ActionScript 2.0 :: Image Appears After Clicking On Button
Oct 1, 2009Image appears after clicking on button
View 0 RepliesImage appears after clicking on button
View 0 Repliesthis is EXACTLY what i want... but in AS2 [URL]..a very simple click on a button, popup appears of image, and then an exit button on the image.
View 6 RepliesI want to create a button which in a press state shows an image and removes it when its unpressed.Now the problem im facing is whenever i click the button the image appears but it soon dissapears as i lose the click.
View 5 RepliesIn order to make something work correctly, I need to simulate the user clicking on an image which doubles as a button and calls yet another function. I've tried simply calling the function, but it didn't work... for some reason, it only seems to work when the user clicks the button. Is it possible to 1) simulate clicks and 2) make the application think that the user clicks on a specific image?
Full story - My application (a scheduling application) allows the user to replace one student with another. In order to do this, the user can bring up a list of available students. Once the list is presented, and the user selects a new students name, that new name is supposed to replace the old name. Instead, the text box simply goes blank. Now, if I click a image (which acts like a button) that increases the length of a that scheduled activity by one day, the name appears for whatever reason. I've tried simply calling the function that increases the number of days, but it doesn't work. For some reason, it would appear that only the user clicking the image (button) seems to make the new user name show up in the text box. This is why I would like to simulate the user clicking the "increase by 1 day" image.
max_height = 500;
max_width = 500;
function size() {
[Code] .....
It resizes the first picture perfectly, but after I click the button, the new image comes out way too small, I cant find the error anywhere
pilt2 is 1952*2608
pilt3 is 500*375
I have created a component that I want to add to all of my panels that allows It works reasonably well.The last (hopefully) issue that I have is that I want to embed the image in the class. Doing this causes the click event not to fire.If I us"this.source='assets/info.png'" everything works OK. If however, I embed the image as shown below, the image displays, but is not clickable.
public class HelpIcon extends Image{
I'm having a panel which shows an image and control bar with buttons in the form of thumbnail image of right mark. When a user clicks on the thumbnail of right mark I want to stick the thumbnail image of that right mark to the mouse pointer and when he clicks on the image, the thumbnail related image should be paste on the image. Same concept of drag and drop with click event.
View 2 RepliesThe site opens with a SWF file. This is my first attempt at Flash. He did not have the fla file so i used a decompiler to generate it and we were able to make most of the changes he wanted. We have one thing left and I am scratching my head trying to figure this out. There are 7 buttons, and when you place your mouse over each button an image appears in the top right of the screen. This image is different depending on what button you are over. He wants to update and change a couple of these images.
View 1 RepliesMaybe the title is not self explanatory but in most iphone games eg you click the correct example and you see a +100 points mc appear and rise and alpha out. I did this with a png done in photoshop BUT not all goes well - it doesn't work.
It seens perfct but I can't see it work. The funny thing is that the custom currentBubble - with a dot after you see the code hints but a dot after pb100 - you see no code hints. Well not normal.
I have a drop-down/multi-level CSS menu on a page. The menu however doesn't appear over a flash.i put <param value="transparent" name="wmode"/> I added wmode="transparent" to the EMBED tag then the expanded menu appeared but the color of flash image diaappeared also tried z-index in css.
I have an xml gallery that I'm making for my photo business, and I'm having a problem with the order of events firing off here.
Right now when I test my flash, there is a brief moment where I see the image resize from big to the resized format... and the fader does not work anymore.
I want for everytime I open the gallery or click on an image for the resize event to happen, have the image loaded, so that the fading I have in function checkerF can begin...
Pretty much like this: Open gallery Resized image fades in...
Below is the full actionscript code of the Fla. file.
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.display.StageAlign;
import flash.display.StageScaleMode;
I am trying to have a video (New CLip.flv) start when the swf file opens and when it finsihes an image appears with some buttons on it (AS on frame 2). However I keep getting the following error:
I load a bitmap to the stage, it's a GIF and set to lossless compression. I have ensured its coordinates are integers and have not allowed smoothing (smoothing somewhat fixes the issue but reduces quality of the image).The problem is the image appears to shift one pixel to the left and add that pixel on to the right side meaning one side has no border and the other a double border.The original bitmap does not have this issue, and there is no transparency .etc in the image.
View 1 Repliesi have to generate a button dynamically... and have to keep a click handler for the same how to write script for clicking buttonim using following code for creating button dynamically
var btn:Button = new Button;
btn.label = "Print";
I have many buttons (symbols). This is what I want it to do: -Select a button on the screen, and then a movieclip plays. - If the user selects any OTHER button on screen, a message box displays a message.
View 2 RepliesI want to stop the sound loop from one button by clicking new button. Does anyone know the code that would stop one button's sound from looping by just clicking another button (for another sound)?So you have these buttons:button 1 button 2 button 3 button 4and after clicking "button 1" a sound loops. when i click "button 2" i want the sound from "button 1' to stop.
View 2 Replieshow to do so by clicking on the button movieclip moved to x = 100; and when pressed repeatedly to x =- 150 event onRelease - not work:
i wanted to do a simple action that when you press a button a video appears, it's just that. But I don't have enough knowledge about flash and it's scripts.
View 4 RepliesI am using actionscript 3 to make a point and click game. On frame 1 there are two buttons, button 1 and 2. On frame 3 there are two buttons, button A and B. I want it so that after I click button 1 on frame 1, button A on frame 3 will be hidden or when I click button 2 on frame 1, button B on frame 3 will be hidden. The buttons that are hidden do not do anything when you click them.
View 2 RepliesI'm trying to code a click-and-point adventure game for a class, in which interactive objects glow when you mouse over them.... In the frame I have the background image (in which there is, say, a drawer), and an image of the drawer glowing placed exactly over top of that. The glow image is invisible until you mouse over it, at which point it is supposed to become visible (and disappear upon mouseout). I have the mouseover function linked to the entire glow image (which is a movieclip), but it only seems to work when you mouseover a specific portion of the image (usually a corner). The code looks something like this:
ActionScript Code:
DeskDrawer.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, drawerLightUp);
function drawerLightUp(e:MouseEvent){
DeskDrawer.alpha = 100;
when the glow-image is moused over, it moves upward slightly and a small amount of whitespace appears at the top of the image.
I have a menu button. When this button is pressed the drop down menu appears. The whole actual functioning menu works great as it is fairly simple to create, but what I can't get to work is a button within the menu that drops down.I first saw this example in a flash movie I downloaded here and have attempted to basically recreate it, except to not use action script on the buttons themselves, but rather from the main time line for good coding practice.As you can see pressing the green button after the menu appears does nothing instead of tracing "works".
View 11 RepliesBasically I am working on my personal portfolio and am not that good with AS. I have made a volume box that appears once the sound button is pressed. This box includes on and off buttons. The problem is how do I make the box stay, once the user clicks on a different button e.g. home? Its it simply a case of using keyframing or is it AS? and example of what I am trying to create is [URL]. Check the sound options.
View 1 RepliesThe code runs fine, but the problem I'm having is that the text box that is suppose to go onto of my answer buttons is behind the button itself... however, if I change two lines of code around, the answer validation code doesn't pick up the which answer was clicked (it returns undefined). This is infuriating!Look for the line "//INSERT HERE." If I take the line, "var answerField:TextField = createText(answer,answerFormat,answerSprite,0,0,450);" and put it there instead, it returns the right answers (doesn't return undefined), but I can no longer see the text. I've included the createText function as well.
private function askQuestion()
trace("asking question...");
i'm making a small "add news" movie for a site in actionscript.When I insert an image in my textField, I can only move the cursor with my keys and not with my mouse anymore.I put the image always in front. I also have to click one time in my textfield, otherwise my text appears under my image. When I click it aligns to the right.
import org.papervision3d.scenes.*;
import org.papervision3d.cameras.*;
import org.papervision3d.objects.*;
i am building a digital portfolio and i have managed to get the thumbnails on a horizontal scrollbar but i want to be able to click on one to load the full image. I dont know where to start though. The code i have so far is:
package {
import flash.display.*;
How do you make a flash movie where you press a button and a number (lts say three) appears in a text field?
View 6 RepliesHow do you make a flash movie where you press a button and a number (lts say three) appears in a text field?
View 6 RepliesAm working in a wordpress project. It uses many fash images. When right clicking on the flash image, the first option takes the user to another website. How can i remove it?
View 1 Repliesive made a button and ive got it to randomly move to a different position on the screen.the probelm is when i click, everything else on the stage moves. They are all on different layers.How do i get different buttons to only move when i click on them, otherwise they stay where they are
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