ActionScript 2.0 :: Force Browser To Show First Frame While Loading Others

Apr 17, 2006

I made a flash movie and I put a preloade in the first frame with the appropriate actionscript codes:
I put the swf file on the server and tried to open it through internet to see how the preloader works, but the browser did not show the flash file at all before loading all frames! How I can force the browser to show the first frame "that contains the preloader movie" while loading other frames?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Force Loading Xml File From Server (not From Browser Cache)?

May 24, 2007

I make a swf for my site that includes dynamicly loading thumbnails from an xml file. Unfotunatly the browser ( IE and FF are what i have tried so far ) just takes the xml file from the clients browser cache even if i have changed the xml file on the server. So the only way my visitors will see my updated content, is if they clear their cache every time before they visit my site. ( even a ctrl-f5 does not seem to do the trick )

is there a function or something i can call to force the swf to re-download the xml file every time? (is really small, less that a kilobyte or two im sure.)

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IDE :: Bandwidth Profiler :: Show What Is Loading In Any Given Frame?

Jan 11, 2010

I have made a preloader that is in the same swf as my main Movie.I went and set all my linked movieclips to *not* export in the first frame.However, I seem to still have quite a bit loading in my first frame (64kB) and I can't quite figure out what it is? The only movieclips I have set to export in my first frame is my preloader movieclips ("container" and "preload bar") both of which are simple shapes I made in flash.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading A Frame At The Top Of The Browser Window?

Jan 8, 2012

Each page is on a separate frame, link/button actionscript consists of gotoAndPlay(x), etc.

I have one product page that has enough content to where you have to scroll down in the browser window to reach the list of products. Each product image is a link to a more detailed description page/frame. My problem is this: when I scroll down in the browser window and click on one of the product links, the product details page loads, but I am still halfway down the page in the browser. I then have to scroll up to view the content. If you need to see what I'm talking about, go to villajerada dot com, click on Olive Oil, scroll down and try out one of the product links.

I've tried several approaches to resolving this, listed below:

1. External Interface Call:

(In Flash)
//var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("javascript:window.scroll(0,0)");
(In the html document)


Results: No matter what I do with this option, my browser always opens a new tab. I'm trying to build a site that will work with everyone's browser, regardless of their settings, so changing my own personal settings to resolve this isn't a solution. All I know is that I've tried several versions of it after reading other forum posts. Ideally, I wish that there was a way to navigate to a URL that ends up being a null object at the top of the page.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Force Show 2 Decimal Places In Number?

Nov 22, 2010

I have tried and tried but i cannot get a number to force show 2 decimal places.I have lots of different buttons and selection boxes that output a different value for 'sizePrice' and 'effectPrize'. An example can be seen below:

if (sizeSelectionBox.value=="size1") {


I need totalCost to always show 2 decimal places so if it is 60 it needs to say 60.00, if it is 67.2 it needs to say 67.20

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Force Show 2 Decimal Places In Number

Nov 22, 2010

I have tried and tried but i cannot get a number to force show 2 decimal places.

I have lots of different buttons and selection boxes that output a different value for 'sizePrice' and 'effectPrize'. An example can be seen below:

if (sizeSelectionBox.value=="size1") {


I need totalCost to always show 2 decimal places so if it is 60 it needs to say 60.00, if it is 67.2 it needs to say 67.20

I thought the *100/100 should do it but its no

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Flex :: Force The Browser To Put Up Scrollbars?

Jan 28, 2011

I'm using an iFrame in a Flex 3 project. The problem is that if the user opens my site in a small browser window, they don't get scrollbars. How can I solve this problem? Is there a way to force the browser to put up scrollbars?

If I set the main app to horizontalScrollPolicy="on" verticalScrollPolicy="on" or to "auto", then as you scroll down, the iFrame is stuck to the top of the browser window and obscures the content.

In the main app:


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Resize - Constrain - Force Fit Swf In Browser Window?

Jul 10, 2009

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Dec 3, 2010

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If I do that I get an error because the chart library load dynamically other SWF files of the library. The charts.swf file will be the new version but the other files will still be from the older version and I will get an error...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Force The Web Browser In Front To View Web Links?

Sep 18, 2006

Does anyone know if it's possible whilst playing a projector (full screen) to force the web browser in front to view web links?

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Flash :: Force A Browser To Load Swf Files Before Other Elements In The Page

Mar 4, 2010

Is there way to get the browser to always load any swf files before everything else on a page (exept the external css and swfobject.js). Using Firebug's Net statistics I can see the swf files generally load last.

We have all our external js files inserted at the bottom of the page to help loading times.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Force Browser Scrollbars With A Fluid Flash Site?

Jul 8, 2009

Is there any way to make a full browser swf that, at a certain point, stops scaling to the stage and allows the browser to use it's native scrollbars? For example, say my flash site has a top bar (it's y is always 0) and a bottom bar (it's y might be stageHeight - 15). Is there any way to tell the movie to stop scaling if the bottom bar's y is less than say 300, and from that point have the browser display it's scrollbars allowing you to scroll the content?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Clicked Should Force The Browser To Jump Back To The Top Of The Html Doc Containing The Swf

Jan 4, 2011

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on (release) {
getURL("", "_blank", "GET");

So how can I do this so it gives the pop up window of save to disc option?

This may be an ASP.NET issue too?

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Force The Web Browser To Reload A Newly Deployed Flash File Without Clearing The Cache?

Sep 16, 2010

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<embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" pluginspage="" allowscriptaccess="sameDomain" name="Prototype" bgcolor="#869ca7" quality="high" id="Prototype" src="/flex/Prototype.swf">

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Force An Object To Be Invisible In First Frame?

Oct 19, 2005

i am trying to make a rectangle invisible in by using the code rectangle_mc._visible = false in the first frame.the rectangle is still drawn in the first frame , but then quickly disappears once the _visible = false is do I keep the rectangle from being drawn in the first frame?

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Javascript :: "special" URL Parameter To Force SWFObject To Show Alt Content?

Sep 8, 2010

I remember doing this years ago, but can't remember if it was with SWFObject. Anyone herd of this before? I guess it would basicly disable SWFObject from switching the altContent for the SWF. I though it was something like: [URL] But can't remember the real one (if it exists).

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Professional :: Can Force To Frame / Scene After External Flv File Plays To End

Jul 8, 2010

lets say i want an external FLV flie to play using a component. How can I force at the end of the flv file to go to another frame/scene?So imagine an external video clip plays, once its finished your force to a screen that says "click to go to my website".is this possible? Or does the flv have to be imported to stage???

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Force MC's To Press Each Other Down After Loading Content

May 10, 2005

What I am trying to do is to force MC�s to press each other down after loading content.I have MC1, MC2, MC3� Each MC has dynamic text box with function �content_txt.autoSize = true;� and each one is loading text content from XML files.Is there any way to force MC2 to go down, under MC1, depending of the size of loaded text in MC1? Something like: MC2._y = MC1.height + someNumberOfPixels

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Actionscript 3 :: TCP Socket Frames 'queuing' Up On Windows - Force Each Message In It's Own Frame?

Sep 12, 2011

I use Actionscript 3 TCP sockets to connect with Javascript websockets. Sending data is primarily from the websocket to the AS socket.On Mac OS X, no problem. On Windows however, successive TCP messages seem to queue up somewhere.

This causes the ProgressEvent.SOCKET_DATA event to fire with quite a large time interval, which creates noticeable lag.I used Wireshark to monitor the TCP packets on both OS X and Windows. The difference I see is that on OS X each message comes in it's own packet, while on Windows successive messages are 'concatenated' into one packet.Is this just the way the socket is implemented, or is there any way I can improve on this?

EDIT 1: I found this post on which outlines the same problem

EDIT 2: I found a way to go around the problem. I pad every message with dummy text to increase the frame size. This causes the TCP stack to send every message in it's own frame instead if queuing them. This works, even though it's really, really ugly...

This is the code in the SOCKET_DATA event.

while(this.socket.bytesAvailable) {
var byte:uint = this.socket.readUnsignedByte();
if(byte == 0x00) {
trace("Start byte found. - " + new Date().time);


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Professional :: Animated MC On The Stage - Show LAST Frame Instead Of FIRST Frame?

May 12, 2011

I'm trying to do a work around for a 9-slice animation problem, [URL] and I'm doing a shape tween within a MC... but when I place the animated movieclip on the stage, it displays the first frame of the animated movieclip, and it would be much more useful for it to display the LAST frame of the animation. I feel like there was some way of choosing the stage-display frame of the movieclip in the past, but can't find any way of doing this in CS5?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Cannot Get Swf To Show Up In Browser

Nov 30, 2009

I cannot get a simple swf to show up in when uploaded. It is a simple .swf file in a index page. It shows up correctly when I test locally but when I upload I get nothing. I have checked all of the links and the files are in the same directory so no links got broken. Also in Dreamweaver I see all of the files sitting up there on the server. I am posting link and the code to see if anything jumps out that I am just overlooking. Also when I test the same index page with just text on there it uploads and displays correctly but will not recognize the swf file.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Thumbnails Can't Show In Browser

Jan 8, 2010

I have a flash app, a small photo gallery here[url]...

For some reason the thumbnails to the left of the rotating images don't show up. They work perfectly on my pc but they don't show up when I view it from the server. It's really bugging me because the thumbnails and large photos are located in the same folder. This is an xml drive photo gallery.[url]...

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Actionscript 3 :: Loading Lots Of Images And Its Done Asynchronous Which Make Browser To Frees During Loading

Feb 19, 2012

I have typical situation where big loop is loading lots of images and its done asynchronous which make browser to frees during loading and I want to make it synchronous but having big trouble doing it. I found this class synchronous loader and it work great but you cant add mouse event listener to loader. Here is sample code:


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CS3 Create Full Scren Slide Show In The Browser?

Feb 28, 2012

I would like to know, in which dimension create such a site like this.

I can create the slide show, but I do not know which dimension of the *.fla shall I use for creating images in such a big size like on this site: [URL]

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Professional :: Get Stuff Off The Stage To Show In A Web Browser On Flash CS4?

Apr 24, 2010

I have a picture that I want to be my background.  So I put it around the stage, but when I test my movie in a web browser, only my stage shows.  Is there a way I can get it to all show?  I don't really care if my background is cut off, as long as you can see it, because it's a tile sort of picture.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: File Browser Window Wont Show?

Nov 18, 2009

does when I publish in flash, but doesnt when I run the same swf in the browser. neither local server nor web server. firefox 3, os x, flash cs3, player 9is there anything I am missing?the window pops up when I use xxx.browse(),

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IDE :: Buffer A Quicktime Movie - Doesn't Show Anything At All In The Browser?

Oct 14, 2009

I tried to search for tutorials here at Kirupa but it seems I keep on bumping on a dead end. I have a problem with a video clip I imported to my flash movie. When I am on the editing screen, I can see that there is a TOOL BAR below the movie. But when I publish it, it doesn't show anything at all in the browser. The movie then is not preloaded. And by the way, I placed a preloader at the beginning of the frame but it seems that the movie is not preloaded so it jitters as it plays frame by frame. [URL]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Login - First Frame Is Not Active Frame The 2ed Is The Active And 3ed Is Blank So It Wont Show?

Jan 18, 2012

im working on my own site im lost though i copyed and pasted so much but i cant seem to figer somthing out.i have a members sys sitting on a few frames every thing works. but the profile button, i have a total of 11 buttons that are working. i coppyed them put them all on 1 frame with there own instances that contain 3 frames?the first frame is the not active frame the 2ed is the active and 3ed is blank so it wont show. so my login code at this point is

ActionScript Code:
//Button Functions
signupBtn.onRelease = function() {[code]...

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