ActionScript 2.0 :: Attaching A Movieclip From The Library To The Stage?
Oct 17, 2007
basically i have my blank document (no movieclips on the stage). I ahve my library item which is a movieclip and i want to attach this directly to the stage NOT into another movieclip.
the problem I've encountered on the home pg flash is that two big buttons and a bike animation should display prior to the photos loading. However, in firefox on both mac and pc(but not everyone's) when you refresh the pg such that it draws from the browser's cache, the buttons and bike animation do not display. Oddly, the photos still load consitently and in time as if those animations did take place. "oddly" because, the code to load the photos is part of an event listener, listening for the completion of the bike animation. So the code executes properly, despite the movieclips not appearing on stage(these movieclips are in library to begin and in my documnt class I instatiate them as follows:
realtors_btn = new RealtorsButton(); buyers_btn = new BuyersButton(); bike = new Bike(X-150);
also, originally I had this same issue in IE, but after switching from swfObject 2.0 to adobe's ac_runactivecontent.js method, I elliminated the issue in IE.
the problem I've encountered on the home pg flash is that two big buttons and a bike animation should display prior to the photos loading. However, in firefox on both mac and pc(but not everyone's) when you refresh the pg such that it draws from the browser's cache, the buttons and bike animation do not display. Oddly, the photos still load consitently and in time as if those animations did take place. "oddly" because, the code to load the photos is part of an event listener, listening for the completion of the bike animation. So the code executes properly, despite the movieclips not appearing on stage(these movieclips are in library to begin and in my documnt class I instatiate them as follows:
realtors_btn = new RealtorsButton(); buyers_btn = new BuyersButton(); bike = new Bike(X-150);
I have a problem with dragging movieclip which is dynamically generated via attaching movieclip from library.I want to move the movieclip by pressing the yellow square within a boundary say 100*4. I am attaching the flash file with this thread.
Then later I want to remove the movieclip from 'a' so I tried this:_root.removeMovieClip(_root.MC_menu.MC_windowI.attachedItemA);-and variations.But it does nothing!In the first code the first argument is itemFocusInv without quotes because it is variable, once it is attached it doesnt vary but when it is not then the movieclip varys. If attachedItemA doesnt let me remove the movieclip, what will? I tried using _visible and didnt work.
_root.MC_useItem.MC_yes.onRelease = function() { if(itemSpaceA == "MC_inventory_berry_blue"){ aI = false;
I just need to gradually attach mc one by one into stage then get bounce...What I have so far is I just attach the all the total mc how's to attach one by one then get bounce...
Here's the code... springSpeed = .9; springDamp = .6; xscale = 120; yscale = 120; function bounce() { [Code] .....
I have a movieClip on stage, inside is a dynamic textfield, and I have set mc.scaleY = 0; Code: mc.scaleY = 0; mc.buttonMode = true; mc.mouseChildren = false; And suddenly everything above and below (on the whole stage) where the movieClip actually is receives mouse, I can see by the button mode. But it only happens with dynamic text, not static. I have attached the example:
getting a MovieClip item onto the stage within say the Document Class.
The trick is though, I would like to do it when the MovieClip linkage refers to a Class name, but does not actually have a Class document created.
I know that you could give it a class complete with document and that would be easy. But if you have say 10 enemy objects that literally do the same thing but just look different, why should I create 10 separate classes!
or am I barking up the wrong tree and I should just set up 10 different enemy styles within the 1 MovieClip and just attach the 1 Class to it?
Though I would still like to know how to get a MovieClip onto the stage dynamically from the Library when it doesn't have a Class file associated with the Class name in it's linkage
All I am trying to do is add a movieclip from the library to the stage from the class below. The trace works but the dang thing does not show up. I am trying to get into using classes finally.
I'm trying to learn AS3 and it hasn't vaguely been going well. I've been looking at dozens of tutorials for 2 days on attaching MovieClips from the library. Everything I've tried gives me errors and I don't know what to do anymore.
In my library I have a bunch of movieclips that are dynamically going to be placed on my stage. Is there a simple method of attaching ActionScript to these movieclips so that when they are used on the stage, they have the script applied to them already?
I am creating a program to play sounds from the library when a button is CTRL + CLICK. I have no problem if I play either of the two sounds on the first frame and then move to other sounds. However, if I navigate past the first sound buttons and try to play later sounds, I get: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object referenceat soundFile_fla::MainTimeline/playSound11()
In my library I have a bunch of movieclips that are dynamically going to be placed on my stage. Is there a simple method of attaching ActionScript to these movieclips so that when they are used on the stage, they have the script applied to them already?
I'm developing a flash lite app in as 2.0. loading a movieclip on to the stage from the library. The name of the mc is Objects and I have exported it for actionscript in the linkage. I learnt as 3.0 initially. That is why finding difficult in going to as 2.0
This is how i did it in as 3.0
Code: var obj:MovieClip=new Objects(); addChild(obj);
so i have a document class with added_to_stage handler, and when i get access to stage is there a difference between: having few movieclips on the stage ready for use, or pulling these same movieclips from the library? is there a reason why i should be pulling them from the library (and i dont mean multiple instances, just single item of each) when i can "leave" them on stage and get them directly?
I would like to load movie clips from the library to the stage.How can I load them with some code on them? I mean load them already with onClipEvents on them, as if I added them myself to the stage..
I have some movieClips in my libaray called p1, p2 etc with export settings of the same name.I have the names stored in an array.I cant work out how to do this dynamically:
ActionScript Code: private var myImages:Array = [p1, p2, p3, p4, p5]; private function changeImage(newImg:Number):void {
I have created a movie clip on the stage and in symbol properties I have checked "Export for ActionScrip" the MC name is "slide" and the class is "slide" base class is flash.display.MovieClip.
When I test the movie I get this error. TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at main_fla::MainTimeline/frame1()
Here is my code: PHP Code: var slide = getChildByName("slide"); //add instance from library? function slideRollOver(event:MouseEvent):void { // trace("OK"); } slide.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, slideRollOver);
I am trying to learn ActionScript 3. I have a MovieClip called Ship in the library and have made class of it called ship. The Ship movieClip glows from Frame 6 to indicate when it crashes into an asteroid.The myShipMovieClip child is controlled by arrow keys and asteroid approaches. The hitTest works but I cant get the ship to glow i.e. from the timeline go to the Ship MovieCli in the library and go to frame 6 to start it to glow. I have managed to do this in ActionScript 2 but have tried for the last few days to try and do it in AS3here is my code :
Is it even possible to associate a class file to a movieClip manually placed on the stage without setting up the class linkage in the library? If so, how?
P.S. linking in the library then placing on the stage is not a viable option. Nor is using "addChild" from the library.
I've started trying to get into AS2 and all of a sudden, I don't know how to attach a movieclip from a document's library to the stage! The debugger's saying that attachMovie isn't a method. Just to clarify, I have an external as file which is defining a class and in that class, I want to attach a movie from the library to the stage.
I wanted to attach movieclip(btn_select) from my library to the stage (movieclip:container) by XML so here's my code.. here's my loading of xml... Note: portXML.childNodes[0].childNodes.length; is 3
I have a MovieClip in the library with a class associated with it. I can instanciate the MovieClip just fine using code and add it to the stage without any problems. But how can I manually add the MovieClip to the stage and feed it the one parameter when it's instanciated? I've tried all the usual stuff but nothing seems to work:
var testClip:className = new className("helloworld");
testClip is the name of the MovieClip that's been manually placed on the stage.
I am new to AS 3.0 and getting stuck with few things.I want to add movieClip named "button" to stage from library.Linkage to custom class name "customButton".Now,
When you attach a movieclip taken from the symbol library to the Stage, by using the attachMovie function and its Linkage name, do you have to - previously - place a dummy instance of the mc anywhere on that Stage to get it works ?