Actionscript 3 :: Creating Gif/bmp Files With Flex?
Mar 15, 2010
public function bmdToStr(bmd:BitmapData,width:int,height:int):String {
var encoder:JPEGEncoder = new JPEGEncoder();
var encBytes:ByteArray = encoder.encode(bmd);
return ImageSnapshot.encodeImageAsBase64(new ImageSnapshot(width,height,encBytes,"image/jpeg"));
As of now, I am creating JPEG image from bitmapdata as above. I can use PNGEncoder for creating png images as well. How do I create .bmp or .gif files?
I want to create more than one button instance that go to different URL address's. From the Adobe Video Workshop, I got the code:
I get 1021 duplicate function error. I think I understand in priciple what's wrong but don't know how to fix it. MyI knowledge of Action Script 3 is zero. What I need is sample code that works that I could copy and paste, with appropriate changes.
create vector files programatically? The company I'm working for has to deliver vector assets to our clients (which are originally designed in flash, then the elements positions,scale and other details are stores in the database), and we want to eliminate the need for a human to actually create the vector graphic.
I am trying create a tool for office use which builds a XML file on the users computer. I am able to output XML to the trace screen but I want to take it a step further and have that XML code saved to a document on the users computer. Each time the user enters text and hits submit, a new block of XML needs to be saved to that file. From what I understand, I need a "middle man" application such as Adobe AIR. Can someone point me in the right direction? I have been trying to research this for a few days now. And if AIR is the solution, why is it so non-user friendly to get the extension to work? I also heard something about being able to do this with CS4.
i am trying to develop one a story using flash.i have 7-8 animated swf file story. now i want to create a slideshow such that when i will click on 1st swf , next swf will play. i was tried in following way.
1.take 1st index page of story as a fla file.
2. then when i 'll run it i will click on it(using button), then one swf file is loaded.i dnt know how can i click on swf file so that next swf will play?
My mission here (and I'll try not to convolute it too much!) is to edit a flash based form from a decompiled SWF. The form's main purpose is to record user information in text fields, attach a file and email both to an external address using a few PHP scripts (I'm presuming) to dictate how the information is delivered. My problem is that SO THINK decompiler does not attach ACTIONSCRIPT to the layers and frame in the timeline, instead it exports each Action-script as a seperate .AC file. I have not yet been able to export an FLA that allows me to edit the scripts effectively, and am wondering if there is a more effective way to use a decompiler in this case, or if there is another solution to the problem.
Is there a template out there for a flash gallery to display other swf files? Like an image gallery, but instead of images, they are swf files (some could be interactive as well.
Is there any Actionscript-C# API/Libraries available so that i can create a flash file via my C# program and manipulates the content of that (Ex : Add a motion tween animation to it). I have seen something similar to this in (to create promotions/ads)
I've been given a bunch of .swf (about 100) that I need to link together. Rather than doing it manually, old-school style, I decided to write a document class that will sort the content, animate transitions and create links automatically. The basic idea is that all content on the stage conforms to a naming convention whereby all buttons are prefixed with "btn_" + nameofswf.swf - the code recognises this and adds event listeners. The background image is simply called "background". I might add some further functionality later for rollovers, depending on what I need. As a frame script, the code works perfectly - it's when I converted into a class the fun begins.
I have a flash file that uses many classes i have done. Now, another person wants to modify that flash file, but for that i need to give him my classes too; if not, he will be unable to recompile the flash file. The problem of this is that i want to protect my *.as files where my classes are written (yeah sounds pretty anti - open source, but i need to protect my work ). So, how can i make that? Is there a way to convert all those clases into a kind of uneditable package that can be read by the flash file for importing process but the user is unable to edit or view?
creating asp files using front page 2002. i have created some pages and I am able to enter data in to the form. But, when I try to display the data from the database, its giving the below error:
FirstName LastName Address Database Results Error
The database connection named 'connDatabase' is undefined.This problem can occur if:
* the connection has been removed from the web
* the file 'global.asa' is missing or contains errors
* the root folder does not have Scripting permissions enabled
Why creating a text link to a .as hosted on my site creates a 404 error? If I change it to .txt it works fine but I'd really like the user to be able to open the file directly into Flash.
I have a movie that is going to be playing in our onLine Learning Site. I want to include a link to download a few documents, and I just don't know how to do that.I do Not KNOW what the complete HTTP url will be, just the directory path by that I mean, I know the files will be in "VideoFilesHighRes1.MOV" but I don't have access to the complete URL. This isnt a problem when it comes to loading other Flash objects (IE sounds, different clips etc) For some reason I didn't think the "getURL" request was valid in AS 3.0.....
I've been developing a Flash cd-rom for a client, and a particular page in the movie has an "press room" that will contain links to images and pdf's located on the cd-rom itself. I'm familiar with creating buttons, and set up a link like this on the button.
Obviously, it's a pretty simple link that brings the image up in the browser. That's great and all, but I'd really like it to bring up the option to save the image somewhere. I know that a reasonably smart person could just click on it in the browser and either pull it to the desktop or "save as", but I'd like to eliminate that step for them. I'd also like to be able to create buttons that link to pdf files in the same way.
I am curious about where I can find sound files that I can use in Flash CS4 or some software that may be usefull in creating/editing/converting sound files to .wav or .mp3 for use in Flash. I should probably also note that although I do have Flash CS4 I am very low on funds for software
a code for creating a simple link between files on my computer using flash cs4? Im trying to link sperate swf files within the folder. Im trying to make a cd and i have 5 sperate swf files that need to link to each other and back to the home page which is also a seperate swf file.
I've created a small application that links various Sound Clips to corresponding Sound variables, and the individual start and stop commands work fine. However, when I try altering the volume, the controls affect all the sounds in the movie. I'd like to refrain from creating separate SWF files to represent each sound, but I will if I have to.
My question is how possible creating streamable audio files /mp3/flv/ from multiple input files. The server is vps linux without soundcard, installed flash media server 3.5. My task is creating mixed mp3 output file.The input files are 2 mp3 file = 2 channel, uploaded to a server by the user.Controls: volume pitch, equalizer, fading that is controlled from client side flash appThe problem it should be in real time, when the user control the volume pitcher channels etc could be heard the result in the client's flash player on client side.For that purpose I tried to split the audio files into 1 sec pieces, and changing the splits only, and when done joining them together.
Feeding them to flash media server there was more problem:-the server streamed not the actual file but probably from cache -the streaming was always stopped after 1-2 seconds - using client side dynamic streaming /without joining the files / only the last file was played - using server side playlist playing more files was not played all the files So the question which way possible creating streamable files, or is there a better solution than splitting them.
Good day to everyone. I'm here today to seek help about Flash CS4 and ActionScript 3.0. The story starts when one day, my boss asked me to make a flash presentation about their upcoming user training for a newly developed software. I was enthusiastic and excited about it because it's been a long time that I did not use Flash (note that I don't have any experience in ActionScript 3.0). At first, everything was a bit rough as I need to recall how to properly use the frames to create a successful animation. As I was about to finish the project, my boss approached me again and asked if I could insert a menu page in front so that the users won't have to replay the whole thing again just to look for a little something on that part of the movie. So yea, at first I was abit hesitant to accept. I said that it will work with Powerpoint. But she's a total pusher and I was forced to say yes. Now I'm having this problem about how to make a flash button load a swf movie.I've tried searching all over the net for tutorials but most of the times the "getUrl" and other stuff are said to be outdated.
how can i create mx:LineSeries dynamically depending upon array collection values. Now only 4 line series is there but some times i have to show more as per the array collection values change ex: if one more status HoldProject added to array collection?
I am working on an Adobe AIR (2.0) application that contains a feature to allow users to print documents (such as salary slips). Those documents are originally in PDF format. Due to circumstances we cannot directly display those PDFs in the AIR application (for example using flash.html.HTMLLoader). Therefore we convert the PDFs to SWFs (using the pdf2swf tool, see The SWFs are loaded into the application using a mx.controls.SWFLoader, like so:
I work on a Flex application that creates compressed files and uploads them on a server. The files are created with ByteArray.compress method, which is zlib compression. I can decompress them using Python API on the server but I prefer to keep the files compressed there. I want to be able to download and decompress the files later, however WinZip and WinRar fail to decompress them. When I google for zlib utility, I only find zlib dll library. I need a simple application for Windows (and/or Linux)
I can use Maven with FlexMojos to generate swf file, but because I have several mxml files need to build, could I build them in 1 Maven pom file?I know if I separate them into several projects, Maven can build them. But because these mxml files have some shared functions, it's not easy to manage if I separate them.Another question is the size of swf file. The original file size build by Flex builder is about 80KB, but the file size by Maven is about 800KB. Is it normal?
I was looking into creating iOS-apps (especially for the iPad) with the Adobe-Flex framework. It looks very promising to code apps this way. Is it possible to create own controls/widgets? In the far future I might want to create my own kind of gantt-calender or whatever. Is something like this possible and are there any good tutorials/book out there?
UPDATE: I want to create iOS Components that I can use in Flex. Controls, that are not aviable by default in Flex. Is that possible? By derivating or something?
UPDATE 2: In the meanwhile I found FlexLib to be useful. How hard is it to create stuff like this on your own? Especially for mobile devices. Are there any good tutorials, books, etc.
Is it possible to create an instance of the main MXML and use it inside the ActionScript class.public var obj:classname= new classname();When i try to call a components id through obj.textfieldID... it does not..
I have a XML and it has an attribute option or combo box, parsing that i need to create components in my flex dynamically. Viatropos has given a wonderful code, but i am not able to execute it... can anyone produce it.
I am trying to make an effect on a button that when I mouse over it, it keeps jumping up and down smoothly and when mouse out it stops. I tried this but the result was really bad: