ActionScript 2.0 :: Creating Asp Files Using Front Page?

Jul 23, 2002

creating asp files using front page 2002. i have created some pages and I am able to enter data in to the form. But, when I try to display the data from the database, its giving the below error:

FirstName LastName Address
Database Results Error

The database connection named 'connDatabase' is undefined.This problem can occur if:

* the connection has been removed from the web

* the file 'global.asa' is missing or contains errors

* the root folder does not have Scripting permissions enabled

* the web is not marked as an Application Root.

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May 17, 2011

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1. I would like to be able to access an xml document which contains the Username and Password in order to validate the details.
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public function bmdToStr(bmd:BitmapData,width:int,height:int):String {
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1.take 1st index page of story as a fla file.

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Nov 15, 2010

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ezo1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,playezomag) ;
function playezomag(event:MouseEvent):void{


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Jun 28, 2004

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CS3 Creating A Workable Fla Form From Swf Decompile Files

Apr 20, 2009

My mission here (and I'll try not to convolute it too much!) is to edit a flash based form from a decompiled SWF. The form's main purpose is to record user information in text fields, attach a file and email both to an external address using a few PHP scripts (I'm presuming) to dictate how the information is delivered. My problem is that SO THINK decompiler does not attach ACTIONSCRIPT to the layers and frame in the timeline, instead it exports each Action-script as a seperate .AC file. I have not yet been able to export an FLA that allows me to edit the scripts effectively, and am wondering if there is a more effective way to use a decompiler in this case, or if there is another solution to the problem.

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Professional :: Creating Flash Gallery For SWF Files

Jun 24, 2010

Is there a template out there for a flash gallery to display other swf files? Like an image gallery, but instead of images, they are swf files (some could be interactive as well.

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Aug 16, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating Links Automatically Between SWF Files

Jan 13, 2009

I've been given a bunch of .swf (about 100) that I need to link together. Rather than doing it manually, old-school style, I decided to write a document class that will sort the content, animate transitions and create links automatically. The basic idea is that all content on the stage conforms to a naming convention whereby all buttons are prefixed with "btn_" + nameofswf.swf - the code recognises this and adds event listeners. The background image is simply called "background". I might add some further functionality later for rollovers, depending on what I need. As a frame script, the code works perfectly - it's when I converted into a class the fun begins.

The code:
package hair {
import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
import fl.motion.easing.*;
[Code] .....

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Jun 15, 2010

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Mar 14, 2009

Lemme explain, I got 2 SWFs loading of the same page.On SWF2 I'm trying to receive a var from SWF1, and I'm trying to make it only by flash/as without any javascript help nor LocalConnection(will explain later on why it doesn't fit).A sample of what I've made so far can be found here:



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Have Two Swf Files On Same Html Page That Can Communicate To Each Other?

Jun 5, 2009

Was just wondering if its possible to have a two swf files on the same html page that can communicate to each other.

I have one movie that asks a series of question and what I'd like to happen is for those results to be shown in the 2nd swf. Sounds simple, which means it probably isnt

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Mar 13, 2009

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Creating Online Brochure With Turning Page Option

Aug 5, 2006

I am trying to create an ibrochure or ebrochure, an online brochure where the user of it can turn its pages. It also looks like the content is actually on the page. Is there anyone who knows a trick or .fla file already on the site?

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