Actionscript 3 :: Find MovieClip Under MovieClip Being Dragged?

Feb 23, 2012

I have a function dragging movieClips on the stage which pass over other movieClips which I'd like to identify somehow.

Is there a "built-in" way to do this in AS3?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Need Movieclip To Lock Into Place Once Dragged?

Aug 20, 2009

what I have are pieces of a truck and the user needs to be able to drag and drop the pieces to the correct locations. I can get the pieces to drag, but I need help locking them into place once they get within a certain area. So for example if they drag and drop the wheels of the truck towards the back, but not in the exact location, then the movieclip will move and lock into place and then the movieclip becomes disabled.

var dragMC = finalMC.graphicMC;
onMouseMove = function () {


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ActionScript Code:
public function Inventory(arrayOfItems:Array, stageRef, invSprite)


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Jul 23, 2009

First let me say I'm relatively new to AS 3 and I've scoured the Internet looking for a simple solution to no avail.Here's my general situation:1) I have dragged a movieclip with an instance name of a_mc onto the stage.2) On the first frame of the timeline I am importing a class file and calling its constructor:

import cardmaker.*;
var coverMaker:CoverMaker = new CoverMaker();


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public class Fruit extends MovieClip {
var apple:Fruit = new Fruit ();


Is there a way to find the class of apple without using (apple is Fruit)? Doing it that way takes an array and having to check it with each index of that array to see if it matches.

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I am creating a flash file to display products.
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What i am trying to create is something similar to banner on [URL]
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May 21, 2011

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i want terminate this area when az drag any moveclip on my target movieclip. when i use hitTestObject do now work good.

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Jan 21, 2011

How can we find out a moving movie clip's angle. I'm trying to make a shooting game in as3, I need to know the angle of the movieclip(bullet) when it gets hits on the wall. i.e., I have a movieclip named "ball", and which is moving with some speed and the coordinates are initially created by the gun's positions.

var angle:Number = gun.rotation - 1;
var bubbleX:Number = gun.x-130* Math.cos(angle * Math.PI / 180);
var bubbleY:Number = gun.y-130 * Math.sin(angle * Math.PI / 180);
var ball:MovingBall = new MovingBall();
ball.x = bubbleX;

I need to know, what is the angle of "ball" after it hitting the boundary areas..

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Professional :: Unable To Change/find Instance Of Movieclip?

Sep 10, 2011

I adopted and existing site, and am making some changes.
Publish settings:
Flash 8
Actionscript 2
A seperate movieclip named page4 shows in the library to have 6 uses.  On the clip are two text boxes both static and one has a movieclip button overlayed.  Selecting any of the three changes the propery panel for allowing editing.  However.  Even though I can see the reference point (the cross) of the movieclip page4, I can find no way to get flash (CS5) to show me the properties to allow giving it an instance.

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Actionscript :: Cannot Find Referenced MovieClip In Parent.insertMovieClip()?

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orgive me if there is an extremely simple answer to this question. I am currently updating a series of .fla files that someone else created. Within one of the symbols is the following code: this.insertMovieClip("symbolName","objectReferenceName",5);

I understand what the code is doing, or rather what it would do normally. It would find a symbol named symbolName in the library, and create an instance of it named objectReferenceName inside this MovieClip.The problem is that I have searched the library, and I can't find anything named symbolName. It doesn't exist.

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Nov 27, 2009

I have a mc called the_ring which contains a little circle that spins around a figure. how can i find the location of this circle?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Find Each Dynamic MovieClip Height In For Loop?

Jun 25, 2010

I am loading an XML file into several textboxes. Each group of textboxes is contained in a movieclip. There is a textbox in each group that varies in height and I want to put each movieclip underneath each other. So I need to get the height of the previous mc in my for loop so I can set the y position of the next mc. I am not quite sure how this is done, but here is my as3:

import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Packages Can't Find Button Inside A Movieclip?

Mar 5, 2010

I tried this one [URL] and it works. All I need to do now is to put it NOT in the timeline but inside a movieclip.

It works well when the button is on the timeline but when it's inside a movieclip, the packages can't even find it.

Any idea how the packages can find the button that is inside a movieclip?

Yes. I know the import and include commands. What I want to know is the directory (or Parent-Child) of AS3 Packages.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Find Coordinates Of Another Movieclip On Stage?

May 4, 2011

I just started coding classes and I am having some pretty good success thus far coding individual objects. BUT I realized that I don't know how to find coordinates of another object that is on the stage!Say I am coding in the class "Zombieguy".With the other movieclips linkage "Armyguy" I try toracetrace(Armyguy.y);ORtrace(Armyguy.Y);Both come up with "access of possibly undefined property y through reference with static type Class".I'm sure this is probably pretty simple, but can someone inform me of how to do this small step that is holding me back?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Find The Class Of An Extended MovieClip When Probing The Stage?

Feb 23, 2012

All my custom classes that extend MovieClip simply trace as "MovieClip" when using stage.getChildIndex(i); I'm trying to search the stage to see what objects have been placed and then add them to the correct array. E.g. if I place 5 "Enemies" on the screen, I want to then add them to an array by searching the stage for the "Enemies" class, without naming each one and adding it manually in the code.


for(var i:int = 0; i < stage.numChildren-1; i++)


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Find The X And Y Position Values Of A Symbol Within Another Movieclip Symbol?

May 16, 2011

Basically there's an object in a movieclip. I want to find the location of that object in relation to the movieclip, not of the object's symbol. So when i look at the x and y of it, it wont show 0, it will show the x and y location in the movieclip it's in.

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Actionscript :: MovieClip Replacement That Converts An Existing Imported MovieClip To A Sequence Of BitmapData

Jun 22, 2011

I've written a simple MovieClip replacement that converts an existing imported MovieClip to a sequence of BitmapData. This removes the requirement for Flash to render vector data in the MovieClip on each frame.

But BitmapData has a huge memory footprint. I've tried converting the BitmapData to a ByteArray and using the compress() method. This results in a significantly smaller memory footprint. But it has proven impractical. For each redraw, I tried uncompressing()'ing the ByteArray, then using SetPixels to blit the data to the screen, then re-compressing() the frame. This works but is terribly slow.

So I was wondering if anybody else has an approach I could try. In Flash, is it possible to compress bitmap data in memory and quickly blit it to the screen?

I wonder how native animated GIFs work in Flash. Does it uncompress them to BitmapData behind the scenes, or is frame decompression done on the fly?

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Flash :: Access Dynamically Loaded Movieclip (stage > Scrollpane > Myloader > Movieclip)?

Oct 16, 2011

what I'm trying to do is accessingsnapText = scrollPane.source.textSnapshot;from an external swf. I've tried:

trace("-->: "+scrollPane.source.textSnapshot.getText(0, 1000));
trace("-->: "+myLoader.content.textSnapshot.getText(0, 1000));
trace("-->: "+mc.textSnapshot.getText(0, 1000));


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Horizontal Scrolling Movieclip That Scrolls When The Mouse Is Left Or Right Of A Certain Point Of That Movieclip

Aug 11, 2009

I have a horizontal scrolling movieclip that scrolls when the mouse is left or right of a certain point of that movieclip. However, it only moves slightly then stops when the cursor goes over it, it doesnt actually scroll normally...


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Activate A RollOver-function When The Mouse Rolls Over A Movieclip Inside Of A Movieclip?

Apr 17, 2010

I am trying to activate a rollOver-function when the mouse rolls over a movieclip inside of a movieclip.On the main window (root), first you rollOver a button where a window shows up with more options (movieclips).From stage, my first movieclip is called "catapultas_read_more" which leads to amother movieclip called "pic1_mc". The label that is going to play when mouse over on pic1_mc is "rollOn".I tried this.gotoAndPlay("rollOn); directly inserted to the movieclip, but the movieclip inside pic1_mc never starts

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Cast A MovieClip To A Custom Class That Extends MovieClip Called MovieClipExt

Jun 4, 2010

i'm trying to cast a MovieClip to a custom Class that extends MovieClip called MovieClipExt

ActionScript Code:
package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;


...but sadly returns null instead of a MovieClip converted to MovieClipExt

what should i change to make this work?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Parent Movieclip Doesn't Listen To Custom Event In The Child Movieclip?

Oct 24, 2010

I have movieclip which contains child movieclip. when child movie clip finish to play i want to run a function in a parent movieclip. so I made a custom event dispatcher in the first frame of the child movieclip:


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