In flash cs4, i've created motion tweens on 4 separate layers with 4 different movie clip symbols that were created with the pen tool. it seems to be fine when i scrub the playhead, but when i test the movie, 2 of the movie clip graphics distort, and the bottom halves of them move faster than the top halves.
I have a button that when pressed moves out of view and moves a second button into view. Then I have two movieclips, they look the same only one is animated and the other isn't, both on different layers. That part is working just fine. What I also want the button to do when clicked is show the animated movieclip (and hide the other if possible, but not necessary since it'll be under the animated one). Now I haven't gotten that far because I can't even get the animated movieclip to be hidden! I've been using visible = false; command for everything and it's been working up to now. Is it possible to hide a tweened movieclip? (It's a classic tween)
I'm trying to achieve this kind of menu effect:[URL] I would like to have the menu centered under the main movie clip and follow it as it tweened to its different dimensions. I can get kinda close, but it never works out right.
Is it possible to serialize (or equivalent) a Flash movie clip object or graphic object? I'm trying to find out if it's possible to send such an object via XMLSocket.send.
I've tried hitTestPoint(x,y,true) but then I realized that it works fine only with vector graphics (for my .png image the resault was tha same as hitTestPoint(x,y,false) - so it was unacceptable). Then I tried hitTest function from a BitmapData class like this:[code]is it possible to get a graphic from a movie clip without drawing it (it is not necessary for me to check colission)?Then, having this bitmap (transparent png file) i tried to use hitTest function:[code]
Should I use Movie Clip or Graphic Symbols for Character Animation? What do people who make TV shows use. If I'm not planning on manipulating any symbols with ActionScript and I'm not using a symbol that requires it's own time line like a walk cycle, is there any reason to use movie clips symbols? If I put my animation on the web will it download noticeably faster if I use graphic symbols instead of movie clip symbols?
I am having a problem loading a bitmap/graphic into the place of a movie clip using AS 2.0 on Flash CS3.You see, I am uploading an image into a library, for example, Bitmap1.jpg, and I upload another image to turn into a movie clip, for example, Bitmap2.jpg turns into Symbol 1.I place Symbol 1 onto the screen and I've been trying code after code and I'm not sure how to load Bitmap1.jpg in the place of Symbol 1 using the 'if statement'. I've tried the 'load' functions, but since I've just bought CS3 and I don't have Flash 8, a lot of the functions have changed.Here's an example of my code:
Cut to the chase, I'm trying to load "Bitmap1.jpg" or my library name (Bitmap) into the place of Symbol 1 (my MovieClip) when Junior is equal to Stranger, using AS 2.0 on Flash CS3. This code doesn't work on CS3.
I have a menu that loads external images as buttons and once its built I need to create multiple instances of it next to one another. Senoculars duplicateMovieClip class wont duplicate graphic information, which my menu has, so can anyone suggest an alernative method to creating this using the same instance of the set of loaded images?
I need a few answers and pointers for my game [URL] First off, is it possible for a graphic to be hidden once a movie clip has been dragged over it? The plan is for the grid to be covered in question marks, until the users drags the small smiley over the same large smiley at which point the question mark will be hidden revealing the large smiley. The user then gets a 2nd chance to match up the other remaining smiley, if they fail to get the right smiley is it possible for the question mark image to appear back over the top of the smileys?
allow the user to clip a button and then place a sybmol (either movie clip or graphic) where the user clicks. I would like to use AS2. The project is simply to label a supply and demand curve graph and user needs to plot, or place points wherever they want on the canvas.
I want to make a new instance of an existing symbol (movie clip or graphic) when an object hits the side of the stage. I have the code to figure out if it hit the side of the stage, i just need to know how to make a new instance and make it show up where the ball hit. I also want to be able to have multiple of these instances on screen.
I'm new to Adobe Flash CS4. I'm making an animation of some fish underwater. I have 2 small fish motion tweened to follow a large fish from left to right. When I view the animation in full screen the small fish seem to be wiped off the screen at a certain point. The tween box continues to follow it's path but the symbol disappears. This only seems to happen with larger objects.
need to have a movie text containing a dynamically loaded single line text box to move back and forth like a ticker tape. The text box will change content depending which button is pressed, so the length will always change. The effect is something like in the winamp display screen where the text scrolls back and forth depending on the length of the file name.I can get everything to scroll one way or another but I can't seem to get it to switch directions when it reaches a certain _X position. I've used if statements to set a variable when the _x position reaches a certain point, nested loops, everything I can think of.These are two versions of the loops I've used to move the clip. I've tried this in a clipEvent and as a function.
I have a button on the right side of my screen. When I click it I want a full screen menu system to come in from the right hand side and stay in place until another button is clicked.I have all the parts built, but I don't know how to use buttons properly. The only tutorials I've found are the ones that tell you how to show or hide something, or how to change the appearance of the button.
I need to move a movie clip with action script. I am writing action script to one of the layers and calling my movie clip "bird". I want to move the clip in a wave motion(like a sine wave). I am using the bird._x and bird._y and setting them equal to a variable. But the _y part of it is not moving. The movie clip is only moving from right to left and there is no upward or downward movement.
I have 10 objects in 10 layers to make a single logo. I have created them using flash drawing objects. Now I would like each object to come one by one on stage using motion tween. How can I go further? Do I need to make each object a movie clip before set it motion tween? Or do I need to make a single movie with all 10 objects as combined? Please note that I need each object to come on stage one by one (not a whole logo on once). Please provide help or any example tutorial link.
I've been going over several tutorials and whatnot and I'm confused on the point of movie clip symbols and motion tweens. To me using the other tweens and symbols are "easier". Can someone explain to me why they're so beneficial to have been added to CS4/CS5? Except I understand that movie clip symbols can be adjusted using the 3D tools but is that the only difference?
I'm having a problem getting a movie clip to Motion Tween from a positive value to a negative value. I have two movie/buttons on my stage. When you click one the other movie Tweens from a y value of 0 to a y value of 400. That works fine. However, when you click the other button, the movie clip should then Tween from a y value of 400 back to a y value of 0. I cannot get this reverse tween to work.
Code: // code for positive tween function movePeople(event:MouseEvent):void { movePlacesTween = new Tween(pageloaderB, "y", Strong.easeOut, 0, 400, 0.5, true); }
The second tween never reverses. It just stays in place.
I've also tried the same tweens using the y value of pageloaderB... so tweening from pageloaderB.y to pageloaderB.y+400, which works, but the reverse does not -- pageloaderB.y+400 to pageloaderB.y.
I am trying to get a movie clip to pause when the cursor rolls over it, and then make a darkened out area visible and have some text appear. I have succeed in doing so, but it looks funny. What I would like to do now, is once the cursor rolls over the movie clip it will finish the movie clips motion and then pause on a certain frame or frame label.
how to apply a rotational motion blur to a movie clip using the Tween Class and Blur Filter? I have found info on bluring an animation this way, but only via the x or the y axis, not the rotaion.
Using actionscript I'm drawing a line. For the record let's assume it's shape is completely random. Can I use the line as a motion guide for another graphic? If so how? Can I convert the line to an array of Points somehow?
Does anyone know whether it would be possible to set a motion path for a movie clip and to have the speed of the tween set as a variable which can be increased or decreased by the user during the movie?
Is there seriously no way to convert a vector graphic into a motion guide for Flash? Are the Pen and Pencil tools really the only way to define the path for a motion tween? I have CS3 (Flash, Illustrator, PhotoShop). I just got the trial version of CS5. I have a subscription to[url]... I have searched these forums and the internet in general for hours.
All I want to do is move a symbol around in a circle, but my pen/pencil skills are not sufficient to create a circle. Editing the CS5 motion path has proved exceedingly tedious and not round. There's a perfectly good circle tool in all four applications...
I'm trying to create a "motion blur" effect on a movie clip that contains a child clip/ sprite whose child clips/ sprite contain bitmap data using this function
I have added 20 movieclips to x and y coordinates inside my stage. Some of them are outside the flash bounds.I want to have buttons that simulates next and previous. How can I make the clips move in a motion? I can set the x coordinate for the clip but the motion is to fast.
In adobe flash CS3 i am using AS2 and have just made some buttons. I wnat to knwo if i can load a graphic rather than a movie when i play my moveis it pops up with an error //load Graphic Behavior this.loadMovie("H:\Year 12\Web Design\Term 1\5956\Images");//End Behavior it says that this line of code is the problem i cant see anything wrong with it
Im able to link to a movieclip inside a movieclipUnfortunately one of the movieclips now are a scrollbar and scroll. Now the actionscript isnt working?cal.onPress = function() {gotoAndPlay(2); = unit1;