Flash :: Find Radians Reflection Angle?

Apr 29, 2011

What I've done so far is using your mouse you (click & release) you shoot a ball off in that direction using radians. Now what I'd like to happen is when the ball hits the wall it bounces off in it's reflection angle. Eg. if the ball hits the right-hand-side wall travelling at in a radians of -0.65 it should bounce back in the radians of about -2.5

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var angle:Number = gun.rotation - 1;
var bubbleX:Number = gun.x-130* Math.cos(angle * Math.PI / 180);
var bubbleY:Number = gun.y-130 * Math.sin(angle * Math.PI / 180);
var ball:MovingBall = new MovingBall();
ball.x = bubbleX;

I need to know, what is the angle of "ball" after it hitting the boundary areas..

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Radians In Flash Had A Range Between -PI And PI?

Feb 15, 2012

I have a simple code snippet as follows:

ActionScript Code:
testangle = Math.tan((-stage.mouseY+marker.y)/(stage.mouseX-marker.x));

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PHP Code:
theX theY =
p1.y - 250;radian = -


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Maht.tan In Flash Gives The Answer In Radians Or Degree?

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anyway, how cna i change? I mean, whats the code? (script)
1 last thing,
I wanna count cot(north / south)
does: 1/math.tan(north , south) does it?
I mean, what comma stands for? - + * / ??

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adjecent = _root.anchor._x-_root._xmouse;
opposite = _root.anchor._y-_root._ymouse;
hypotenuse = ((adjacent ^ 2)+(opposite ^ 2)) ^ 0.5;

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ActionScript Code:
var degrees:Number = 90;
var radians:Number = degrees * Math.PI / 180;


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Flash :: Reflection Of A Point Over A Line?

Aug 4, 2011

I have been looking at how to reflect a point in a line, and found this question which seems to do the trick, giving this formula to calculate the reflected point:

Given (x,y) and a line y = ax + c we want the point (x', y') reflected on the line.

Set d:= (x + (y - c)*a)/(1 + a^2)
Then x' = 2*d - x
and y' = 2*d*a - y + 2c

However there are two problems with this implementation for my needs:

My line is not described in the form y = ax + c (so I'd have to translate it, which is easy to do, but it means the process is slower). What if a is infinity ie. a vertical line?

Is there a simple way to calculate (x', y'), the reflection of point (x, y) in a line, where the line is described by the two points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2)?


I've found a formula which does this, but it seems as though it does not work with lines that look like they have equation y = x.

Here it is in actionscript:

public static function reflect(p:Point, l:Line):Point
// (l.sx, l.sy) = start of line


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// Project: Flash 10 Coverflow
// Date: 10/3/09
// Author: Stephen Weber


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Flash :: Calculate The Angle (BAC) In Degree?

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var a:Apoint = new Apoint();
a.x =0; a.y=200;
var b:Bpoint = new Bpoint();
b.x =275; b.y=100;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Detecting Angle Of Rotation?

Feb 25, 2011

I'm working on an interactive animation for a university assignment. Here in this scene the user is able to turn a safe dial left and right either using on screen buttons or keyboard keys. The trouble I'm having is trying to write an IF statement to detect the angle of the safe dial so when the dial == an angle of rotation the scene goes on to play the next frame of the animation.

import flash.events.MouseEvent;
import flash.events.KeyboardEvent;


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Jun 26, 2011

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var randomNumber:Number = ((Math.random() * (80 - 10) + 1) + 10);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Art Gallery With Reflection?

Nov 17, 2011

I am new to actionscript 3 and I wanted to know if anyone could direct me to some websites (Tutorials) which can help me create a gallery like the one in the link but using AS3. Any help would be really appricated, I am not asking for the code just tutorials I can use to create someting very similar to it. [URL]...

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Creating Text On Flash Scene And Rotate With Random Angle

Oct 27, 2010

Flash Tranformation Matrix via JsFL. I have to write a JsFL script that creates a text on my Flash scene, and rotate it with a random angle. Imagine I want to create and rotate a "Hello World!" at 45 degrees, my code looks like that:

rotateAngle = 45;
//creates my new text at x:0, y:0 coordinates
fl.getDocumentDOM().addNewText({left:0, top:0, right:10, bottom:10});
fl.getDocumentDOM().setTextString('Hello World!');
var mat = fl.getDocumentDOM().selection[0].matrix;
[Code] .....

The problem is : the rotation applied to my text is 58.3 instead of 45. I have to admit that I'm kind of noob with matrix... so I used the "matrix transformation for rotation" here : [URL].

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Converting A Rotation Angle To A Direction Of Motion?

May 1, 2011

I have a rotation value in degrees(0-360) and a value for magnitude, ie (1-10 pixels per second).

How to apply this information to determine what to add to an objects x and y values to send the object off in a given direction at a given speed ?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A MovieClip Reflection Using It?

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Is there a way to make a MovieClip reflection using fully actionscript 2?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Make A Water Reflection

Dec 4, 2010

I have a picture that I want it to look like its sitting in the water how can I do this I have no clue is there water reflection effects in AS3 Flash?If there is can I have an example?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Clone A Flv Video For Use As Reflection?

Feb 4, 2009

i am using 2 instances of an flv, and as you would expect they arent sync'd.so how do i 'clone' an flv in AS3 so that they are exactly the same?i have seen an example, but it was AS2, i am working with AS3, cs4..[URL]

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