ActionScript 2.0 :: Implement Variables To Check State Of MovieClip

Aug 12, 2003

Any best way to script several MCs (acting as buttons) so that on release(), the alphas on the others tween to 20. When you go to click one of the dimmed button, its alpha should tween back to 100 and the previous one that had the full alpha should now fade to 20. Logically, I know I need to somehow implement a variable to check the state of the MC and an if statement to script the actual alpha tweens but I'm confused as how to actually implement it. Where to put it etc.

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onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT)) {
_x -= power;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Checking The State Of Another Movieclip?

Nov 13, 2009

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private function fullImage(event:MouseEvent):void
parentX = MovieClip(parent).x;[code].............

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Movieclip Able To Check If Land On The Correct Movieclip?

Sep 20, 2010

I have 8 movieclip on stage, 4 of them being the contents, and the other 4 being the target. I have to drag all of the 4 contents, into the target. apparently, i am able to do that, but the problem i'm facing right now, is the button that is on stage, is suppose to check if the movieclip are in the right place, which i set them.

Here are the codes:

ActionScript Code:
import flash.display.MovieClip;
var startX:Number;


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Button MovieClip - Roll On / Off State

Mar 11, 2011

I have a button (movieclip button) that expands and displays extra things like a box next to it with pictures in. I have roll on and roll off code for the button so it glows and then returns to normal.

intelbtn.onRollOver = function(){
This is the code for the roll on state.^

When I click it goes to and plays 'click' which is an animation that expands and such. If I take my mouse off the area which expands out of the button or the button it removes the information and plays the roll off state, if I put it back in the area it plays the roll on state and flickers alot. How do I stop this (with out disabling the mouse completely because I have a close button which I want to click to close and return to original button state)

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Php :: Save A Toggle State That Is Created Using A MovieClip In Flash?

Aug 23, 2010

I have MovieClips on my Flash Stage that when clicked on--they toggle ON/OFF. My goal is that when a user clicks either ON/OFF--then leaves the flash website--another user can visit the site--and see that state of that MovieClip was either left ON/OFF.

I would need a way that when a user toggles ON/OFF--that state is saved in a variable--passed onto PHP--saved in an XML file--and then when that is done--Flash calls a function to update--to read the XML file--see if it needs to update the ON/OFF state of the MovieClip toggle button.

Multiple people would be able to go to this flash site--and toggle (ON/OFF) the objects on the stage. When more than one person is toggling--those people should instantly see objects being toggled (ON/OFF).

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Movieclip Button With Smaller Hover State?

Mar 23, 2010

anyone who takes the time to read and answer this post. I'm having an issue on a file that I'm working on at work. The basis of the project is that its an image of a map, with windmills on certain cities. When you rollover the windmill various things happen. The turbine starts to spin, information about the project in that city shows up in dynamic text boxes, etc.

Anyway, I have one movie clip for the windmill with actionscript (that makes the things mentioned above happen) on the actual symbol, so I do not have to create different movieclips for each city. However, due the way this works, when your mouse touches one of the blades of the windmill turbines, the turbine spinning animation stutters. This happens because when the turbine moves it causes your mouse to rollOut of and rollOn to the windmill rapidly.

It seems that I need to create a hit state for the windmill that is smaller than the bounding box for the entire movieclip. I'm unsure how to do this since the on(rollOver) and on(rollOut) states of the movieclip prevent me from being able to place that type of actionscript on the actual hit state (which would be inside of the movieclip). I could easily just take the actionscript on the main movieclip symbol and put it on JUST the hit state inside, however, I would need 60 different movieclips of the windmill for each city if I did it this way.

Is there any way that I can define a hit state that is smaller than the bounding box of my movieclip button, so that I do not have to create 60 different movieclips? I forgot to mention: Unfortunately since I'm doing this for a client at work, I can not post my file up anywhere to show. So if you need any more information or I was not specific enough please let me know. Also, I can post my code if need be.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Saving Movieclip State In External File

Jun 14, 2011

I am developing iOS app in Adobe AIR and Adobe Flash CS5.5... It's basically a huge timeline of movie clips with entrance screen. What I want to do is somehow create an external AS or TXT file, in which I got few movie clips defined as visible/hidden. I want the movie itself to change those states of the movie clips in the external file when it reaches certain frames in the main timeline, so that the next time you open the app and its entrance screen, there are buttons (movie clips) made visible there which can link/bring you to the previously reached frame.

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Sep 10, 2008

I added a child (addChild(myCllip) ) and then i change properties of other movieClips inside it then i remove it.

My problem is that when i addChild it again i remains the same when i removed it.

Its there a way to reset the to the original state of the movieClip when i addit again?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Dynamic InstanceName - Link The State Id's In The Xml Record To The State MovieClips That Make Up The Map?

May 12, 2009

I have a flash map that contains 51 movieClips, one for each state.Sample instanceName for a state (Alabama) would be: S_01
I have a XML record that contains specific info for each state.<stateID>01</stateID
I am trying to link the stateID's in the XML record to the state movieClips that make up the map.var stateInstanceName = 'S_' + stateID;
I was just trying to do a simple trace command to see if I could pull the _width of each state clip to see if I was linked up:

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Apr 9, 2011

It's my understanding that view states can be useful when switching the layout of design elements. Such as, a loading page as one state and the main application design in another state. Is this the correct use of them? Additionally, I have a label in State1 and I cannot figure out how to access that label via actionscript. labelID.text = "New Text"; is not working.

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Actionscript 3 :: Adding A Rollover State To A Spark Button When State Is Disabled?

Apr 14, 2011

I need to add a rollover effect to the disabled state of a Spark button. This way, users can rollover the button and know why the button is disabled.I think I would have to override ButtonBase's getCurrentSkinState. Is there anyway to test if a mouse cursor is over a disabled button?

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