offending AS3 source:
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Jan 16, 2010
I am trying to build a slideshow with scrolling thumbnails and mouse control. I am fallowing a you tube tutorial. [URL] I have done everything that he says to do and I can not get it to scroll. He builds this in AS2 and I have changed my publish settings to AS2. The thing that confuses me is that he is able to get it to scroll before he puts the code in.
Attachments: Center Stage Salon Tour (240.5 K)
View 8 Replies
Jan 16, 2010
So I've been following a youtube tutorial to make a mouse controlled scrolling slideshow. [URL] I cannot get the thumbnails to slide...I used this action code:
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Jun 30, 2006
I'm setting this thread up to field questions or issues with a Multi-part tutorial I'm working on here:
The tutorial thread has been locked to keep it clean and not become a 48 page monster that would be no help to anyone.
View 14 Replies
Jun 10, 2009
With the following AS3, and the following XML how do I update the xml to load in the next sequence of nodes?
import flash.utils.Timer;
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Jan 29, 2011
I'm a flash newbie and have created a slideshow so that all the photos fade in and fade out. I've done it so they kind of fade into each other. So the timelines on each layer overlap. I want this slideshow running as a continuous loop so I've put a gotoandPlay(1) function at the end of the movie. My problem is the final image (number7) fades out but I don't know how to get it fading into the first photo again. So after the 7th image (the 2 bridesmaids) the movie completely fades out and then starts again. Is there a way I could make the first and last photos fade into each other rather than the last one fading out and starting again. The movie can be viewed here- sorry it takes a little time to get to the last image! [URL].
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Jul 3, 2009
I can't seem to figure out how to get my slideshow to stop looping after I imported an external video. It will no longer stop at frame one, it simply plays all the way through the frames with no pause even though I have a stop(); on each frame.
The file functions properly until I added the FLVPlayback component. It was looping even when the FLVPlayback component was in the library and exported for actionscript and in frame 1. After unchecking these boxes it won't loop, however that all changes as soon as I drag an instance of the component on stage or inside a movie clip on stage.
The flash presentation I'm working on is designed so 1 frame is one slide and I need the video to be playable from 1 slide (frame). Even after placing stop actions everywhere I could think of it still loops straight through with the FLVPlayback component.
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Mar 19, 2010
I want to trim a sound and then let it loop in a slideshow. The sound -- a roaring crowd at a soccer game-- should loop as a slideshow plays. As the movie repeats the sound should continue to play. It doesn't have to be in sync.
This works if I use Streaming, but there's a gap at the beginning of the movie as if the sound was being loaded over and over again.
I've been advised not to use Streaming, but if I don't, the sound is reproduced in its entirety-- there is no trimming.
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Aug 4, 2010
i have a slidehsow and my code is as follows"waitSec = 5;setInterval(Timer, waitSec*500);//function Timer() {gotoAndPlay(nextFrame()); }stop();"it has 5 frames as i have 4 pictures in my slideshow.but i need to loop it so it can go back to frame 1 in my slideshow after frame 4also when i click on a button on my slideshow it will go to that image but then instantly go to the nexct image and then carry on as normal why ndoes it do that?
View 10 Replies
Nov 4, 2010
how to restart/loop that for continuos slideshow:
import com.greensock.*;
import com.greensock.easing.*;, 1, {x:-2.2, y:-103.5, alpha:0, delay:5});, 1, {x:-3.1, y:-96.5, alpha:0, delay:10});, 1, {x:-83.0, y:-108.8, alpha:0, delay:15});
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May 23, 2010
I've got an interesting issue with the actionscript in my file. I've created a slide show with 27 labeled frames - they've been labeled "frame 1", "frame 2", "frame 3", etc... My issue is the first time everything works perfectly, if you hit next or previous. It goes to the correct frame. On the last frame if you click next it should take you back to "frame 1" and basically loop through all the frames again if you keep pressing next. The problem is it goes back to frame 1, and then next doesn't work on this frame. I don't understand what's going on considering the first time around - these frames work perfectly.Here's the code on frame 1:
Actionscript Code:[code]........
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Jul 25, 2009
I have just recently returned to flash after a very looooooooong time! I moved out of the flash world a few years ago and have been working in design for print. A friend has asked me to help create a flash slideshow for them. I know how to do this using older versions of flash but there seems to be a quicker way in CS3.I have selected from the opening menu, Flash Slide Presentation.I have created my slideshow and added transitions.Everything looks great however I can only progress the slideshow using the arrow keys.My question is...Using this slideshow setting can I set my slideshow to loop through the slides automatically instead of progress with the arrow keys?
View 2 Replies
May 24, 2010
I've got an interesting issue with the actionscript in my file. I've created a slide show with 27 labeled frames - they've been labeled "frame 1", "frame 2", "frame 3", etc... My issue is the first time everything works perfectly, if you hit next or previous. It goes to the correct frame. On the last frame if you click next it should take you back to "frame 1" and basically loop through all the frames again if you keep pressing next. The problem is it goes back to frame 1, and then next doesn't work on this frame. I don't understand what's going on considering the first time around - these frames work perfectly.
Here's the code on frame 1:
ActionScript Code:
/*Navigation Code */
nextbtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, buttonNextHandler);
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Dec 1, 2009
I am trying to make a scrolling banner. I have succeeded so far in making it scroll from right to left and it loops. However my problem is this - I need for the looping to start when the graphic is at position X (x being a frame number).
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Jul 29, 2009
I've got a movieClip that's scrolling across the stage that loops nicely (kinda like the many cloud animations out there).
I've set the clip up to stop it's scrolling on a rollOver, and start up again on the rollOut.
My problem is that after the rollOut the loop doesn't work. The movieClip just keeps travelling.
blue.onEnterFrame = function() {
blue._x -= 2;
if (blue._x<=-0) {
View 5 Replies
Aug 14, 2009
I've created a scrolling thumbnail gallery that draws images from a blog feed. I would like for it to loop itself after all the thumbs have gone through so the first image of the 2nd loop is immediately after the last image of the 1st loop.
View 6 Replies
Oct 19, 2009
I made a Photo Gallery using flex builder 3. I am having a MAJOR MAJOR issue though. Currently I have thumbnails scrolling by, when clicked the fullsize image shows up in the canvas above. Unfortunately I cannot get the thumbnails to loop around. Here is my current movement code.
ActionScript Code:
public function defaultMovement(e:Event):void { += 1;
if ( > 338) {
View 5 Replies
Aug 14, 2009
I've created a scrolling thumbnail gallery that draws images from a blog feed. I would like for it to loop itself after all the thumbs have gone through so the first image of the 2nd loop is immediately after the last image of the 1st loop.
View 9 Replies
Jun 19, 2011
how do i make a X/Y scrolling image loop so, that if u scroll by pointing the mouse in the corner it will just keep going over and over again (looping) ofc this sould work in any direction
View 5 Replies
Jul 29, 2009
I've got a movieClip that's scrolling across the stage that loops nicely (kinda like the many cloud animations out there).
I've set the clip up to stop it's scrolling on a rollOver, and start up again on the rollOut.
My problem is that after the rollOut the loop doesn't work. The movieClip just keeps travelling.
blue.onEnterFrame = function() {
blue._x -= 2;
if (blue._x<=-0) {
View 5 Replies
Aug 17, 2005
URL...Can anyone provide me with some code on how to make the scrolling thumbnails loop infinitely? So that when you reach the last picture on the scrollbar, it will loop to the first picture?
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Mar 29, 2006
im after achieving an effect similar to movie credits with text automatically scrolling upwards, im loading the text in via xml and have for example
item one
item two
item three
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Aug 5, 2008
i wanted to create scrolling gallery which loop continously without mouse movements
i have used dynamic scrolling gallery codei only wanted to scroll the dynamic gallery continously
ActionScript Code:
import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing.*;
View 9 Replies
Dec 22, 2005
i couldn't find a tutorial on this matter so i sorta started making my own hypothesis... what i'm trying to do is: have a gallery of images automatically scrolling horizontally while having the set of images loop. like at[URL]..
here are a couple of my theories and questions for AS commands to have this work:
1) display a range of pixels of an image at certain positions, i.e. if gallery is scrolling to the left, leftmost image when its parts are disappearing out of the viewing area, they become visible at the right.
2) have two instances of each image and when an image is disappearing on left, the second instance of that image comes visible on the right. this I imagine would take up more HD space.
i guess what i was wondering more about is how jager did their gallery where there's only enough images are in a set to be viewed in the viewing area.
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