ActionScript 2.0 :: MovieClipLoader Events Don't Exist In Class Files?

Aug 17, 2006

I'm writing an AS2.0 component that extends the UIComponent and I have the following movieClipLoader defined in the init() function:

movieClipLoader_mcl = new MovieClipLoader();
movieClipLoader_mcl.onLoadProgress = loadProgressRoutine;
movieClipLoader_mcl.onLoadComplete = loadCompleteRoutine;


The really strange part is that even though I get this error at compile time, the actual event handling functions (ex. loadProgressRoutine) actually run when they're supposed to. So even though Flash is complaining about the properties in the MovieClipLoader not existing, it uses them when it has to...

"why is Flash complaining" and "how do I make Flash *stop* complaining?"

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Write MovieClipLoader AddListener Events In Class File?

Dec 13, 2010

I was write base class for a MovieClip. When i was call  "load" function this inMyScroller class. canot trigger  any  MovieClipLoader addListener out put pannel given below messgae:"'file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Kiran%20Etukuri/Desktop/Custom Scroll/test.swf'"not getting addListener onLoadErrorevents.if cant understand  How can i upload zipfile.

class MyScroller extends MovieClip {
public var content_mask; public var container;public var H_ponter; public var H_track; public var V_ponter; public var V_track;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: MovieClipLoader Not Working With Offline Files

Sep 8, 2005

Ok, so here's my problem I've used the tutorial here: [URL] to create a preloader for my external images.. But i have a biiiiig problem The preloader work extra-fine with .jpegs from the [URL] but when i try to use the preloader for a file on my hdd.. and after i enable the Simulate Download feature it seems like thing go really crazy.. Because the trace actions say the jpg is loaded.. But in the main stage, it takes some time for the image to appear.. Dunno what this means, and i thought that some of you might know Here's the code


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Flash :: The Math Class Does Not Appear To Exist?

Dec 11, 2011

I think I broke my Flash. I'm using Flash CS5.5, and when I use AS3, any references to the Math class give me errors like this:1061: Call to a possibly undefined method sqrt through a reference with static type Class.1061: Call to a possibly undefined method pow through a reference with static type Class.1061: Call to a possibly undefined method pow through a reference with static type Class.The code in error is this:var dist:Number = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(initPos.x - pos.x, 2) + Math.pow(initPos.y - pos.y, 2));What the heck is going on here? Math is a top-level class, so I don't think I should be getting an error like this. Is it possible to somehow "break" the Math class? If so, how do I fix it?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Odd BUG #1172 Error While Class Path Exist?

May 25, 2009

I develop my own library with some simple component classes (the name of the library is test "myLib"). Yesterday i've created a folder in my library folder "events" and create a custom Event class in there.when i try to import the class from this directory i get the error:"1172: Definition could not be found." i've try to make a completely new and empty .fla file and paste this line in the Action panel:


and again i receive this odd error while with other subfolders of my lib i have no this

import myLib.ui.*;

import myLib.ui.myCustomScroll


import myLib.util.CustomMath

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Use The MovieClipLoader Class To Load Up A Swf?

Jun 23, 2009

I'm trying use the MovieClipLoader class to load up a swf and have it start at a particular frame. Such as:

var myloader:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
myloader.onLoadComplete = function(target:MovieClip) {


The Bold underline text is where I would imagine most of the magic happens. How Would I place the MovieClipLoader into this and have that swf go play that particular frame label?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: MovieClipLoader In Custom Class?

Dec 9, 2008

Here is the code I have:

import flash.display.BitmapData;
import mx.utils.Delegate;
class com.vectren.nodeworld.Main extends MovieClip


The picture loads fine, but the the listener functions aren't being called.

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Image - Flash AS2 - MovieClipLoader Class Not Working?

Feb 3, 2011

I have a problem with loading an image path reference into a movieClip.On my movie loading I attachMovie according to i (no. of instances)Then I generate a copy of the instances (these are prepared ready for print - I have this working)

However, the initial creation of these instances is handled when the Flash movie loads and uses part of the code below to generate thumbnails:

myScroll.content.attachMovie("fav_content", "Stadium"+i, i);
var imgPath =["img"+i];
myScroll.content["Stadium" + i].imageLocation = imgPath;


The class is called multiple times once then when triggered in a duplicate movieclip but fails somehow - maybe the clue is duplicate tho tried that (duplicateMovieClip..)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Use MovieClipLoader Class To Create An EventListner?

Oct 19, 2009

I need to make a preloader for a test project that is very diffirent and a little bit off-beat as it uses script that I have prostetuted from a variety of diffirent files, see might take a while to load as it has no preloader and please note how it does load...), it scrolls the actual content of the site along the x axis in multiple speeds by using the following script 4 times for each layer/speed of content:[code]The actual files they are pulling are massive in file size and there fore I need to make a preloader that can cach all the content and then start to display the actual 'content/sliders' I dont even have an idea what kind of loader to use for something like this as I have already tried adding a little loading function (what the "clip1" "clip2" etc...) either I am making this to big of an issue and there is a realy simple way of doing this or there is none that will do what I require? does anyone know of a way for me to pre load everything with one preloader simotaniously?URL...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: MovieClipLoader Class - LoadClip Function Failure

May 21, 2007

I'm having a fun little bug with the loadClip function of the MovieClipLoader class. I've passed it a valid MovieClip and a valid filename (verified by traces) and it still returns false. It never calls the listener object I created with a onLoadStart or onLoadError event.

import mx.utils.Delegate;
class MultiSWFManager_MiniLoader {
public var dispatchEvent:Function;
public var addEventListener:Function;
public var removeEventListener:Function;
[Code] ......

It never calls onLoadStart (I figured it might be a scope issue, so I placed the function inline. Otherwise, I created private functions for each event.)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: MovieClipLoader Class - Play A Movieclip In The Loading Position?

Dec 11, 2004

Does anyone know how to use the Loader method of this class? I want to play a movieclip in the loading position rather than a textbar which increases... All of the examples I've seen so far only show the latter of the two options... I can use loadMovie() and achieve what I want, but the MovieClipLoader class is the future.

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Jan 20, 2004

Is it posible to make a preloader of a SWF that loads an external JPG?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Setup A Website That Uses The MovieClipLoader Class To Load External Images & Swfs

Oct 29, 2009

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Mar 17, 2009

I am trying to create a basic flash script to load an external swf file using MovieClipLoader class. Here's my code:

var myMCL:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
var myListener:Object = new Object();

I simply copied it from a tutorial. Unfortunately it throws an error message as follows:

1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: MovieClipLoader
1180: Call to a possibly undefined method.

PS: I have CS3 professional in my machine but I am following Flash 8 book. But my CS3 application supports AS1, 2 and 3.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Events Dispatched By The Class A Doesn't Get Listened By The Main Class?

Feb 2, 2010

I have a main class which listens for an event dispatched from another class say class A. Also there are other classes say class B, class C etc.There is a controller class.Classes B, C dispatches events that gets listened by the controller and works well.But the events dispatched by the Class A doesn't get listened by the main class.What might be the problem. Detailed Explanation of the problem.There is a main mxml file.

Class files are in: ....etc

The main mxml file gets the input from a textArea. Sends the input to the capturedInput (input:String) function using set method which is in the ProcessInput Class.Now I need to dispatch events NORMAL, COMMAND depending on the input obtained after the processing, where I'm having problems. The reason is that if the event NORMAL is dispatched a particular function inside the DBController is to be called. If COMMAND event is dispatched then I need to call another function. This idea doesn't work since the events doesn't get listened.But the events dispatched by the CSDB class when listened by the DBController works well.

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Apr 30, 2010

I think this is a pretty simply problem but I do not seem to be able to pull it off. Basically I have a parent class A, and a child class B.Class A instantiates class B with addChild.There is a shared object which is being updated from a java server (red5) that has an event listener attached to it in class A.I have a function in class A which will pass certain, specific updates from this shared object to class B.The problem occurs is that when class B is instantiated, the event listener from class A doesn't work anymore. I have not removed the event listener from A.?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Class - "Property Does Not Exist" Error For MC.drawBox(100,100)

May 9, 2004

im having some troubles with as2.0 classes calling each-other. Basically, on the root timeline I have MC Called "myMovieClip" [how original] and on the first frame I have :


Whenever I execute this the swf just does nothing, I have tested the script so many times and it turns out that the drawBox class is never called - I always get a "Property Does Not Exist" error for MC.drawBox(100,100) I have also tried importing the class file on the 1st frame, but still nothing.... is there anything special you need to do to register a property to a flash class - in this case the MovieClip Class? or am I doing somthing completly wrong.

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Actionscript 3 :: Adobe Air Native Installer Is Not Including .class Files And .properties Files

Feb 20, 2012

I have some files in my src directory, some are .class files (Java class files) and some are .properties files, when I create the Adobe air native installer these files are not included. Why is that? How can I work around that?

Also it excludes .mxml files, but that's good. I'm sure that's related, how to change what it includes or excludes?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: MovieClipLoader Event - Getting OnloadComplete Event To Call A Method In The Main Body Of The Class

Apr 17, 2007

I'm newish to OOP AS... trying to build a image loader that wipes between loads. having trouble getting my onloadComplete event to call a method in the main body of the class. what am I missing?


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Does Client Get Class Files And .fla Files

Oct 14, 2009

Just wondering what is the standard in the Industry; does the client get the ActionScript Classes and the .fla file?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Events Into A Class?

Aug 28, 2009

My FLA has a class instantiated in it and I can call the public functions in that class no problem. What does not seem to work, is to dispatch an event in the FLA and the class to register it. Is that how it is? Seems that from inside the class outward is no problem. So, from child to parent, works, but not the other way around. The event that I am dispatching on the FLA timeline looks like this:
dispatchEvent(new Event("SHOW_TIP"));

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Passing Events Out Of A Class?

Apr 28, 2009

So I've created a custom class which makes use of a Sound object. The Sound object loads a sound from a URL, and I attach and event listener to it to see it when it finishes loading i.e. Event.Complete

MY question is this: how do I receive this event outside of the class? For instance, I want to be able to create an instance of my class somewhere else, load a sound and attach an event listener to my custom class that listens for the event thrown by the sound. Understandably, I don't want to make the sound object a public variable.

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Flex :: Dispatching Events From A Class?

Dec 15, 2009

import mx.controls.Alert;


I am able to get the result, but not able to dispatch the event from the custom actionScript class. I googled and got the riposte that you need to add it to display list.

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Actionscript 3 :: Events Declared In A Class?

Jan 22, 2011

I sometimes see events declared near the top of the class (i.e. below the imports but above the constructor):

* Description here

[Event(name="complete", type="")]

What exactly is this? Is this an "import" of a certain type of event?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Use Events In My Class Pattern?

Feb 11, 2009

I have a model which manages all of my data (DataManager)

I have a series of view classes, which manage stage instances.

I would like my view classes to listen for custom events within my DataManager class. So, for example, when all of my data files are loaded, I would like to have a custom event dispatch. All of my views will have listeners within them, waiting for events from the DataManager to trigger functions within.[code]...

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May 31, 2010

I have one fla file which has a button(Sign in) and some movieclips(User name and password) in it. I have attached an actionscript( to this fla which contains a class definition (login class) and i want to get the instance on the button (sing in button) and add the onclick and same sort of events to this button.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Listening For Events In Another Class?

Oct 16, 2011

I have the Main class that imports my urlValidator class.My urlValidator class imports com.usual.swfaddress and thanks to the SWFAdressEvent fires the function dealing with the validation of the url.In some other class myMenu (child of the Main but on the other branch) I need to listen for the event of validation being completed.I'm importing myEvent (custom event) class to urlValidator and when the validation is complete I'm triggering the dispatchEvent.At the same time I'm importing the myEvent to myMenu class and trying to listen when the myEvent was dispatched (from urlValidator).

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Key Events Inside Class

Feb 19, 2007

I am curious in what strategies people are using (if they are using) the Key events inside of their classes. I am trying to build up a character class and I wanted to encapsulate the movement inside of the class.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Events Within Class Constructors?

Nov 17, 2008

currently i am setting up a class to handle a movie clip, tweening from one spot to another. I want to be able create an instance of this class, pass in 2 arrays (an array of x pos's, and an array of y pos's), and also pass in the mc to be attached and thecontainer to attach it to.I currently have this

import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing.*;


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