ActionScript 1/2 :: Maht.tan In Flash Gives The Answer In Radians Or Degree?

Oct 9, 2009

I am not sure 1/maht.tan in flash gives the answer in radians or degree.
anyway, how cna i change? I mean, whats the code? (script)
1 last thing,
I wanna count cot(north / south)
does: 1/math.tan(north , south) does it?
I mean, what comma stands for? - + * / ??

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//I have a confirm button here
confirm_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, ConfirmFunction);
//I have a correct answer as a String here
var correctans:String = "July";


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ActionScript Code:
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theX theY =
p1.y - 250;radian = -


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ActionScript Code:
var degrees:Number = 90;
var radians:Number = degrees * Math.PI / 180;


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Flash CS5 - Moving Object Around In Circle One Degree At A Time

Aug 2, 2011

I have an object called point that I can move around the screen with my mouse. This object has a vector mapped through it (_v1) using the center of the stage and "point"s x,y location in order to draw the vector (note all of this is working fine). My problem is occurring when I set up was a button that simply sets a value to true if you press it. The idea behind this button is that when pressed, whatever location "point" is at, it will move 1 degree clockwise in a circle around the center of the stage (this is all happening in the frameHandler so I can keep clicking the button to make it continue around the stage).

The code I am using is based in an if statement listed below:
if(clockwisePressed) {
var v1angle:Number = _v1.angle;
v1angle++; //increase the angle by 1 degree
if(v1angle>180) {
v1angle -= 360; }
[Code] .....

So what is happening here is that clockwisePressed has been set to true so this fires off. My vector (_v1) is set up to tell me the angle (already converted from radians to degrees) but it's a read-only value. So I assign it (_v1.angle) to v1angle so I can mess with it and increase it by 1 so I'm moving clockwise around the center of the stage. Then I just check to make sure that it falls into a range between -180 and 180 (if I trace _v1.angle around the stage, 0 degrees is to the left, 90 degrees is straight up, 180 degrees is to the right, and -90 is straight down). Now using the formula I derived from this thread but converted to work with 0 degrees pointing to the left and the value for Y going up the further down the stage you go, I came up with

x = centerX - radius * cos(angle)
y = centerY - radius * sin(angle)

Now when I make a sample chart on paper and use these values on my calculator, this works like a charm. If I plug in an angle, the radius, and center I get a point right on my circle I draw on a sheet of graph paper. However, when I actually try this in flash, the "point" jumps all over the stage. (Note that _v1.m is just the magnitude of the vector between the center of the stage and "point" which is the same as the radius). So I trace everything and the values for cos and sin don't seem to be coming out right. For example, if my angle is -1.9581 and I take the cos of that on my calculator I get something along the lines of 0.9994 but flash traces Math.cos(angle) to be -0.3777. Isn't using Math.cos(-1.9581) the same as putting -1.9581 into your calculator and hitting cos?

Below is the corrected code that works:
if(clockwisePressed) {
var v1RadAngle:Number = Math.atan2(_v1.vy, _v1.vx); //get angle in radians
v1RadAngle += 0.0174; //increase the angle by ~1 degree more or less
//Now just move the crosshair and get it ready to be redrawn
point.x = centerX - _v1.m * Math.cos(v1RadAngle); //_v1.m = radius
point.y = centerY - _v1.m * Math.sin(v1RadAngle);
clockwisePressed = false; //remove button pressed boolean

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Set Degree Before Rotation

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onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_rotation += 0.2;

This works fine but now I would like to have another pointer but with an starting angle of 60degrees. Is there an easy way to ad a starting degree or angle value on this code?

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Creating A 360 Degree Rotation?

Jul 23, 2008

creating a 360 degree rotation like the one seen here: [URL] I need to be able to load about 24-36 images and have a slider to allow the user to rotate the images.

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Feb 8, 2011

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ActionScript 1/2 :: How To Make 360 Degree Movement

May 28, 2011

OK I have worked out the code and it is good:

var xDist:Number;
var yDist:Number;
var xRatio:Number;


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Actionscript 3 :: Rotate An Object 360 Degree?

Mar 5, 2010

how to rotate an object 360 degree in as3

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Point 100px Away At Given Degree?

Jul 2, 2007

Ok, my head isn't working so it would be faster if someone justs helps me/double checks my trig.I have a point at 300,300 or whatever, and I'm trying to find the points 100px away at any given angle... Say at angle 0 X is source, x is target 100 px away


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ActionScript 2.0 :: 360-Degree Projectile Firing?

Sep 15, 2010

This is my first week of learning Flash and ActionScript, and because I don't have a good ActionScript book yet, I've been reading several basic Flash game programming tutorials online and doing my best to understand and learn the syntax and methods. After successfully creating "my" first Flash game (a space-shooter from the great tutorial on this website), I decided to set a high bar for myself and try to make a top-down shooter which I can expand on as I learn more.

My problem is that I simply cannot get Flash to recognize my "bullet" movie clip symbol in the library, place it by my character's gun with correct rotation, and finally shoot it off into the distance. The gun is part of the same .png as the character is in, so it is part of the same symbol ("player").

Below is the code I am working on for the shooting code:

Shooting Code: (Applied to my "Player" movie clip symbol's "Actions")


In my Flash scene, I have a "Crosshairs" movie clip symbol which I have successfully gotten to replace the hidden standard mouse cursor, a "player" movie clip who can move around the scene while always facing the crosshair, and a "bullet2" movie clip in my library. Both the player and bullet MC's have identifiers of the same name applied to them.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: LoadMovie, 90 Degree Angle Change?

Oct 25, 2010

So I've been staring at my screen all day, my client getting increasingly irate trying to work out what's going on.

I'm on Flash CS3, AS 2.0

Here's my code:

Actionscript Code:
//set stage for FBFStage.align = "TL";Stage.scaleMode = "noScale";loadMovie("image.jpg", pic, 'GET');//define dynamic aspect ratiospicHeight = new Object ();picHeight = pic._height / pic._width;picWidth =


My problem is my client wants to be able to change image.jpg occasionally, to ones of different size ratios. If the "pic" movieclip has a box of the right size ratio inside it I have no problem unless I change the image, which I need to be able to do. If there is nothing inside the movieclip when I load it, the image always appears on its side, and I can't seem to get it rotate to the correct position!

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Making 180 Degree Looping Panorama?

Aug 25, 2009

I've been looking for an actionscript's source code or file for making 180 degree looping panorama website which the screen can be moved from left to right and vice versa when moused-over on the left or right of the screen. There are 3 levels of objects; foreground, middleground, and background, set on the screen moved at differnet speed. For example, people at foreground position's supposed to move faster than those of at middleground and BG respectively. Here is the reference site [URL].

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Oct 30, 2009

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