ActionScript 2.0 :: More House Cleaning - Trace Statements?
Mar 27, 2012
As a best practice should trace statements be removed form all AS once we're on the final files? Or does it not matter and therefore best for future reference to leave them be?
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if trying to debug in Flash, and for some reason some of my trace statements don't work. I believe this only happens when they're in event listeners, but it is very annoying. I am using CS5 and coding in Flash Builder 4.
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Sep 24, 2009
They are showing up in the flashlog, and eclipse LogWatcher, but not Flash CS4's OUTPUT window.
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function randomIt()
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i'm working on a flex project where we load in a bunch of swf files from a zip archive using fzip. And whenever i'm running in debug mode, I get a whole bunch of trace statements saying like, [SWF] filepath - 251 bytes after decompression I'm just wondering if anyone knows how to hide these statements in the output window as there are a lot of them as i've got over 200 swf files being loaded in and these statements
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Feb 24, 2010
Recently I found out that event experienced flash developers do not know that it is possible to get "trace" content of flash movies outside of Flash IDE. This was kind of a surprise for me because I was using flash tracer for years already and I know what a pain it is when your flash application works fine in IDE and then fails fo load in browser.Are you still reading trace statements of your flash movies and applications from Flash IDE? Then this tool is for you.http:[url]....
It allows you to read all the "trace" statements of SWF files without adding any extra code! It works in Firefox, IE, Chrome, Safari, Flash IDE, Adobe AIR. Vizzy runs out-of-the-box and configures your environment for you to start debugging your flash applications immediately (automatic mm.cfg file creation, determining location, debug flash player detection, etc.)More features
* Allows you to watch trace outside of Flash IDE
* Allows you to see trace in all browsers like Internet Explorer,Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Opera and others * Allows you to see trace in AIR applications
* Cross-platform (Windows, Mac, Linux) * Customize font and font size * Automatically creates mm.cfg file * Automatically detects flashlog.txt file location * Comma separated filtering * Allows to set max limit of bytes loaded from the end of flashlog.txt * and much more...
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Dec 22, 2009
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Mar 1, 2012
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Mar 2, 2005
I have a stage that's filled with dynamically generated isometric objects [ in the shape of a smiley, placed according to an array ], and when i click a button, i would like the stage to be cleared, then another frame with another isometric code and another array to load.The problem i am facing now is that the items positionned from the smiley are still on the stage if the next array is smaller than the previous one.Currenlty, i triedunloadMovieNum(depth) in between with this code:
n = 50;
onEnterFrame = function(){
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Jun 8, 2009
I've created a map with the 50 states. I then hardcoded this so that when you hover over them the alpha is set to .5, and if you click on when it's ChildIndex is set to -1 and it plays the animation of the state growing to full size. I know there is a better way to do this, rather than how I wrote each line of code for each of the fifty states...
I'm also trying to play an outro animation "down" after the state is clicked while it is enlarged from the "up" animation.I also tried to create a var state so that when you mouse off of a state the state is no longer highlighted, but I ended up doing a work around using currentframe=.
var small:int = 1;
var big:int = 2;[code]....
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Oct 7, 2004
If they get a question wrong in my quiz ( weakest link) the money clip goes to zero and it goes onto the next question. If they get it right the money clip advances and they go onto the next question. I want to include each time that it should only go onto the next question if all questions have been asked. SO i want an extra if clause in both sections, saying if current question is more than 11 go to '#game over"The questions are saved in the frame of the quiz
_root.qArray = new Array("question: A;B;C;D")
_root.qArray.push("Question?:A;B; C; D")
There are 11 questions.At the moment at the section with choosing answers I have
function selectAnswer(n) {
// correct
if (answers[n] == correctAnswer) {;
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Jul 29, 2009
if you have object inside of object inside of object ... etcwhen you want to completely remove it is it enough to just say:removeChild(topObject);or you need to go inside and start cleaning from there?
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Apr 16, 2011
I'm trying to clean up my code for an animation I created. I'm hoping by doing this, my animation will stop being as buggy and/or I can more easily figure out why its being buggy. think that variables are the way to go so I read up on them and have a decent idea of what I need to do. But what sounds good in my head doesn't seem to work on screen.So basically I would like to take my three buttons called card1, card2 and card3 and combine their functions. All the code for each button looks exactly like the code below (except for the mc name of course)
card1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, overhandler);
function overhandler(event:MouseEvent):void {
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May 29, 2009
I am having issues with a global array. I have an actionscript file called at the same level as my main FLA:
I am able to trace that first element while trace is called within the function... but if I try to trace that first element outside of the function it is "undefined". Do I need to return the array at the end of the function? I tried that but I cant seem to get it working correctly.
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Nov 9, 2011
I've been playing with prototype a bit and I've noticed that either it isn't as static as it should be or that some functions are protected from altering, or that in some cases the prototype actually extends a function. For example, I was trying to modifiy the global trace function to output the current time of a trace action, something like this :
Code:trace("lulu"); // output 12:48:17.286 lulu I DID achieve something close to it, but it seems that I haven't actually modified the global trace function, but rather it's "_root" counterpart,
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Nov 14, 2009
ive got a loaded xml list for an mp3 player. from playing track1, when i select track 2, it traces "track1" but then after a second click it traces "track2" and stays on that. the actually music for track2 does load on the first click though, but not the trace. anyone know why on the first click it would still trace the previous track? here is the code for that function...
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May 8, 2009
The reason why I'm writting it's because I'm doing a website in Flash, and I don't know how to do one thing.I can create the TextArea, it's ok by now. But what I want to do now it's create 2 buttons. In the first, the "Clean" button, if I clicked on him, the TextArea delete everything it was written there, and in the "Send" button I send an e-mail to one e-mail, with what was written in the TextArea.
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May 11, 2009
I got on stage a bunch of squares (sprites), so when the browser change size, I need to re-draw this squares and re-calculate max numbers of that can fit on the page, and so on..., my issue is I call three functions in the resizeListener
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May 25, 2009
I had Flash 8 on my computer, and back when CS3 came out I purchased the full suite and installed that. Yesterday (years later, now) I was cleaning up installs on my computer to free space. I used Control Panel to remove Flash 8 from my PC.Now Flash CS3 still launches and works, but I cannot get .swf files to launch on their own at all. When I double-click them to open them, I get the message:
The file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action. Create an association in the Folder Options control panel. I've googled to figure out what that means or how to do it, but I haven't found a decent reply that's been effective. If I try to drag a .swf into a browser window (or just open it with a browser), it is also not recognized. Oddly enough, I can view Flash files on web pages no problem (when browsing online)...
Some necessary components must have been removed when Flash 8 was installed. I suppose I could try re-installing Flash CS3, but the problem with that is that I'm out of town on business for the next 10 days. My Studio install discs are back at home, and I need to get work done this week!.
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Oct 29, 2009
I have an array that when traced, lets say looks like
I'm just wondering, what's the best way to tell if an element in an array is empty?
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Jun 26, 2011
I'm a relatively experienced programmer, but I'm completely new to as3my question is how can I remove one object and subsequently all it's child objects and their listeners?I need to remove all objects from a certain object called "world". My objects are all on top of this "world" object. the game has a level object which is on top of this "world" object and it produces enemies among other things on an enter frame event.To remove this from the stage I call the world.destroy() method from the main timeline.
// * Destroy the world
public function destroy()
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Nov 14, 2011
Lets say a scene started off around 70-80mb, it loaded a swf in, and by removing the event listener and setting objects to null and numbers to 0 before unloading the swf,and went back to the original scene, the memory stack up till like 80mb++, and every time I repeats the same process the memory goes up higher,is that normal? or its a memory leaking issue?
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Jul 21, 2009
I have a working rotating menu that I have been changing to suite what I am trying to acheive. it all works apart from the distance between images which I can sort out later. At the moment the movie has a UI which I would rather remove including the script that makes it function just leaving the rotating menu, and the script to change the radius and size etc witin the I do not want the user to have the capabilities of the UI control panel. remove and clean up the script as everytime I remove related script the menu stops playing. I have uploaded files to here: [URL]
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Feb 20, 2012
I want to display HTML formatted content from various sources inside a Flash Flex application. Flash supports HTML formatting in its text fields, however it is very limited compared to a web browser. Are there any scripts out there that will convert common HTML formatted text into a format that Flash can handle? My particular use cases are:Displaying HTML formatted emails inside FlashDisplaying RTF files inside Flash (after running an RTF2HTML conversion on the server)Displaying random HTML content copied and pasted from other sources into Flash
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