ActionScript 2.0 :: Randomizing CSS Based On Array Value?

Sep 20, 2004

So I figured that the last idea I had would not work, but I realized that if I attached each seperate background image from an array to a css element that, that would indeed work.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Randomizing An XML Array?

Feb 16, 2005

Basically, it loads and parses an external XML file. I have it set to just step through the file but I'd like it to randomly display the images referenced by the XML. The script works like this, but I can't seem to figure out how to get the XMl into an array and then have the function read it correctly. It seems to me that the call:

picture.loadMovie(image[p], 1);

with p being changed somehow to a call to myArray should work, but it doesn't. What am I doing wrong?

this creates the load XML function and counts the children to an array
function loadXML(loaded) {
if (loaded) {[code]....

so the XML needs to loaded into the array somehow. Here's the array with a bunch of numbers instead of the XML info.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Randomizing An Array Of Object?

Apr 1, 2011

Im creating a kids drag and drop game and want the 6 words to change place each time it is played. ive got a box which i want them to move about in. create an array of some kind to possible do this, but i'm stuck in actually creating it. also ive managed to drag and sound clip onto my first frame and cannot delete it so any help with it would be helpful (pig oinking isnt needed when u load the game )

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Randomizing An Array's Trace Statements By Percentage?

Sep 3, 2011

I have an array that I want to shuffle but at different percentages. Like "Hello" would show up 80% in the Output window. "Bye" would show the other 20% of the time. How do I do this?


var myArray:Array = new Array("Hello", "Bye");
function randomIt()


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Randomizing Array - When Refresh The Swf The Cards Numbers Should Change Randomly?

May 9, 2010

Im attaching cards to stage in random positions using arrays. I'm having some coding issues randomizing so when I refresh the swf the cards numbers should change randomly but are not. This is my code:

var cardList:Array = new Array();
for (i=0; i<16; i++) {
cardList[i] = "card"+i;

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create Dynamic Array Element Names Based On Another Array?

Jun 28, 2009

Is it possible to, if you have an array of class names like ActionScript Code: var city01names:Array = ["pic_01", "pic_02", "pic_03" ...] make a new array which would read these names, instantiate them, and push them into a new array containing the instances of all these pictures, which I could then use for a slideshow?


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sorting An Array Based On Another Array?

Apr 10, 2012

how to reorder an array based on the information contained in another array. What my script is currently doing is detecting all the attached monitors I have and then ordering them based on their left bounds. However I then want to reorder the screens location in the array based on whether the user has selected that display or not. If the user has selected it, by clicking a button, the button movie clip will be on frame two, if they haven't been chosen it will be on frame one. So what I am doing is then creating two separate arrays, chosen screens and not chosen screens, and then combining them into one.

//sort the chosen ones into an array


My problem now is being able to reorder a separate array which contains all the screens, called screenArray, based off of that. screenArray currently returns [Object Screen], [Object Screen], [Object Screen], etc... and is in the order of 1,2,3,4,5,6. How do I take then and get it to be equal to the order of my displayButtonsChosen Array of 1,3,5,2,4,6?

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Actionscript 3 :: Reordering An Array Collection Based On Another Array Collection Hierarchy?

Sep 16, 2011

I have an array, crewPositionsAC that contains a list of position abreviatations - EP, PR, DR, WR, and so on. These positions are read in through an XML file each time my flex application loads. Also being populated from an XML is a project. Within a project, there are positions (a student assigned to a type of position listed within crewPositionsAC). These positions are not necessarily in the correct hierarchy order dictated by crewPositionsAC. I have all the positions within an ArrayCollection (positionsAC) with the following structure:

positionsAC (arrayCollection)
[0] = Array
[0] = startOffset
[1] = numDays


Then, the user can click a button to add another position. When the "Add Crew Member" button is pressed, the user is presented with a list of possible positions to add. Currently, I simply add another array to positionsAC. This results in the recently added crew member to placed on the bottom of the list. I need to take positionsAC and reorder it based on it's [2] item (role) based on the hierarchy defined in the crewPositionsAC. crewPositionsAC has the following structure:

[0] = EP
[1] = PR
[2] = DR
[3] = WR

* continue until all possible position types are listed

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Insert Images Based On An Array?

Apr 14, 2009

I have a project that was dumped on my lap, and my knowledge of Actionscript is very limited.

The scenario is that the user is presented with a floormap of a building that should show a red dot denoting where each employee sits (based on X,Y coordinates on the floormap).

The employees' profiles (name, telephone, X/Y coordinates) are stored in a database.

One our our programmers managed to load the users into a Flash object array. Now, it's my turn to add some actionscript to place a red dot on the floormap for each and every user in that array based on their x/y coordinates.[code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Reordering An Array Based On Its Values?

Oct 28, 2009

i have a simple array, for example: ( 50, 20, 60, 30, 10, 8, 15, 25) but need to output it in ascending numerical order ( 8, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 50, 60 ). Any one have a handy code snippet to do so?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Duplicate MovieClip Based On Xml Array

Jan 21, 2010

I have a xml file in which I'm pulling in a thumbnail image into a array and I'm trying to populate a moveclip and then duplicate it accordingly below it with correct spacing

heres the code I have:

ActionScript Code:
var thumbs:Array = new Array();
var myXML:XML;
var myLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A Grid Based On Array

Sep 22, 2008

I just make a grid based on array... my problem is how to highlight boxes that contain only character I mean if the box contain character it will gotoAndPlay(2)[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Choosing An Array Based On Variable?

Apr 26, 2009

I have several arrays:



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Sort An Array Based On Length Of Instance Name?

Jan 11, 2010

Does anyone know how to sort an array based on the length of the instance name?

I have an array full of instance names and they are different lengths. I need them to sort based on the number of chars.

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Actionscript 3 :: Arraycollection Sorting Based On Array Of Values?

Apr 8, 2011

I have been working on sorting Arraycollection like ascending , descending the numeric list. Total length of my collection will go up to 100. Now I want to preform sort to nested data like this

Data Structure

Name : String
Categories : Array ["A","x or y or z","C"]

Categories array will have maximum 3 items , out of that three items the second item can have 3 different values either X or Y or Z. My result data looks like here

{"Mike" , ["A","x","C"]}
{"Tim" , ["A","y","C"]}
{"Bob" , ["A","x","C"]}[code]....

anyone please explain how to sort this type of data in a way showing all "x" first , "y" next and "z" at the last and vice a versa.

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Arrays :: Easily Access An Array Based On Its Dimensions?

May 11, 2009

Lets say I have an array which has n dimensions. Now in order to access a slot you typically use: array [1][0]What if the number of dimensions are not known at compile-time, is there an easy access like:

slot = "1,0"
array [slot] // accessing 1,0
Which means I can also easily navigate back and forth


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Attach Clips Based On Elements In An Array?

Jun 6, 2006

I'm trying to attach clips based on elements in an array. then when all the clips are attached, i'm using setinterval to have the attached clips slide onto the stage and stop in a row.the name of the dyamically attached clip isn't tracing in my function (the one with interval set).


import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing.*;[code]...........

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Array Length When Index Is String-based?

Jan 31, 2008

just a simple example:

var a = new Array()
a["apple"] = "red"
a["orange"] = "orange"
a["banana"] = "yellow"
trace(a.length) //returns 0

get it work?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Prototype - Creating Polygons Based On Array

Mar 14, 2008

Basically I have a prototype that creates polygons based on an array. works well. I then have another prototype that's supposed to create polygons using said polygon prototype.

So the below is:
1 - the polyMaker prototype
2 - an array of arrays ($arrowListB). basically each array item should be a new polygon.
3 - the problematic genArrows prototype.

What it should do is loop through the $arrowListB array and create a container clip ($cont). Within each container clip it should make a $arrowClip to be used in making the polygon (an arrow actually). It works until I get to the line after creating the movieclips:

Once I put that line in, it only makes one polygon and doesn't create the other (7 in this case) movie clips. I'm not sure if I'm just not referencing correctly or what.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create Tiles Based On A 2 Dimensional Array?

May 28, 2008

I'm having a big problem with my tile-based game. I create tiles based on a 2 dimensional array. Each tile is a Movie Clip, created using attachMovie. The problem is that when there are many of these tiles, the game lags, because so many properties must be stored for each MC. Is there a better method for creating "tiles" than attachMovie, or a way to free the memory used for each one?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load Images Based On Array Position

Apr 12, 2010

I've searched for ages on this and I can't see how it's done, I've got a set of images in my library and each one has been "exported for actionscript" with class names of stim1, stim2...stim12. Now, I have a bit of actionscript code that creates instances of these classes and will load the stimuli to the stage:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load Images Based On Array Position?

Nov 22, 2010

I've got a set of images in my library and each one has been "exported for actionscript" with class names of stim1, stim2...stim12.Now, I have a bit of actionscript code that creates instances of these classes and will load the stimuli to the stage:

var BitmapDataLeft:stim1 = new stim1(150,150);
var imageLeft:Bitmap = new Bitmap(BitmapDataLeft);


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Actionscript 3 :: Delete A Value From An Object-based Associative Array In Flex 3?

Jul 20, 2009

I need to remove the value associated with a property in a Flex 3 associative array; is this possible?

For example, suppose I created this array like so:

var myArray:Object = new Object();
myArray[someXML.@attribute] = "foo";

Later, I need to do something like this:

delete myArray[someXML.@attribute];

However, I get this error message at runtime:

Error #1119: Delete operator is not supported with operand of type XMLList.

How do I perform this operation?

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ActionScript 3 :: How To Make Array That Index Things Based On Object

Nov 8, 2010

How to make a kind of array that index things based on a object? but not being strict like dictionary.

What I mean:
var a:Object = {a:3};
var b:Object = {a:3};
var dict:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
dict[a] = 'value for a';
// now I want to get the value for the last assignment
var value = dict[b];
// value doesn't exits :s

How to make something like that. To not be to heavy as a lot of data will be flowing there. I have an idea to use the toString() method but I would have to make custom classes.. I would like something fast..

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Flash :: Dynamically Create Elements Based On The Array - Actionscript 3

Mar 29, 2011

I would like to dynamically create elements based on the array. I would like to just put the array name and append _panel. so menu_item_panel will become settings_panel, info_panel,etc. I cannot figure out how to do that?


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Flash :: Converting String Based Array To Class Variable Name?

May 29, 2011

I have an array, which are the literal names of class references. Eg. in my main class I have

var page1:PageOne = new PageOne();
var page2:PageTwo = new PageTwo();
var page3:PageThree = new PageThree();


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Animation Into Swf2 Based On An Array In Swf1

Oct 19, 2009

I have an interface file, which allows the user to drag mc's onto the stage and save their xy position in accordance to a position on a timeline. For example, mc1 is at x50, y50 at timeline position 1.

I am using an array to save all parameters. When the user is finished they can click play to view an animation of the mc's moving about the stage.

I want a button which will somehow save this animation into an external swf. This swf needs to be independent as it will be loaded onto a website.

I have tried to figure this out in many ways. I am new to actionscript but slowlly getting there.

I have looked into using a shared object, to save the xy positions etc which are then loaded into the swf2. The problem with this, is the swf2 is dependent on the SO plus the SO is temporary. I need to be able to hand swf2 over to the guy to put on his website.

I have also looked into using an intermediate .as code file. I have worked out how to put an mc onto swf2 using the graphic held in the interfaces library. I started working out how to click a button on the interface swf which then attaches the mc into swf2.. but then I realised swf2 still isnt independent.

Now I am completely pulling my hair out. This thing is due soon and I am out of ideas.

Failing everything I thought I could just use a capturing software to record the animation as it plays... but with all the time I have spent on this and how far I have come in actionscript it is annoying that I cant work this out.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loop To Create The Multiple SetInterval's Based Off The Array

Jun 21, 2006

I would like the loop to create the multiple setInterval's based off the array, but the function called is not clearing the setInterval...

var timecode = new Array(1, 2, 3, 4);
// use the array to assign the interval
for (var i = 0; i<timecode.length; i++) {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Adding/Removing Objects To/from An Array Based On A Variable?

May 8, 2009

So a small example of my situation...On my stage I have 5 items labeled item1_mc, item2_mc, item3_mc and so forth...they all have two keyframes on their respective timelines, one labeled "active" and the other "inactive". My code contains 2 arrays, inactiveArray and activeArray and a variable known as energy that regularly goes to and from 0 - 100.

What I am looking to achieve is basically the function of...

if energy >= "insert given items 'active threshold' 20, 40, 60, etc..." then add it to the activeArray, if it is not, remove it and add it to the inactive array.

all objects in activeArray gotoAndStop("active");

all objects in inactiveArray gotoAndStop("inactive");

I have tried many different ways of achieving this effect but I always end up with duplicates and extras or something doesn't move when it's supposed to, where it's supposed to, it just ends up into a giant cluttered mess and I start from scratch.

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