ActionScript 2.0 :: Pausing Movie Clip (but Allowing Motion To Finish)
Nov 6, 2009
I am trying to get a movie clip to pause when the cursor rolls over it, and then make a darkened out area visible and have some text appear. I have succeed in doing so, but it looks funny. What I would like to do now, is once the cursor rolls over the movie clip it will finish the movie clips motion and then pause on a certain frame or frame label.
I am creating an online banner where I want movie 3 movies clips to move to different parts of the banner when a button is rolled over. the 3 movie clips move independently of each other. When I roll off the button I want the clips to move back to where they started. I have achieved this fine, but the problem is when i roll over a different button on the banner the file automatically plays the commands for that button of course. What I need to do is have each movie clip finish before the next button plays it's commands. The coding I have for the buttons is just simple.
I have created a gallery that loads pictures from the server into a movie clip within Flash MX. This works fine. Now I have been asked to take those pictures that load dynamically and allow them to be a static image so that they can be clicked on enabling the user to view them at an enlarged state.Can I create a button that talks to the movie clip allowing the pictures being loaded to pull a pop up window enlarging it?
I have 4 flyout buttons on my flash and when you RollOut of the button, it plays the closing animation. But if you quickly move the mouse back onto the button before it is finished playing the RollOut, then it gets stuck and flashes and kind of strobes.
Okay, so there is a movie on the timeline, and at the end of it there is an action frame that stops the movie so it doesn't loop.
However, the last frame on another layer is also a movie clip, of a rotating circle. This rotating circle has buttons on it that will load other parts of the site. I want the circle to stop rotating whenever someone puts their mouse over it.
I have attached the file to this document, but basically I have a street scene which will eventually have about 5-6 people walking along the stage.
Currently on rollover of a button within the movie "movement_clip" my button will go to the overstate which shows a still of the animated women standing still. However...what I want to do on rollover, is I also want to pause "movement_clip" wherever it is in the process and then continue from where it got paused on rollout.
I am simpy rotating a movie clip. This works fine. When the rotation is finished, it resets back to its original position. Argg! I can't find any information on how to capture the motion finish, or how to just make it stay in place after the rotation. Here is the line of code, which works, but resets back to original position:
I've been fumbling with this issue for a bit. I've got a lovely little tooltip movieclip that follows the user's mouse for a few seconds before it removes itself. My problem is that if there is one already there I remove it, however, I cannot seem to remove the Motion_Finish event and it still fires and possibly deletes a new tooltip. What I want is to essentially put in a line item such as: var tween(smallhelp_panel).deleteAll(); I saw a tweenlight function killtweensof(mc); However I've used the tweens I've incorporated below throughout my 30k lines of AS3 code.
Here is my tooltip handler. I call it with a simple Main_Warning("Please don't forget to save!",5); My movieclip is a 'smallhelp_panel' and I check if it already exists and remove it. However, the alpha and MOTION_FINISH tweens still exist and cause issues with any new smallhelp_panels. public function Main_Warning( the_text:String, myTimer:int = 4){ if(smallhelp_panel != null){ stage.removeChild( smallhelp_panel ); [Code] .....
It seems to be the case that the MOTION_FINISH event fires of prematurely in the Flash Tween class. I've heard that it is not the best tween engine to use, but this seems like a particularly egregious. I am using "Strong.easeOut" for the motion. What are some alternative tween engines that people like?
Anyway what I need to do is have a movie clip finish playing when a button is clicked and then go to the frame label associated with the button. I hope I'm explaining myself ok. So if I had say 4 buttons Home Gallery About Contact If Contact is clicked then I want the Home page to play (Which is a fade out) and then go to Contact Page (which will fade in). Then If Gallery is clicked then I want Contact to fade out and then go to Gallery page and fade in.
Let me start by stating that I am a complete and total noob to web design, programming of any type, and flash animation. I've spent more hours watching videos on YouTube and reading web pages than I ever should have.I've created my first flash animation for my business website that consists of four pictures moving across the pageThe problem I'm having is that as the first two pictures reach the side of the page where they exit, they pause for a second or two. This happens even when the animation is fully loaded.
need to have a movie text containing a dynamically loaded single line text box to move back and forth like a ticker tape. The text box will change content depending which button is pressed, so the length will always change. The effect is something like in the winamp display screen where the text scrolls back and forth depending on the length of the file name.I can get everything to scroll one way or another but I can't seem to get it to switch directions when it reaches a certain _X position. I've used if statements to set a variable when the _x position reaches a certain point, nested loops, everything I can think of.These are two versions of the loops I've used to move the clip. I've tried this in a clipEvent and as a function.
I have a button on the right side of my screen. When I click it I want a full screen menu system to come in from the right hand side and stay in place until another button is clicked.I have all the parts built, but I don't know how to use buttons properly. The only tutorials I've found are the ones that tell you how to show or hide something, or how to change the appearance of the button.
In flash cs4, i've created motion tweens on 4 separate layers with 4 different movie clip symbols that were created with the pen tool. it seems to be fine when i scrub the playhead, but when i test the movie, 2 of the movie clip graphics distort, and the bottom halves of them move faster than the top halves.
I need to move a movie clip with action script. I am writing action script to one of the layers and calling my movie clip "bird". I want to move the clip in a wave motion(like a sine wave). I am using the bird._x and bird._y and setting them equal to a variable. But the _y part of it is not moving. The movie clip is only moving from right to left and there is no upward or downward movement.
I have 10 objects in 10 layers to make a single logo. I have created them using flash drawing objects. Now I would like each object to come one by one on stage using motion tween. How can I go further? Do I need to make each object a movie clip before set it motion tween? Or do I need to make a single movie with all 10 objects as combined? Please note that I need each object to come on stage one by one (not a whole logo on once). Please provide help or any example tutorial link.
I've been going over several tutorials and whatnot and I'm confused on the point of movie clip symbols and motion tweens. To me using the other tweens and symbols are "easier". Can someone explain to me why they're so beneficial to have been added to CS4/CS5? Except I understand that movie clip symbols can be adjusted using the 3D tools but is that the only difference?
I'm having a problem getting a movie clip to Motion Tween from a positive value to a negative value. I have two movie/buttons on my stage. When you click one the other movie Tweens from a y value of 0 to a y value of 400. That works fine. However, when you click the other button, the movie clip should then Tween from a y value of 400 back to a y value of 0. I cannot get this reverse tween to work.
Code: // code for positive tween function movePeople(event:MouseEvent):void { movePlacesTween = new Tween(pageloaderB, "y", Strong.easeOut, 0, 400, 0.5, true); }
The second tween never reverses. It just stays in place.
I've also tried the same tweens using the y value of pageloaderB... so tweening from pageloaderB.y to pageloaderB.y+400, which works, but the reverse does not -- pageloaderB.y+400 to pageloaderB.y.
how to apply a rotational motion blur to a movie clip using the Tween Class and Blur Filter? I have found info on bluring an animation this way, but only via the x or the y axis, not the rotaion.
Does anyone know whether it would be possible to set a motion path for a movie clip and to have the speed of the tween set as a variable which can be increased or decreased by the user during the movie?
I'm trying to create a "motion blur" effect on a movie clip that contains a child clip/ sprite whose child clips/ sprite contain bitmap data using this function
is there a way to make it so that on any one computer.. only 1 instance of my flash movie will run?Like if they go to a site.. with my flash movie on it.. and they open up another tab.. of the same page.. only one of those flash movies will run..
I have this complex XML processing code that builds up thousands of objects on stage. This might take some time. Perhaps not that big time to bring up that message about slow code execution, however signifficant enough to cause interface uncomfortabilities. I understand very well that I can restructure my code in order to save all contextual variables, all counters in an object that is passed down to onEnterFrame events that process it a little bit and then pass it further, until the job is done. However, before I go into dissecting my code, I wanted to make sure if there really is not a way how tom tell flash player do it's frame rendering routine while a complex code is executed in background (without splitting it up).
I need detect when a movie H.264 (f4v) that terminates in an external swf and redirect to the menu again.I explain better:I have a swf which is a menu, select the item when you see film, that carries a swf AS3 swf that contains a second component of the flash player that plays the movie h.264.How can I detect that the movie ended to cut it from the stage (removeChild)?[code]
I'm working on a site that allows administrators to upload arbitrary SWFs and embed them on the page. Administrators are in theory trusted, but I still want to protect against potentially malicious administrators or misguided administrators from harming the site.
A part of the functionality of the site is that the SWFs can communicate to the containing browser page when it's finished and for the page to react.
Now, I can think of two ways to do this:
Use ExternalInterface.addCallback to create a global callback named something like isComplete that does logic and returns true or false depending on whether the Flash app is in a completed state. Then, just do something like setTimeout to just call that function repeatedly. I don't think this would require me to open up allowscriptaccess to the movie. Embed the movie with allowscriptaccess and have the movie call something like'done') when it's finished. This option seems like it requires me to open up allowscriptaccess, which is a potential threat since I can't control the SWFs that would be embedded with this directive.
I have a main movie called home.fla. In this movie I only have one frame and I have place 5 different movie clips (not SWF) on this frame at different positions but on the same layer. These five movie clips are named mc_main1, c_main2.Each of these movie clips contains 5 frames, with a button on each frame. Each of these buttons also has a movie clip inside them (mc_sub1 mc_sub5). You can only go from frame 1 to frame 2 of each clip (main1, main2 etc.) my clicking on the button on frame1.The user can go to any of the main movie clips in whichever sequence they want. For example, they can choose to go to clip main3 and click on it twice (this will take the user till frame 3 of main3 and play the movie clip that is inside frame3) and then they can decide to click on main1 once and then main4 three times until they have visited all the parts of (all the 25 mc_sub) all the movie clips (main1 main5).
Once the user has visited all the 25 mc_sub i.e. once they have finished going thru all the 5 main movie clips completely, I want to display an animation (mc_animation) on the frame1 or any other frame of the home.fla movie.Is there away to determine if the user has finished watching all the 25 mc_sub i.e. if the user has gone thru each and every frame of each of the mc_main movieclips.I think the problem is that since the user can select any of the mc_main clips in any sequence, I am finding it difficult to determine when they have finished going through everything. If it was all in a sequence then I know I could have calculated if the current frame is equal to total frames and then I would have displayed the animation if the above was true; but that is not the case here.
I have 6 scenes, the first scene has 5 pictures that i converted to buttons. each button goes to a different scene to play the appropriate movie clip. right now it shows up with scene 1, then i click on the button and it goes to the appropriate movie clip but after it finishes playing it just goes to the next clip on the next scene, then after it is finished it goes to the next clip on the next scene and so on. i would like to know is there some way i can make the movie clips return to scene 1 after they finish playing?