ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Find A Visited Link
Feb 3, 2011
Here im try to do just like a Scorm. Now im troubles, I need to find a user's visited links.I tried bt i failed. i used attachMovie(). If i attach the clip then i couldnt remove that clip even i used removeMovieClip() and unloadMovie().And my another doubt is: Can i calculate the Loaded swf's content length, Because i want to add the sliders like a windows media player. So that user can drag the slider to forward that current swf on the screen.
Here my Code is:
(I hv highlight that part with the bold text.)
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Aug 10, 2010
I installed a Flash template that has a "Read More" button which is used in several locations of the site. The button corresponds to a single symbol called "button_more" and another symbol within that symbol called "area_more". It's a "Movie Clip" type of symbol, not a "Button" type symbol.
What I'm trying to figure out is where would I find the link to the page where that button points to - it points to different pages of the site depending on where it's located. For example, in the About Us section it links to a page that has more details describing About Us. In the Services section it links to a page that has more details describing Services. So the same symbol is going to different links.
I checked the Properties of the symbol and it doesn't have any option for a link. (I guess it's not really going to a link, but to a different frame in the timeline) But where would I find exactly where each button points to in case I want to edit one of them in the future, or create a new button with a new link?
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Oct 20, 2010
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Feb 27, 2012
I have a "wrapper swf" that loads a remote flash player that in turn loads video preroll ads from various advertisers.
So my wrapper is the parent and the remote swf is a child and the video ad is a grandchild.
I am looking to capture the url that the grandchild will navigate to when clicked.
I am trying to trace it in the parent (wrapper) mouseUP and mouseDOwn event.
Is there a way to traverse ALL children until I get to the "bottom/last loaded" swf and get the URL?
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Mar 1, 2011
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//initialize the shared object � get it if it exists on this computer
var my_so:SharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("visited", "/");
//check to see if the visited info object exists and act accordingly
if ( != undefined) {
This is great and works well for the default .swf but i need scripts for my other .swf files that will detect if a visitor has been to these pages or that these .swf files have run.
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Oct 28, 2003
First off, i just want to say that I'm pretty much a newbie when it comes to Flash MX ActionScript.Okay, here here's my situation... have included a menu that will take the user to any of the 10 scenes. Moreover, in each of these 10 scenes, I added a BACK, NEXT, and HOME button for navigation purposes.My problem is this... was at 'Scene 1' and I wanted to jump to 'Scene 7', so I go to my menu and clickedon the button that would take me to 'Scene 7'. that I'm at 'Scene 7' I want to go back to 'Scene 1'. BUT THIS TIME I WANT TO USE MY NAVIGATION BUTTONS. So I press the BACK button from 'Scene 7' and it takes me to 'Scene 6'. (I already know why it took me to 'Scene 6' instead of 'Scene 1'.) BUT, I WANTED IT TO GO BACK TO THE LAST SCENE VISITED!
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Jun 19, 2007
How to make a "back button", that would bring me to the frame that I last visited.
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Oct 28, 2003
I just created a Flash MX document with 10 scenes.
I have included a menu that will take the user to any of the 10 scenes. Moreover, in each of these 10 scenes, I added a BACK, NEXT, and HOME button for navigation purposes.
My problem is this....
I was at 'Scene 1' and I wanted to jump to 'Scene 7', so I go to my menu and clicked on the button that would take me to 'Scene 7'. that I'm at 'Scene 7' I want to go back to 'Scene 1'. BUT THIS TIME I WANT TO USE MY NAVIGATION BUTTONS.
So I press the BACK button from 'Scene 7' and it takes me to 'Scene 6'. (I already know why it took me to 'Scene 6' instead of 'Scene 1'.) BUT, I WANTED IT TO GO BACK TO THE LAST SCENE VISITED!
So my question is this...
How do you get FLASH MX to remember which Scene you last visited?
Is there a script that I must add to force it to remember the last scene visited?
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Jul 22, 2010
What i need is a series of pictures on a row that is mouse sensitive, if you move the mouse the gallery move in a loop, (no stop!)[code]This works but i would like to have unblur the last button pressed.I did some tries but i'm not a good programmer...URL...
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Aug 26, 2011
I have a project in Flash Mx 2004. On the first frame there is a menu with 4 menu items. When the user clicks an item, they are taken to another frame with some text and an exit button that takes them back to the menu. The forward button will not become active until all of the menu items have been viewed. There is no particular order for the items to be viewed, just that they all be viewed before the forward arrow is active and the user can continue. I tried puttin an action on the exit button to disable the related menu item, however, the item just resets back to enabled each time a user re-enters the frame.
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Aug 12, 2010
In Flash Actionscript 3, if a function is defined in Frame 1 of a flash animation and the animation loops, does it store another version of the function in memory upon each loop.
If so, is it a best practice to check to see if it's the first time the frame has been run, by setting a variable and checking it's existence, or is it a non-issue because the compiler checks to make sure that a function has not already been defined?
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May 18, 2010
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Mar 7, 2011
How to change a link inside the flash element? I have SWF file with set a link inside and I want to change to mine on the website. This thing I need to control the advertisment system.Trying this, but not working:
#content {
position: absolute;
But you need everytime to put top, left, margin-bottom parameters. Can someone modify it to make working correct without pointing top, left, margin-bottom parameters?
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Jul 13, 2009
i made a video player with the xml playlist , it's a video channel indeed, it's embed swf in html. but my boss would like me to put a link on the web, when user click the link, it would directly play the specific video inside the video channel. is it possible to do it without server side script but javascript?
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Jul 20, 2009
I am new to Flash. I bought a template online a couple weeks ago, and for the most part have made all the changes to personalize the page. The page is for wedding videography, and came with a Videos section. However, I do not like the template video player, and would like to have the Videos link on the menu bar go straight to my youtube channel rather than to the flash player. Primarily all changes to the template have been made in a text.txt file, rather than the flash file itself. My question is, how could I change the link on the main page to route to my youtube channel? Here's what it looks like in the text file:
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Dec 17, 2009
I am literally at the end of my wick with this one! Here's the skinny, so to speak:
button line mc
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Oct 15, 2009
I have a datagrid with different types of columns, like I have checkboxes, combo boxes and text Inputs as the column types. Now I want one of the column type to a link, with the label "view". All the rows in that column are link with the same label "View" and on clicking it, I want a Pop up window to be opened?
This is my code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:VBox xmlns:mx="" width="100%" height="100%">
I didn't know how to bring a link in the datagrid. So used the Text control to display the "View" label. Now If I click this item, "View" in the datagrid, I want the Pop up function, i.e.,defectCommentsPopUp() to be called.
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Jul 15, 2009
I am an .swf movie on a homepage header and I would like to:
-Autoplay when someone first visits
-NOT autoplay when that same visitor has been to another site page and returns to the homepage
My last frame has a "replay" button and that is where I would like to go when I am revisited for a second time (when a variable is present?)
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Jan 11, 2010
i have created a flash animation for my homepage, i want to make part of that flash animation a "enter" button so when clicked would go to my page 2 on my website.
i have never done any script before and only used dreamweaver on a mac. is there an easy way to create this button to link to my next page and to stop my file to stop looping?
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Jun 10, 2009
I've created a flash naviagation menu and currenlly my links will open a pop up window. I don't want this. I want it to open the link in the same window. Here is the code for one of the links:
var home:URLRequest = new URLRequest("index.html");
function homeDown(event:MouseEvent):void { navigateToURL(home,"_self");}
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