ActionScript 1/2 :: Functions Called By Events Run In The Caller Context?
Sep 16, 2009
Imagine I have Class A that is listening to an Event on Class B. This listener will call Method X in the Class A. Inside Method X, "this" refers to the Instance of Class B, I'm not in the context of Class A. Isn't this a bit awkward, or am I getting everything wrong? Is there a way to make the listener call my method in the context of A?
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This probably is not possible however its worth a try! Would there be anyway to trace out the functions that are being called by the SWF? for example.[code]I know you could simply add a trace into the actual functions but thats not an option!
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Oct 26, 2009
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ActionScript Code:
var my_mc:MovieClip;
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I get an error "Instantiation attempted on a non-constructor".In this case, I'm trying to dynamically add linked movie symbols from the library. Perhaps I'm going about this the wrong way... ?
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Mar 8, 2005
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img_hover = function (n){
_root.icap = _root.i+(eval(n))+_caption;[code].....
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on (rollOver) {
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_root.icap = _root.i23_caption;
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currentButton.onRollOver = function() {
this._alpha = 70;
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Error: Error #2037: Functions called in incorrect sequence, or earlier call was
private function changeStation():void
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Aug 1, 2006
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class ButtonMc extends MovieClip
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Sep 24, 2009
I build a game that is working great on its own.Using keyboard events enter frame.When i load it in another movie, i cant trigger functions that are mapped on keyboard events.The listener is executed, but doesnt listen.On its own fine, loaded into another movie: no keyb events and from time to time enter frame event errors.I can access the keybard functions AFTER clickin on the movieclip that contains my loaded swf.
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Jun 19, 2009
I am building a flash site in AS3 using AMFPHP. I could really use some help in the Event department...The structure of the site is as follows:
adds PageConveyer (which holds all Pages)
- adds addEventListener( Event.COMPLETE, onPageConveyerComplete ), onPageConveyerComplete:
- startAnimation (loop through pages and components in arrays to animate into screen)[code].....
The problem lies in the Event listeners.I want to make sure everything (pages/components) is loaded before I start animating. My guess was that Flash listens to the underlying objects until they are done running, then fires the Event.COMPLETE event to the parent object, which in turn fires it's own COMPLETE event. These events never seem to get fired (since i traced the onComplete functions). Im lost here. How can I best listen to this many objects within objects, to know for sure whether they are finished and ready to be animated in?
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Jun 25, 2009
I am in the process of writing a scrolling image viewer that dynamically updates from an xml file. I have written the scroll function (with a lot of help from Kirupa and other sources), and the pictures are updating beautifully, but when it comes to adding the function for the buttons I am encountering an unusual error.
Using the following code:
for (var i in btnArray) {
var btn:MovieClip = btnArray[i];
from this site results in the doClick function being called for each of the buttons in the btn array at runtime, and then not working afterwards.
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Nov 1, 2008
The code I'm building creates two MovieClips on the stage, in one it instantiates several text boxes and in the other some buttons.
What I can't do is access data from the text boxes (e.g. textField.text) for use in the functions called by the eventListeners attached the buttons. I had the system all working nicely before I placed the text boxes and the buttons on separate movie clips.but this structure makes it much tidier to refresh the text I'm using.The button functions are fine with variables created prior to the building of the text boxes.
Am I failing to address the text boxes correctly (because they're on another movie clip) or is there a stage / movie clip property I need to set so they can see each other ... or is this something else altogether?Could it be that the buttons are created before the text boxes?
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Oct 20, 2011
I'm working on a web app built in Flash AS3. At a high level - the app has a main screen, and several "modal dialog"-type screens that pop-up to manage various user interactions. (This is a similar pattern I use in most of the apps I develop...) Typically - when the user clicks a UI control on the dialog screen (e.g., button, text box, slider bar, etc.) - the main screen needs to react, or manage the consequences. It seems like there are two general ways to handle this: Have the dialog screen dispatch events that the main screen listens for Allow the dialog screen to call functions in the main screen when those controls are clicked (which requires that the dialog screen maintain a reference to the main screen, and that the functions in the main screen are public)
In general - I understand that one of the key benefits of the first method is that the dialog screen isn't so tightly coupled; it's only responsibility is to broadcast the event. This would allow me to more easily use the dialog class in other contexts, or applications. But for many RIAs I develop - a particular screen is SO SPECIFIC to the the application that there's no chance I'd ever reuse it in another application. So, the "easy re-use" benefit is minimal. So - if you eliminate that benefit - which method is actually better? (More performant, less resource-intensive?) For example - if I use events, then Flash needs to manage many listeners for events that may never occur. So - it might be more efficient if the dialog window could call a function in the main screen directly, instead of dispatching an event.
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Apr 12, 2010
I want to load an external swf called 'signs.swf' into an empty mc called 'signholder'.
var loadit2 = new Loader();
loadit2.load(new URLRequest("signs.swf"));
Everything works. Cool. But, I now want to target something within the signs.swf. How do I do it though? What is the path? Do I have to give the child of signholder an instance name? Everything I try fails.
If I wanted the root timeline of the external swf to gotoAndPlay(2) for example,...would i say...
signholder.loadit2.gotoAndPlay(2) ???
var wow:MovieClip = loadit2.content as MovieClip;
wow.gotoAndPlay(2) ????
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Oct 30, 2007
I am having issues with startDrag(). I have a movie clip called circle. Inside circle, I have a movie clip called circleFill and another called circleOutline.onEnterFrame, this movieClip is duplicated 4 times.
When I use this:
private function onPressNow(event:MouseEvent):void
how can I make it drag my movieClip called circle? (meaning both circleFill and outlineFill)
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Oct 24, 2011
i have a box called infoBox that contains a text field called caption. infoBox expands on mouse-over. When it does so, I do not want the text in caption to scale up - I want it to stay at 11 pt. So far my code to prevent this from happening is not working:How do I fix this?[URL]..
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Jul 22, 2009
I have a wordpress based site that stores information about an image in a database field called "background" in a table called "wp_postmeta".The 'loader' gets an url such as "/thisImage/background.swf"The "background.swf" should somehow display "background.jpg" instead but since I've changed the field name in the database (from background to temp_background) it doesn't work.I pass variables to the "loader" swf and they are correct based on the new field name but it still isn't working.I need to know if there is anything in the .fla's (and therefore the .swfs) that is pointing to somewhere in the database hard-coded. Basically I need someone to look at them and tell me how they are working.
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Oct 5, 2009
i'm trying to control a movie clip called "nosotrosmc" with a frame label inside called "historia" but does not work this is the code:
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Jan 11, 2012
Just wanted to ask if there is any advantage for either using mouse click event or touch tap events, when writing apps for mobiles or tablets (for the iphone especially)?
I know that both of them should work fine, but in term of performance, is anyone better? Are there any things I should be aware of when choosing either?
By the way am using actionscript3 to implement the app.
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Sep 30, 2009
I have an animation that I want to start when clicking on the flash window. However, I've also have some buttons on the stage. If I add an event listener for MouseEvent.CLICK on the stage, then it 'eats up' the events and the buttons don't work.
I've tried some tricks, by adding some invisible buttons on top of the real ones, and use the MOUSE_OVER event to selectively enable/disable the mouseEnabled flag for the stage, but didn't work because it complains that the property or method doesn't exist (which I find odd).
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