ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Find Out Moving MovieClip Angle

Jan 21, 2011

How can we find out a moving movie clip's angle. I'm trying to make a shooting game in as3, I need to know the angle of the movieclip(bullet) when it gets hits on the wall. i.e., I have a movieclip named "ball", and which is moving with some speed and the coordinates are initially created by the gun's positions.

var angle:Number = gun.rotation - 1;
var bubbleX:Number = gun.x-130* Math.cos(angle * Math.PI / 180);
var bubbleY:Number = gun.y-130 * Math.sin(angle * Math.PI / 180);
var ball:MovingBall = new MovingBall();
ball.x = bubbleX;

I need to know, what is the angle of "ball" after it hitting the boundary areas..

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[Code] .....

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angle = (Math.atan2(_root._ymouse-_y,_root._xmouse-_x)*180/Math.PI);


Now, i have (let's say) 30 frames inside this movieclip, and i wan't it to change is current frame depending on the angle of the mouse (example, if i point my mouse to the right, the mc goes to frame 30, if i point my mouse a little up, the mc goes to to frame 27, if i point my mouse all to the left the mc goes to frame 15... etc...)

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[F8] Moving Movieclip With A Mouseclick?

Nov 26, 2008

Im currently making a game that has one of those old-skool Fallout maps (a world map where you click somewhere and the "you" marker moves there) that im trying to replicate.I already have the scripts ready for map interaction (using onhit here). But i was wondering if someone could help me with a script that works this way:

1. I have a movieclip (the character)

2. When i click somewhere on the map i want this movieclip to move there. Not instantly but moving over the screen to that point where you clicked.

3. I also want there to be passages that when the movieclip hit that movieclip (named hit for example) it stops dead and doesn't move (will be used on the map for mountains and such) and the player has to click somewhere else to move it that path (im assuming this will be something like onhit: hit - speed=0 something but im not a good scripter and it would had to be worked into the script.

4. ok this one is kinda optional but would be great! If it's possible to have it worked in the script that when the clip doesn't move (and is stationary on the map) the movieclip stays on frame 1 but when the movieclip is in motion (and moving across the screen) the movieclip is on frame 2 (and reverts to frame 1 when it's not moving anymore and so no)

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Professional :: Moving Movieclip Up And Down

Aug 9, 2010

I have a movieclip that I want to move down and up.I use a new tween using the Elastic. easeOut property to move the movieclip down over a duration of 2 seconds.But right after it moves down I need to move it right back up so it looks like a uniform animation.I used setInterval(reverse,2000) and reverse contains yoyo();This almost works.Since Elastic slows down the movement of the movieclip at the very end, there seems to be a pause between the movieclip moving down and the movieclip moving up.It does not give the impression that it is 1 tween, which is what I was going for.I tried to set the duration to less than 2 seconds, but then Elastic property is not 'stretchy'.It is too fast and comes to a halt, not elastic, and then the reverse (when the movieclip goes back up) is much faster than when the movieclip goes down.Is it possible to move the movieclip down AND up by using just 1 "new tween" function?

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Professional :: Moving Movieclip Up And Down?

Oct 25, 2006

I have a movieclip that I want to move down and up.  I use a new tween using the lastic.easeOut property to move the movieclip down over a duration of 2 seconds.  But right after it moves down I need to move it right back up so it looks like a uniform animation.  I used setInterval(reverse,2000) and reverse contains yoyo();This almost works.  Since Elastic slows down the movement of the movieclip at the very end, there seems to be a pause between the movieclip moving down and the movieclip moving up.  It does not give the impression that it is 1 tween, which is what I was going for.  I tried to set the duration to less than 2 seconds, but then Elastic property is not 'stretchy'.  It is too fast and comes to a halt,not elastic, and then the reverse (when the movieclip goes back up) is much faster than when the movieclip goes down.  Is it possible to move the movieclip down AND up by using just 1 "new tween" function?  I am out of ideas.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Moving A Movieclip?

Jun 4, 2004

I want to rotate an object in AS because i think moving it manually is a waste of time

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Moving A Movieclip Up And Down

Nov 17, 2002

how to make the scroll/list menu in 2advanced's portfolio section, it can be found here [URL]

I kinda had a idea on how to make it , by using a mask and movie clip which holds the buttons, and then just use the up and down buttons to move the movie clip up and down, but dnt really know how to really do this.

basically want to know how to move a Movie clip up and down when a up or down button is pressed with restriction to how much i can move it up and down,

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Find Out Number Of Frames In MovieClip?

Jan 21, 2004

Is it possible to find out the number of frames of a movieClip using actionscript? Like in the main timeline have some actions in frame 1 to find out the number of frames in "content" movieClip?

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