ActionScript 2.0 :: Dragging Multiple Objects?
Jul 20, 2011
I have an extremely simple fla, that I wanted to add one thing to, but can't get it to work right. There are 5 layers, each one has 1 key frame and that's it.
1. "Actions" Layer
startDrag("mask", true);
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Feb 15, 2010
I have need to simultaneously move a slider (called "shadeGrabber") movie clip and a mask. I'd like to do this by dragging the slider and seeing the mask move with it.
The example movie clip on the left (called "PICTURE_WIPE") is what I'm going for, but interactive instead. I'm working in the movie clip on the right (called "PICTURE_WIPE copy 2")
Here's my code, for quick reference (found on the "AS" in the "PICTURE_WIPE copy 2" movie clip:
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Oct 16, 2010
I just wanted to know if there is a way to startdrag() multiple objects at once. I don't want to use the mousemove/enterframe + x And y offset method of dragging, but just use the built-in startdrag method. Making startdrag function multiple times with different objects didn't work.
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Sep 22, 2009
I want to create a flash movie which firstly loads a selection of images/objects into a portion of the frame. After this is complete, the user can then drag these objects onto another area and the object will be created where the user has chosen. The user can then drag another instance of the ojects onto the area.
For example, there is a background of a lake in one area. A selection of boat pngs are loaded in an area below the lake. The user can drag these boats and place them on the lake. They can drag a boat multiple times if they wish.
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Mar 20, 2011
The code for dragging an object with the mouse is known:
I tried to drag two objects at a time using
mc.onPress=function(){this.startDrag(false); artDrag(false);};
mc.onMouseUp=function(){this.stopDrag();mc2.stopDr ag();}
But this seems to drag only the object, corresponding to the last parameter in the function
How shall I drag more than one object at a time?
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Jun 11, 2010
I've been searching various sites and forums for a solution to this, but have so far found none, so I was hoping to ask for some advice on the subject.Basically I have a movieclip of a photoframe, and I'd like it so when the user clicks the edge of the frame, they can drag it around, while clicking the photo inside the frame will open a new window and show the photo in full view.Originally I thought I could accomplish this simply by using:(Note: Framemc is the main movieclip, with another mc called "Photo" inside which is the picture)[code]But this leads to an odd problem: When dragging the frame it works fine, but the user can also drag the "photomc" around too (like, the frame stays in place and doesnt move with it), thus removing it from the frame.Is there a way to tell the code to move only certain parts of the mc and not others?
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Aug 13, 2011
i want to drag objects using startDrag() method only one direction either X or Y .
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Aug 22, 2009
I have two drag-related questions. The first one is how to rotate an object by clicking and holding on it, then moving the mouse round in circles. Think of a clock face, and the user clicking and holding on one of the hands, then spinning it around. The centre point would be the part of the hand that's attached to the middle of the clock face, and the other end of the hand would be able to rotate 360 degrees around the face.
The second one (and not related to the first one, a separate query altogether) is how to drag something horizontally along the screen, but have it stuck at a certain speed. So if the user tries to quickly drag the clip from left to right, it will not reach the right instantly, but instead follow the cursor at a slow speed.
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May 31, 2010
I have for a long time tried to get rods beeing placed side by side without overlapping after dragging. I don't succeed. This side shows that it can work: [URL]. I want my objects beeing placed side by side or over each other, not overlapping and no space between, just like in thos link.
var mcArray:Array = new Array();
var lastClicked:MovieClip;
function drag() {
} function dragEnd() {
[Code] .....
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Mar 18, 2011
I have several shapes on the screen implemented as movieclips.I need to allow the user to drug the objects with the mouse as well as to resize them (i.e. to change objects' _xscale and _yscale)To do every one of these tasks (drug, blow up and blow down) separately is a trivial task.
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Feb 7, 2010
how can I drag a specific image without dragging all the other objects. The image to be dragged is exported dynamically from the library and activated on a mouse over. Here is the code:
function myImage(event:MouseEvent):void {
var img:BitmapData=new livery(0,0);
var MyImg:Bitmap=new Bitmap(img);
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Jul 22, 2002
I have a bunch of draggable objects and I want to be able to rotate them. Is it best (possible?) to rotate them based on keypress or how might you go about this. Here is my keypress code so far ( draggin works - rotate doesn't )
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Jan 31, 2009
I've made a working custom cursor, but a separate mc which was a draggable object with the default cursor now ignores the custom cursor.
my code:
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, newCursor);
rectangle2_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DO WN, dragger);
rectangle2_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP , dropper);
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Jan 9, 2009
I have many MCs on the stage ,I just dont want to paste the same code to all MCs one by I want to ust the following loop but not sure where to paste the following code.
ActionScript Code:
myArray=new Array("mc1","mc2","mc3","mc4","mc5","mc6","mc7","mc8","mc9","mc10")
for(i=0; i<=myArray.length; i++){
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Jul 2, 2010
is it possible for flash to detect off-stage mouse coordinates in order to continuously drag an object within its bounds while the mouse is moving outside of the stage? for example: i have a draggable red square on my stage. the stage is the bounds of the drag. if i drag the red square to the bottom of the stage and continue to drag outside of and around the stage, i'd like the red square to continue moving within it's bounds, following the mouse coordinates. currently, dragging halts as soon as i leave the stage and the red square only begins to move with the mouse coordinates if i reenter the stage bounds.
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Feb 27, 2010
I have a site that uses a custom cursor, I would also like to be able to drag other objects around. However in flash this seems to be quite difficult. came across this site called senocular and they had a .as file called beginDrag.asThey had some simple useage for the script:
this.beginDrag(true,0,0,300,300); // constrained to 300x300 square
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Feb 27, 2010
I need to have a custom mouse cursor and also have dragable object on my page. im using flash 8. I came across this site called senocular which had a list of .as files [URL]
and some simple useage such as:
this.beginDrag(true,0,0,300,300); // constrained to 300x300 square
on(release, releaseOutside){
I would love to get this to work, however I dont know how to import this into flash 8. I thought classes only worked for flash 9 and actionscript 2.
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Sep 10, 2009
im creating a small drag and drop game in AS3-
I have 4 objects and 4 targets,
I want to be able to drag any of the 4 objects onto any of the targets, right now all I can manage is to allow each object drop onto one specific target only.
I thought by calling all my target names by the same instance name eg target_mc that would work but only one target will ever work.
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Sep 20, 2010
I currently have an over, out and click event for 8 different objects. The over and out events are identical for each (tween expands object and then shrinks it back for the out state).I have previously asked for an easy way to declare those events, and now I was looking for an easier way to handle them.
Here's my code:
function growGarage(e:MouseEvent):void{
scaleTweenX = new Tween(map_garage, "scaleX", Elastic.easeOut, 0.648, 1, 0.5, true);
I've tried using a single function and then using "this" as the object of the tween but that expanded the entire stage.
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Oct 11, 2009
What's the best way to say:
if(this.object in same array as that.object)
with multiple arrays containing multiple objects?
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Apr 5, 2011
how to imitate a reflection of a movie clip in a "mirror." I don't know if I should have the initial movie clip on custom cursor or have it set to drag... but either way I don't know how to make the second clip the "reflection follow along. Obviously it would need to follow at a slightly offset pattern so that you would be able to see both clips (or majority of them) at the same time. It's for a school project that is due at 9am tomorrow so time is of the essence!!
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Sep 28, 2010
I'm trying to write a very plain game client to get some practice with Actionscript 3 and the Flex Framework.[code]...
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Apr 28, 2009
I am building a scrolling image bar, so I've created code that works perfect on one object. However, I need this code to apply to multiple objects at once so that they will move left and right and resize independently from each other (to give this sort of 3d revolving look). Other boxes will be to left and right of the current black box. Code is below as well as link.
function mousetracker(object){
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May 4, 2010
I am creating a small game for a project im doing it is only ten levels long but I wish to include feature such as saving etc. I have one some research on Shared Objects and it seems to be the best method. The idea I wish to execute is to have at the end of a level after reaching the levels goal have a piece of code that runs and saves that the next level has been unlocked. This seems relatively simple. However i have done things awkwardly i think, instead of creating the whole game within a single fla. each level is a seperate file, eg. level1.fla, level2.fla etc. Is it possible to use the same shared object across multiple .fla's?
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Jun 29, 2009
Im trying to make a small game. Could someone take a look at the CS4 and CS3 fla files attached and tell me how to make the game reset when the red circle touches the block boxes.
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Oct 25, 2010
I hv make a movieclip it's linkage name is thumbmc,I make its duplicate instances 10 times and load external thumbnail jpg's,I give names to these instances to th0... th9, all events and effects working fine but i m opening a large image while clicking on any thumb..the problem is.. i want when i click on any thumb then all thumbs will be fly and goes out of screen,, but when i try to tween then it shows error.. th0 object not found.......
code is like this
// Making thumbs by this code
for( var i:Number=0;i<9;i++ )[code].....
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Nov 24, 2011
I would like to know if I can get an error or some other problems when I try to tween several objects like this and using an onComplete-property:, .5, {alpha:0});, .5, {alpha:0, onComplete:quitFadeIn});
What I want to do is fade out several objects at once and when they finished a special function gets called. Are there other possibilities when using tweenlite available or do I have to use timelinelite?
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Jul 1, 2009
I have many black boxes fallling down and i want the game to reset when the black boxes touch my red circle. I used this code for my boxes:
ActionScript Code:
myInterval = setInterval(addbox1,500);
function addbox1() {
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Oct 29, 2009
I call a function with some saved animation code where I just need the selected (mouse clicked) object to animate. On the first occasion when you click the object, that object animates just fine. The problem is, if you click another object, that new object and the prior one(s) you clicked on all animate as well.[code]
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Jul 20, 2010
How to set hit test for multiple objects..?
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