ActionScript 2.0 :: Rotating Group Of Squares Around Point?

Feb 22, 2007

I'm actually coding this in Java (with which I have just a few days experience), but as far as the logic goes, I thought this would still be an appropriate place. I'm making a Tetris-eque game and having trouble with rotation. Each shape (rectangle, L, "step", etc) consists of 4 or 5 smaller squares (image below), and I want to be able to rotate the pattern of squares 0, 90, 180 and 270 degrees around a designated point.

x = originX + cos(angle) * radius;
y = originY + sin(angle) * radius;

I thought I understood these, but apparently not, since I can't seem to get it working� For each shape, I would declare the x, y coordinates for each of its smaller squares, relative to one another. Then, I'd send these values to a function that should take the pattern and rotate it according to the specified angle. In Java (to the best of my knowledge), the upper-left is always the "registration point" for graphics. So, I set the relative coordinates for the squares of each shape such that the left side of the leftmost square is at x = 0 and the top side of the uppermost square is at y = 0. Here's an example, the shape of a plus sign (+).

x = squareWidth;
y = 0;


no rotation (just the shapes)and this is what happens when I implement the rotation adjustment.

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function rotateAroundCenter (ob:*, angleDegrees) {


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onClipEvent (load) {
scale = (random(100)+50);
this._alpha = random(50)+20;
this._xscale = scale;


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var x:Number;
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[Code] .....

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// setting variables
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var centerY = Stage.height/2;   // Stage Center Y


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import flash.geom.Matrix;
import fl.motion.*;
var mat:Matrix = clip.transform.matrix;
function EnterFrame3(event:Event) {
var center_point_x = clip.height / 2
var center_point_y = clip.width / 2 //
clip.transform.matrix = mat;

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if (aKeyPress[38])


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Do I need instance names on each of the buttons and add listeners to all of them?

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Transitioning One Image To Another Using A Grid Of Squares?

Jun 12, 2009

I'm trying to do a transition that you've probably seen many times. Transitioning one image to another using a grid of squares where each square fades at a slightly different time.I've made a complex movie clip made up of several other movie clips with all the squares fading at the rate I'm looking at. When I just play the color squares it works fine, but the minute I turn that master movie clip into a mask for the image I loose the transition/fade completely--just an on off thing.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Calculating Pixels In Squares?

Jan 27, 2009

I have a math issue that I have some problems solving.



I need to calulate the pixels inside the squares and put them inside an array:

The main square rotates(see screen2) and i have the angle.

Something like attached code.

I have the following values:

- x/y of the main square. ( reference point )

- Width/height of the main square

- Width/height of all the squares

- Angle of main square..

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Arrange Squares In Column?

Apr 23, 2010

I have a problem with arranging some thumbs in column when I resize the stage. The problem is that it is arranging the last square in line half outside the stage and you can see only a half.

ActionScript Code:
Stage.align = "tl";
Stage.scaleMode = "noScale";


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Actionscript 3.0 :: Draw Squares With DrawTriangles?

Jan 25, 2010

How do you go about drawing only the outline of squares using drawTriangle. Currently I am using lineStyle to draw my lines but obviously that outlines each triangle. I know i can just draw Squares out using drawRect with no fill but that seems like a waste.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Hide Some (most) Of The Squares From View?

Feb 10, 2004

Now I could do with some hints as to how this should be done Hopefully someone will help me out here.

Ok, basically I have a map (a jpg/gif file), which should be divided into squares (like a chessboard). Each square has a coordinate (X, Y) and other pictures should be shown on top of a map square - like a small house or something (also a jpg/gif file).

It should also be possible to hide some (most) of the squares from view - like with a black square on top or whatever. Perhaps Flash should also make some lines between each square to divide them.

Furthermore only a part of the map should be shown through a window (using a mask, I guess) as the map could be large and buttons at the edge could be used to scroll the map.

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The main function is drawLines()

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Mar 18, 2011

I learned about the date class yasterday and made a lil app that will tell me when the next recess at school will be. It worked great when I ran it at home, but now when I try to run it at school all the letters in the textfields displays as squares, the numbers still work tho. The only difference I can think of is that at home i use CS5 and at school is use CS4, the font is embedded in the fla.

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May 17, 2011

So far my code takes hex codes out of tweets containing a certain hashtag, and draws a square of that hex code colour. If someone were to tweet a new set of hexcodes while you were looking at the site, you would have to manually refresh the page to see the new squares.


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