ActionScript 2.0 :: PHP Variables To Flash And Reverse?
Apr 23, 2004
I have done around 6 or 7 searches along the lines of passing variables, sql and flash, sql flash and php, and when I submit the search, the only result I get is a damm server error about memory issues.
The question is this. Does anyone have a very, very simple php vars passed to flash to display file that I may view?
I know how to do this with a text file, but am not entirely sure if it is the same routine.
Does the Flash have to be on the same page as the php, or just link to remote files?
Also, what are the security issues with passing from Flash to php? Say for instance passwords. From php i can do a MD5 hash before it leaves the system to a server... well what about between the Flash and the php. Everyone says do it in the php, but if it is insecure I wanna know, so I can do it in the Flash.
And finally, can the flash be used to edit the php vars? Say, a Flash form, username and password, to the php, php does the querrying, and says yes or no, flash then gives t3h finger. I am pretty sure it can be, as I have seen it before, however every search I have done for something of this nature seems to be chating about ASP, which I have never touched in my life. And don't plan touching it at all.
Well I did, I have done around 6 or 7 searches along the lines of passing variables, sql and flash, sql flash and php, and when I submit the search, the only result I get is a damm server error about memory issues.The question is this. Does anyone have a very, very simple php vars passed to flash to display file that I may view? I know how to do this with a text file, but am not entirely sure if it is the same routine.Does the Flash have to be on the same page as the php, or just link to remote files? Also, what are the security issues with passing from Flash to php? Say for instance passwords.
From php i can do a MD5 hash before it leaves the system to a server... well what about between the Flash and the php. Everyone says do it in the php, but if it is insecure I wanna know, so I can do it in the Flash.And finally, can the flash be used to edit the php vars? Say, a Flash form, username and password, to the php, php does the querrying, and says yes or no, flash then gives t3h finger. I am pretty sure it can be, as I have seen it before, however every search I have done for something of this nature seems to be chating about ASP, which I have never touched in my life. And don't plan touching it at all.
So I have this mc: this.slidingMenu it's a mc of a ring shaped menu, which turn around when 2 button get clicked. When the button on the right, mc goes forward until stop(), when the button on the left mc goes reverse until the stop(). In the first case i use gotoanplay, and everything goes fine. For the second I use prevFrame, like this:
Place a 100px by 100px box on the stage (not a movieclip, just a simple shape).
Now apply a vertical skew of 30 degrees. You should get this...
Click outside of the shape to release the transformation data. The degrees for skew resets to 0 (this is expected), see image below
But What skew would you apply to the shape to return it to its original shape. Initially I would've thought it was -30 in the vertical skew, but this seems to return a weird hybrid shape.. See below:
Well I just have to pass variables from flash to php then back from php to flash I've used the following sintax thousands times but now it has decided not to work any longer.
I was just wondering if there was any code that makes flash player play the timeline in reverse. For example, if you made a movieclip in frame 1 to go to another place on frame 10 using motion tween, could you possibly make a button and code it so that it plays backwards to a 'stop' point or the start?
Ive got text in arabic in Word doc, written right to left (its times new roman font, arabic characters). when I copy & paste in XML, it reverses the direction, becomes left to right.
Im using word 2003 & adobe CS3 .i need to load xml file in Flash .
I'm building a video player and am kinda stuck at the volume slider part. It's a YouTube style vertical slider, meaning if the slider is in the top position volume should be 100% and if the slider is dragged to the bottom position sound should be 0. Currently it's doing the opposite of what I want :(
Dragging the slider down will make the sound louder, while dragging up lowers it.
Here is my code below dealing with the volume slider.
The (-4) is an offset value so when you drag it all the way to turn it off, it's 0 and not 4. I need to reverse this somehow, so the traces above will swap... going down will make userVolume = 4 and going up will make it 30.
In a game I'm working on, I'm using the ColorTransform class to the turn the 'enemies' red as they fall off the screen after they've been hit by one of the player's 'missles' with the following [code]...
Can I somehow undo the ColorTransform to an enemy once it has been applied, or does he have to stay monochromatic thereafter?
I use this code i found on this forum. i want to control an MC to act like a buttopn, on roll over it plays the movieclip forward, on Rollout it plays the movieclip backwards.
This script works ok, but on when reversing it feels slow and often it doesent reverse to the start of frame 1 in the MC.... It is very sensitive to quick mouse over and out. The quirky reverse is possible because i use there another thing i can use?
Basically I have just created an animated button using frame labels, and was wondering if there is any way to reverse the timeline.
Currently my code looks like this:
Code: btnHome.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, btnHomeOn); btnHome.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, btnHomeOff); function btnHomeOn(event:MouseEvent):void {
The way it's coded here, if the user removes the mouse from the above the button the timeline continues from homeOff.What I want is for the timeline to reverse from its current position instead of just playing forwards from a fixed point.
I have a quick question for any flash smartypantses out there....I'm looking for the most efficient way to do this weird thing...
I'm trying to create 6 menu buttons (all text) that when you click one, a submenu drops down (more lines of text - that fade in individually).
What I'm having trouble with is figuring out how to get this submenu to "close back up" (animation) when someone clicks one of the other main menus (Colors or Locations, in this example.)
How can I get it to perform this animation BEFORE it navigates to the next menu section?
is it possible to play a movie clip (or simply, main timeline) in reverse order e.g. suppose, there is a movie clip, few frames in that, of course it will play from first frame to end frame, and also, i want them to play from end frame to first frame.
I apologize for being a newbie. I have been trying to figure out how to reverse an EKG movieclip to go from right to left instead of the direction it is currently moving:
how I reverse through frames.I can certanly have a loop that calls prevframe.But, what I want is to know when I have reached a certain frame.The only way I can think of how to do this is to know the exact number of frames, and then use a loop that loops the exact number of frames I need.
Its been a while since I last posted but I was hoping someone would be able to help me asap. I am so nearly there but something is not quite right. I have alot of faith in this forum so I'm hoping someone out there can help! Here we go:
I have various movie clips within movie clips, these all work fine. Within one of the MC's, i have a button with instance name "left" and one called "right". These are used to cycle through my work (this is for my portfolio). The right button works fine, just plays the timeline of the MC using frame labels. I built my site last year but its going through a complete overhaul on the structure and coding side cos quite simply, its a mess Last year, i placed this code ON the "left" button itself:
how can i reverse the frames.what i mean is if for example u have a motion tween of a circle sliding to the right.what should i write in the last frame of the motion tween so the circle will go back..._current frame--?
I'm working with AS3 and I have two questions. First, to save on having to re-do work, is there a way to simply play the timeline in reverse IE from frame 210 - 200? I've got a page set up to slide in from the right when clicked on, and if you click on the back button, I want the page to slide out to the right again. Figured the easiest way to do this would be to simply reverse the timeline. Just don't know if that's possible in flash.
Secondly I've got it set up in the timeline for a FLVPlayback component to slide in to the center of the stage from the right when its page is clicked on and though this works in the timeline, when I test the movie, it doesn't slide in and if I expand the preview to full screen, the flv and its controls are still on the right side of the stage. how to get the movie to slide in properly?
I'm creating a movieclip that shows some photo samples with two arrows at the bottom. I want it so that if the user presses on the right arrow, the movie clip plays forward and goes toward the end to "shuffle" through the image samples. But I would also like them to be able to press on the left arrow and be able to play the movieclip backwards to "shuffle" back toward the beginning of the images.
The closest thing I can think of that would be similar to this would be the way you can shuffle through album images in iTunes.I just need to know the Actionscript 2.0 code to play the movieclip in reverse.