ActionScript 2.0 :: 3d Carousel SWF Loads Fine But Won't Show Online?

Dec 18, 2007

I have made a 3d carousel based on the tutorial at and it looks awesome...however when I try to put the swf in html it does not show up.

import mx.utils.Delegate;
var numOfItems:Number;
var radiusX:Number = 500;
var radiusY:Number = 125;


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CS3 FLASH Loads Fine But Not Online?

Jul 12, 2009

I am using CS3. I am having trouble viewing my FLASH content online. It loads fine in DW locally, but once on the server I have the following errors: Webpage error details


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SWF Works Fine On PC, But Doesn't Execute Online

Sep 3, 2009

I created a custom google voice callback swf so someone could put in their phone number, and google voice will call them and connect them to me (essentially calling me). Everything works fine when i run it from my computer, but when I put it online it doesn't work.

The way it works is you put in your own phone number and name, then click call, and it rings the phone of the phone number you put in. This doesn't happen when accessing it from online though.

I've provided a link to the fla for your view, and I'll also post the embed code I have on my site.

Embed code:

<div id="gvoice">
<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0" width="616" height="162" id="gvwidget"


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SWF Works Fine But Breaks When Embedded Online

Mar 19, 2010

As you can see on [url]...the last part of the Flash movie seems to be broken. Oddly enough, when I take the embedded SWF and view it separately[url]...

I'm not a flash expert, I don't know what can go wrong with embedding etc. but the actual FLA file seems to be ok, the map layer that is coming through randomly at the end shouldn't even be there! The frames at this point of the timeline on this layer are actually empty.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Looks Fine In Tool, Garbled Online

Sep 2, 2010

I have written a small application that plays flv files based on information I fetch from a database. Works fine when I run it inside the tool (Adobe flash CS3) but as I put it on my server the graphics becomes garbled, i.e. the play button suddenly takes up half the stage and so on. I heard there are bugs in CS3 but this?

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Professional :: SWF File Plays Fine Locally, But Not Online?

May 3, 2010

I have a very rudimentary Flash movie that I have created. Link here to a copy of the SWF file on my company's website:The movie appears to work all right in IE, but not in Firefox or Google Chrome.Here are the details:It's a leaderboard ad, and like I said, it's pretty basic. I have a simple motion tween, and then an incredibly looooooong series of nested movie clips that create the effect of a counter (like a rapidly rising jackpot).I'm not really hip with the intricacies of ActionScript, so I couldn't code something more elegant. The "counter" is supposed to represent an increasing amount of money that not using our services might cost a company.

Ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, and ten thousands use a simple repeating movie clip. hundred thousands use one that is 10x as long, and so on. I had to stop at 1 millions, as the # of frames in between numbers was prohibitively long.i.e. there are 10 frames in between numbers for the hundred thousands place in the movie, 100 frames for millions, and 1,000 frames for millions.but, like I said, I'm a beginner at ActionScript.Thinking the problem might be due to the incredibly long movie clips, I removed the animations from some of the higher numbers from my movie, and this did not appear to affect whether it plays in Firefox or Chrome.

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Php :: MiniGame Works Fine In FlashCS5 But Fails Online?

Mar 31, 2011

I was wondering what is everyone's experience are on why a network request would work in FlashCS5 and in a browser locally but when i post it online it fails.The survivorId is sent from the string query. Both tests were done calling a network database.I've tried the following:Outputing the survivorId in a text field and seeing if the parameter variables were being sent correctly.Set the "Networking Only" option in the publish settings.Also is there a way to output trace actions from browsers for more in depth debugging?*EDIT: I have recreated the bug locally in a browser. Without trace actions i don't know if i can figure it out.*EDIT2: That bug only showed up because its from localhost (Apolligies, this is just wierd)Heres My Code, There is the "Stage" then it goes "localSurvivor"(movieClip) then in side that localSurvivor movieclip the "lPlayer" class is addChild() to localSurvivor MovieClipStage-> localSurivor-> lPlayer(survivorId);On the stage is this code:

//Set localP Id
var survId:Number = root.loaderInfo.parameters.sId;
//Object(root).informationTxt.text = survId;


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Actionscript 2.0 :: XML Data Not Loading Online, Works Fine When Testing?

Mar 27, 2010

I spent probably 12 hours today trying to make this mp3 player work with my limited AS2 knowledge and finally got something that looks and works the way I want it to! Hooray! Except when I uploaded it, it didn't work anymore. Where the XML data is supposed to be, it just says "undefined." I've searched everywhere for an answer and am not finding anything that fixes it. I've tried moving the files around so they're in the same folder, renaming them, making the path absolute, using gskinner's XML2 classI don't know what else to do[URL]As I was writing this, the site on my desktop where I've been working decided it would load the xml after all...but my laptop is still not cooperating, so there's still something wrong. Maybe it's not loading the xml until the songs are all downloaded?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Preloader Not Working Although It Loads Fine

Jul 8, 2010

I am trying to make a preloader, althought it loads just fine the preloader bar wont move, better: the filesize against the loaded bytes does not let it move.
Code [URL].

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IDE :: CS4 Loads Fine On Its Own, But Crashes When Opening Files?

Oct 30, 2011

I've had Flash CS4 (a legally purchased single-user licence) since the day it came out and used it practically every day without any major problems. Today I opened it up to carry on with some work, and it crashed. I had a whole host of other stuff that was open and updating at the same time, so I waited until that was done, then I tried again. It crashed. So I rebooted, and tried again. It crashed. Slightly panicked, I uninstalled Flash CS4, rebooted, re-installed it, and tried again. It crashed. Panic giving way to anger, I googled the issue, and this time uninstalled, with 'Remove user preferences' checked, went through my Windows system and manually deleted any associated files in my Application Data folder, rebooted, reinstalled, rebooted, and tried again. It crashed.

I have now just downloaded the Adobe CS4 Cleanup utility and run it, but after twenty minutes hanging at the 'Removing all session folders' screen and no processor activity I could see, I quit the program. I'm tempted to try reinstalling again (obviously) but I'm pretty sure I know what's going to happen.Just so it's clear, here are a list of the variables involved:Registered single-user licence of Flash CS4, running without issue since 2008Windows XP SP3The Flash IDE opens fine on its own, but crashes when it tries to open ANY Flash fileI have CS4 installed on my laptop, and that can open the same files fineAny

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Cannot Acces Loader.content On Online Swf, Works Fine Locally?

Jul 1, 2010

I have an image gallery with a thumbnail class which needs information about the content being loaded to be able to resize it appropiatly. Using.content.height and .content.width I can acces this information, however the swf (online) stops working when this code is encountered. No errors are thrown.piece of code from where it stops working

if (targetThumb.content.width > targetThumb.content.height) {
//scale the width


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Buttons Disappear After Loading From Xml Online But Work Fine On Machine?

Aug 9, 2007

i am using flash 8 professional and making my portfolio site using xml with flash. when you click the red buttons on the right, thumbnails appear on the left (and when you click those, more thumbnails appear, and then you click those and the image appears.) on my machine it works properly, BUT when i upload it, the thumbnails appear and then erase themselves (all except the first two). it's inconsistent and totally weird. i changed some of the code, tried messing with the publishing settings, and re-uploaded and nothing changed. a friend who works at an actionscript company said it doenst make sense that it works differently on my machine than online. she also confirmed that the way i embedded the swf in the html is correct

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Unable To Play Flv From Xml Though The Xml Loads Perfectly Fine?

Feb 27, 2008

I am unable to play flv from xml though the xml loads perfectly fine. When flv path is hardcoded the video plays fine but when from a node it seems to make the video disappear and it dosent play.I am having the same issue i got the xml loaded and even the url into the video source but it dosen't seems to play the video when reading from xml...


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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 Security Sandbox Violation Loads Content Fine But Won't Zoom

May 7, 2009

I'm using Flash CS3 Pro. and actionscript 2.0 for my flash documents.I have a flashfileA.swf which is a picture of a rotation shoe (view here)it has a slider bar that calls the action to zoom while rotating. if you checked it out, it works fine.

the code I have for the slider is this:


this.perc=0 ;
handle.onPress = function(){


so I have flashfileB.swf that I load that flashfileA.swf into. Initially, I was getting pages of pages of "Security Sandbox Violations".

I added the code:


in flashfileB.swf and that seemed to get rid of all of the violations but the slider doesn't zoom the shoe when I'm using it in flashfileB.swf I need to get the zoom to work while it's loaded within flashfileB.swf and I'm assuming it has to do with the way I coded it.

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IDE :: Xml Loads Locally But Not Online?

Dec 5, 2009

Im trying to load xml files on another domain on mine. This code works locally but not when i post it to my server. The url im trying to load http:[url]....


function parse() {
xmlData2 = new XML();
xmlData2.ignoreWhite = true;[code].....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Have Two SWFs On An HTML Page. One Loads Fine And The Other (loaded Externally) Apparently Fails?

Sep 13, 2010

I have two SWFs on an HTML page. One loads fine and the other (loaded externally) apparently fails.

I get this from the server:

Error #2044: Unhandled IOErrorEvent:. text=Error #2036: Load Never Completed.

I get this when testing it locally in Safari:

Error #2044: Unhandled IOErrorEvent:. text=Error #2035: URL Not Found.

I don't really understand where the hick-up is... because my paths are actually quite simple. All my flash files on the website are located in the same folder. The first one loads in fine, but the one being loaded into it does not. When viewing the SWF by itself, everything checks out as well.

View 7 Replies

IDE :: Component's Video Loads Offline, Not Online?

Sep 23, 2009

I'm a new Flash user, trying to build a fairly intricate website by newbie standards. I have a basic understanding of Actionscript and OOP, enough to build a fairly nice looking full-featured website. Most of my goals for the website have been met, including dynamic XML content, a dynamic navigation menu, dynamic screenshot galleries.My current nemesis is a flash video gallery. I'm using xml lists of video locations (different types of video, including flv, wmv, and avi), and I've tried both the stock CS4 video player component (FLVPlayback) and the ubiquitous ToobPlayer 1.0.

Here's the problem. When I compile the video and view it offline, with either player component, it works beautifully! Loads each video from the XML gallery and performs as requested. When I upload it to an FTP and run the website (in an html file) as an http:// link, the video player component is no longer visible and nothing playsIt's driving me ape! Do I need to include some .as files when I upload or something?

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IDE :: Flash - Loads XML URL Images Locally, Not Online?

Jun 6, 2011

I have a flash project that uses an XML doc for data. The URL's in the XML load fine locally, but when published and placed online, they do not load. Is a policy file needed? If so, how do you do that?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loadmovie Jpeg Loads Locally, But Not Online?

Sep 2, 2004

so i have an empty movie clip on the stage that loads an external jpeg. on my computer, i have the jpegs in the same folder as the swf/fla file. i had it load:


i uploaded it with the swf in the same directory as the rest of the jpegs, but they didn't load. then i changed the "attention_MED.jpg" to and it still wouldn't load.

and yes, i made sure the jpegs aren't progressive. the weird thing is, they load fine when i'm testing the swf on my computer. they just don't work after i've uploaded them? i don't know what to do!

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loadmovie Jpeg Loads Locally But Not Online?

Sep 2, 2004

i have an empty movie clip on the stage that loads an external jpeg. on my computer, i have the jpegs in the same folder as the swf/fla file. i had it load:


i uploaded it with the swf in the same directory as the rest of the jpegs, but they didn't load. then i changed the "attention_MED.jpg" to [URL] and it still wouldn't load.and yes, i made sure the jpegs aren't progressive. the weird thing is, they load fine when i'm testing the swf on my computer. they just don't work after i've uploaded them?

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Always Show Tooltip Above Each Item In Carousel

Sep 16, 2006

I need the tooltip above each item to always show the tootip. I tried changing the alfa from 0 to 100 which doesnt work, and also I saw where the depth is set way up so not sure if that will affect them as it turns or not.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Carousel Icons Load Bug - Doesn't Show Correctly

Apr 20, 2008

scott_euser helps me to modify my carousel, i wanted when all icons will be loaded then to show them and it works fine but it has one bug some icons doesnot show correctly here is as


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Swf File Won't Show Up Online But Works Locally?

Oct 16, 2009

i have a flash (swf) file
i embedded it in an html page
the location is right
it works locally when i preview it in a browser

as soon as i upload it - it doesn't show up

here's the page: [URL]
here's the location of the swf file: [URL]

i've even tried relative vs. absolute links and nothing. i've tried firefox and safari. nothing.
i'm guessing this is some dumb simple thing, and hopefully it took you longer to read this than it will to type the answer.

i am embarrassed that i am not getting this but hey, it needs to be fixed and i'm sick of looking at it and trying to figure it out.

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Show The Loading Indicator That Appears While Playing A Flv Video Online?

May 3, 2009

I want to show the loading indicator that appears while playing an flv video online.. like the indicator of the downloaded part of movie that appears on


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Show 'loading' Image While Swf Loads?

Aug 14, 2009

I am a php programmer who has no experience whatsoever with flash. I've got a swf on my website that calls an image. The images it calls can take a few seconds to load and I would like to display something in the meantime to let the visitor know that the site is working.[code]I've done some Googling and I think it is something to do with LoadListener. Am I right in thinking that this "self monitors" the process and that you can use this to display something in lieu of the actual swf loading??

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Professional :: Preloader Loads The Swf But Doesn't Show It

Nov 30, 2010

I've made a simple preloader to load a movie. This is the preloader code


I see the loading progress percentage correctly run, at the end rotator_mc and counter_txt are removed from the stage, but the loaded movieclip is not added to the stage, or at least I can't see it.

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Flex :: Accordion Component - Show The Whole Content Without This "white" Rectangle When It Loads?

Nov 24, 2011

I've an Accordion component in my Flex application and works great, but I found a little glitch in its behaviour.While one of its menus is opening, it shows a white rectangle and, when it completely loads, it shows me the content. But I want to show the whole content without this "white" rectangle when it loads.For example:

Image 1: My Accordion is ready to use

Image 2: I want to open another submenu, so while it's opening, a white rectangle is shown (I was really quickly to take an screenshot)

Image 3: Recently opened submenu is fully loaded.Here is my source code:

<mx:Accordion id="accordion" width="100%" height="90%" verticalGap="0" horizontalGap="0" creationPolicy="all">[code]...........

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Can't Get Flash To Show In A Dynamic Text Box Which Loads Text Via A Variable From A .txt File On A Server

May 18, 2005

i can't get flash to show, and in a dynamic text box which loads text via a variable from a .txt file on a server.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Show A "loading" Image While Swf Loads?

Nov 22, 2009

I am a php programmer who has no experience whatsoever with flash. I've got a swf on my website that calls an image. The images it calls can take a few seconds to load and I would like to display something in the meantime to let the visitor know that the site is working.

Here is the start of my script:

var min_p = 0;
var max_p = 0;


I've done some Googling and I think it is something to do with LoadListener. Am I right in thinking that this "self monitors" the process and that you can use this to display something in lieu of the actual swf loading?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: HTML Loads A Preloader That Then Loads The Actual Flash Movie?

Mar 28, 2009

Everything is embedded in an HTML site. The HTML loads a preloader that then loads the actual flash movie. Inside this movie I created a few buttons, inside a scroll bar movie clip. I want the buttons to load a whole new movie inside the same html. The code I'm using in the button is simply:

on(release) {
loadMovie("new_movie.swf", 0);

The problem is that it works beautifully in the Flash movie tester but doesn't do anything when tested inside the browser, embedded in the HTML. I think the problem is that the HTML embeds as an object the first movie, the preloader for the menu movie, not the menu movie itself.

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