ActionScript 2.0 :: Setting Vars Within Instances Of MovieClip

Mar 15, 2004

I have three mc's that look like cd's Three instances of the same movie clip. They go into a player onRelease. If I click on a cd it looks if any other cd's are clicked. If any of them are clicked then it tells them to gotoAndPlay (thisKeyFrame) in that cd movie clip (which would be a simple tween and will look like the cd comes back out). I tried setting variables in the cdMovie clip like on the first frame onValue="no" but once it goes in and stops the onValue="yes". And then I had AS on each cd looking if the onValue variable is yes or no in each one of them.

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Define Vars In Subclasses, Instances?"

Jan 5, 2010

how subclasses, instances, and inheritance work. The below code isn't actual project code, it's theoretical code, generalized to a simplistic level so that we can talk about the big issues. I have animals_app.fla, with a "Dog" class MC and a "Cat" class MC. Both "Dog" and "Cat" are subclasses of "Animals"; animals_app.fla uses document class "Main".

Intuitively,I think Animals should declare that every subclass should have some animalSpecies ,and each subclass will define the value of its own animalSpecies. It wouldn't make sense for Animals to provide any default value, because it will always be different per subclass.Is this correct?

I had tried out some code similar to that below, and was perplexed because it seemed like whenever a subclass tried to define a value for its own animalSpecies variable, it was actually changing the value of the variable in the Animal class, but that's not what I want. How do I rewrite this code so that each subclass defines the values of variables it inherits from its superclass, without altering the superclass? And how would I define the value of variables for each instance of a class, so that I'm only changing the values of that instance, without altering the subclass?
{import flash.display.MovieClip;[code]..........

Also, conventionally, what should be in my Main class? Only the addChild code which attaches MCs to the stage? Or should the values of variables be defined in Main? What am I missing?I recently read Foundation Game Design with Flash and didn't feel like the explanation was sufficient.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Where To Define Vars In Subclasses, Instances

Jan 5, 2010

I'm trying to figure out how subclasses, instances, and inheritance work. The below code isn't actual project code, it's theoretical code, generalized to a simplistic level so that we can talk about the big issues.
Let's say I have animals_app.fla, with a "Dog" class MC and a "Cat" class MC. Both "Dog" and "Cat" are subclasses of "Animals"; animals_app.fla uses document class "Main".Intuitively, I think Animals should declare that every subclass should have some animalSpecies, and each subclass will define the value of its own animalSpecies. It wouldn't make sense for Animals to provide any default value, because it will always be different per subclass. Is this correct?
I had tried out some code similar to that below, and was perplexed because it seemed like whenever a subclass tried to define a value for its own animalSpecies variable, it was actually changing the value of the variable in the Animal class, but that's not what I want. How do I rewrite this code so that each subclass defines the values of variables it inherits from its superclass, without altering the superclass? And how would I define the value of variables for each instance of a class, so that I'm only changing the values of that instance, without altering the subclass?
package {   import flash.display.MovieClip;   public class Animals extends MovieClip    {      public static var animalSpecies:String;      public function Animals() {}    }}

I recently read Foundation Game Design with Flash and didn't feel like the explanation was sufficient. I've tried scouring the web for OOP tutorials, but they're either too basic or too far over my head. Can someone please explain where I should be defining values of variables for classes, subclasses, and instances?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Where To Define Vars In Subclasses, Instances?

Jan 5, 2010

I'm an AS3 newbie and I'm trying to figure out how subclasses, instances, and inheritance work. The below code isn't actual project code, it's theoretical code, generalized to a simplistic level so that we can talk about the big issues.Let's say I have animals_app.fla, with a "Dog" class MC and a "Cat" class MC. Both "Dog" and "Cat" are subclasses of "Animals"; animals_app.fla uses document class "Main".

Intuitively, I think Animals should declare that every subclass should have some animalSpecies, and each subclass will define the value of its own animalSpecies. It wouldn't make sense for Animals to provide any default value, because it will always be different per subclass. Is this correct? I had tried out some code similar to that below, and was perplexed because it seemed like whenever a subclass tried to define a value for its own animalSpecies variable, it was actually changing the value of the variable in the Animal class, but that's not what I want. How do I rewrite this code so that each subclass defines the values of variables it inherits from its superclass, without altering the superclass? And how would I define the value of variables for each instance of a class, so that I'm only changing the values of that instance, without altering the subclass?

import flash.display.MovieClip;[code]...

I recently read Foundation Game Design with Flash and didn't feel like the explanation was sufficient. I've tried scouring the web for OOP tutorials, but they're either too basic or too far over my head. Can someone please explain where I should be defining values of variables for classes, subclasses, and instances?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Setting Vars In Instantiated Mc's

Oct 29, 2010

I use this to create new instances of a movieclip:[code]However, when duplicating the movie clip, another movie clip is also duplicated with a var referencing the first duplicated movie clip:[code]The var myurl in souce_mc is empty!

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Setting Vars Within A Movie Clip

Mar 15, 2004

i have three mc's that look like cd's Three instances of the same movie clip. they go into a player onRelease. do any of you know how to do this... if i click on a cd it looks if any other cd's are clicked. if anyof them are clicked then it tells them to gotoAndPlay (thisKeyFrame) in that cd movie clip(which would be a simple tween and will look like the cd comes back out).

i tried setting variables in the cdMovie clip like on the first frame onValue="no" but once it goes in and stops the onValue="yes". and then i had AS on each cd looking if the onValue variable is yes or no in each one of them. but for some reason it can't read it? Do you know what i should do? maybe create an object or something for each button?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Setting Up Vars For Dynamic Text Fields?

Feb 17, 2009

trying to set up some vars for outputting to dynamic text fields, can't work out what Flash is bitchin about now, getting this error...

1151: A conflict exists with definition redTextOutput in namespace internal.

1151: A conflict exists with definition blueTextOutput in namespace internal.

ActionScript Code:
private var redTextOutput:TextField = new TextField();
private var blueTextOutput:TextField = new TextField();

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Passing Vars In MovieClip Heirarchy?

Jun 24, 2009

I have a bunch of nested movieclips. I set a var "foo" on the topmost clip. A child clip wants to know the value of foo: easy enough, i just call what if I don't know how far down the tree the child resides in? Worse, what if foo changes every so often on new branches?My first thought was to simply add thisvar foo = parent.footo every clip, but this of course requires every clip have that line, or it breaks, and it doens'tus if a new child is inserted, or if a parent "foo" value changes.I was thinking that I could call a recursive function, where a child asks it parent, then its parent's parent, etc, for the value of foo along its particular branch...

function whatIsFoo(obj) {
if( {
return whatIsFoo(obj.parent)


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating The Right Vars To Move The Movieclip Off The Stage?

Jun 1, 2009

I'm trying to change some great code cbeech authored for me a while ago. I'm just trying to change the code to use Tweenlite and to make it that so I fully know how to edit the code, thus make it modular for me. Right now the code uses the flash tween classes. I rather use Tweenlite.So, basically what the code does is tween a movieclip on its X axis. Thus, when a button is pressed, the corresponding movieclip tweens out to the right and the other one tweens in from the left simulataneously. But I need to code to be completely modular, in case i want to do the same thing o n the Y axis, or if I need to add some more properties to the tween.

Here's the code cbeech crafted, which is great but I'm not skilled enough, yet, to edit to fit all of my circumstances:


I need help creating the right vars to move the Movieclip off the stage when I clicked a button to tween a new movieclip onto the main plan is to make this code modular and simple enough for me to edit the x y or z, or even the scale properties...cbeech code is awesome, but I'm not skilled to edit it to fit all of my needs.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Instances Of A Movieclip?

Aug 24, 2009

I have a movieclip that inside have secuence of image, I will like 1000 instances of this movieclip, but I not like reload the 100 of images inside the movieclip

It is posible.That the movieclip have a child share with more objects

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Two MovieClip Instances With The Same Name?

Sep 11, 2009

The zipped attachment for this post, contains two files trial.fla and img.jpg. In the flash movie, I have done the following: Created three frames with stop() on all the three. "Prev Frame" & "Next Frame" buttons allow us to move to all the three frames. There is a movieclip instance with the name: "abc" common to all the three frames. The button "Show/Hide Abc" makes "abc" visible & invisible. In the second frame, I am loading the external image "img.jpg" and setting the child index of "abc" to numChildren - 1.

Now if I move to frame 3 and try to hide "abc" (using "Show/Hide Abc"), it works fine. But once I switch back to frame 2 or subsequently to frame 1, I can see two instances named "abc" in the trace window. (I display all the children of the displayList on every frame). Why do two instances named "abc" appear? Due to two instances of "abc", the button to hide "abc" no longer works. Its very important. NOTE: If I do not change the childIndex of "abc" to numChildren - 1 then everything works fine. But I have to do this in my project where a similar problem has crept up.

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IDE :: Use HitTestObject On All Instances Of A Movieclip

Sep 25, 2009

I'm trying to make a simple maze game. I have movement working, and now I'm trying to implement collision. Here's what I have:

An 8x8 grid, with walls of length 1 to break the grid up into a maze. the walls are instances of a movieclip I've named "mc_wall" a guitar-pick-shaped chip I'll control the movement of a cross-hair called "arms" that will check if there are walls immediately surrounding my chip by way of collision. "arms" is a movieclip made up of four individual movieclips: "uparm", "leftarm", "rightarm", and "downarm"

I have currently named each instance of "mc_wall" to be "wall" this is the code I have now (using only right as an example):

function moveRobot(event:KeyboardEvent):void
doslide = true;
if (event.keyCode == Keyboard.RIGHT)


this will work, causing the chip to remain in place if the rightarm detects "wall", and move if the rightarm does not detect "wall". My problem is that, although I have named every instance of "mc_wall" to be "wall", the only "wall" flash will recognize is the last one.

Is there a way to adjust this code to look at all 70-or-so instances of "mc_wall" instead of only the last one?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: MovieClip Instances And RemoveChildAt?

Oct 14, 2010

The code below creates new instances of 2 MovieClips, seems all fine.

var myOnStageClip:MovieClip = this.text_mc;
var myLinkage:Class = Class(getDefinitionByName(getQualifiedClassName(myOnStageClip)));


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Multiple Instances Of One Movieclip?

May 3, 2011

I'm trying to do a drag and drop game, where I have to drag the same movieclip several times...

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Multiple Instances Of Same Movieclip?

Jul 17, 2011

I've built a dropdown menu movieclip that I need to use in a contact form- or more specifically, I need 2 dropdowns with different options in them in the same form. My problem is that when I change the properties in one instance of the dropdown_mc, it changes the properties in the other as well. The two clips have different instance names, and I've been changing labels of the list items by clicking through to the actionscript imbedded in each dropdown (not through the dropdown_mc in the library). There must be an obvious solution to this that I somehow didn't catch....I've even tried dragging each dropdown from the stage back into the library and creating a new movie clip with a different symbol name and they're still connected. Do I need to create an entirely new copy of this dropdown with different instance names

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Using Variables As MovieClip Instances?

Jan 14, 2006

I'm having some trouble trying to duplicate movieclips randomly. I have created an array with the instance names of the MCs i have on stage. Then I'm trying to create a variable that selects one random element from the array. Finally I want to use that variable as a target to duplicate my movie Clips... but it doesn't work.

Here is the code:


var Items = new Array('bombon', 'regalo', 'corazon');
pos = new Object();


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Get List Of Movieclip Instances?

Jul 27, 2007

How to I get the instance names of all the movie clips currently attached to "_root.contentMain"?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Remove All Movieclip Instances

May 25, 2008

Is there a code to remove all instances of a particular movieclip on stage? The code removeMovieClip(target);removes just one particular instance. That wont do for me at all! I need to remove all the instances. How do I do that?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Instances Of Movieclip, Not Clone?

Aug 24, 2009

I have a movieclip that inside have secuence of image, I will like 1000 instances of this movieclip, but I not like reload the 100 of images inside the movieclipIt is posible.That the movieclip have a child share with more objects

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Actions On MovieClip Instances

Nov 21, 2009

I'm trying to convert an old AS 2.0 file to 3.0, but keep getting this error:


I've been pulling my hair out trying to find the problem spot. Can someone take a look at this file and find where the problem lies? NOTE: the file needs to be updated to use strings within the Case statement: "Button_1", etc.

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IDE :: CS5 Working With Multiple Instances Of A Movieclip?

Jan 17, 2011

I am working on a project which looks like a crossword puzzle. When you mouse over on the white boxes they will light up. When you mouse over the letters they will have 3d rotations and when you rollover only some specific letters, they will flip some specific boxes.

Right now what happens is, when you mouse over the boxes with letters on them, the letters will rotate but the box will not light up. This is because I have created the box movieclip, with the invisible button inside it, and then just duplicated it in my scene to create a tile. But the invisible button for the letters are on the scene,so it's kinda overriding it.when I tried having the buttons on the scene rather than inside the movie clip, what happened is when you roll over one of the boxes, all of them will animate.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Remove All AddChild Instances Of A Movieclip

Feb 16, 2011

I need to remove all the instances of a movieclip that I am adding to the stage using addChild.I use a loop to add several copies of the same movieclip onto the stage. Is there a way to remove all these movieclips at once.I've tried several things but nothing seems to work.Below are the for loops that I am using to add and remove the children from the stage. Note that the initial for loop adds a number of instances of the movieclip "colorbox2" based on the contents of textboxes. This works fine, however when I trace(colbox.numChildren) it just shows "1" regardless of how many instances it adds to the stage. Shouldn't it reflect the number of instances it added to the stage? The 2nd loop removes one instance of the movieclip from the stage, but I can't get it to remove all the instances of the "colorbox2".[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Add Multiple Instances Of A Movieclip Via It's Linkage?

Mar 14, 2011

how to add multiple instances of a movieclip via it's linkage...

this is the script that adds a single instance to the stage.

code: package
import flash.display.MovieClip;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating Multiple Instances Of One Movieclip?

Feb 12, 2009

I'm having trouble creating multiple instances of one movieclip. I've got an array set up that loads photos into flash and places them in a grid (sort of). I want those photos to have outlines around them. So, i created an outline. Now, when i try to place it on all of the photos, it will run through them and only apply itself to the latest photo (one instance overwrites the others). How do i make multiples of the outline?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Assign A Script To Several MovieClip Instances?

Aug 4, 2009

What i'm trying to do is assign a script to several movieClip instances, and make that bounce when it hits another movieClip on satge.I guess basic collision really.But its not working, mainly as, i think, i have no idea how to make the script read things from the stage.This is what i have so far:

package{import flash.display.MovieClip;[code]....

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Applying Multiple Instances Of Same MovieClip

Aug 27, 2009

I have the following code on frame1 of my movie that I want to apply to multiple instances of the same movie clip:

mainClip_mc.subClip1_mc.specifiedClip_mc.onPress = function () {
//code begins
SpecifiedClip_mc exists in subClip1 through 4. Is there a way to do this once without having to say:
mainClip_mc.subClip2_mc.specifiedClip_mc.onPress = function () {
//same code
mainClip_mc.subClip3_mc.specifiedClip_mc.onPress = function () {
//same code
mainClip_mc.subClip4_mc.specifiedClip_mc.onPress = function () {
//same code

Essentially, specifiedClip_mc's parent clip is what's throwing me here. The code to be applied to specifiedClip_mc is identical and I'm not going the correct route by doing this the long repetitive way.

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Actionscript 3 :: Dynamically Creating Movieclip Instances?

Jan 2, 2010

I use the code below to create 3 movie clips.

var A:Array = new Array();
for (var i:uint = 0; i < 3 ; i++) {
A[i] = new hayvanSec();


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AS3 :: Dynamically Place Instances Of MovieClip On Stage?

Sep 10, 2010

I'm trying to dynamically place instances of MovieClip on the stage. Receiving an error:

TypeError: Error #2007: Parameter child must be non-null.
at flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer/addChild()


// properties in class ----------
var circle_ary:Array = new Array;
var circ_num:int;//number of circles on the stage.


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Flash :: HitTestObject On Dynamically Placed MovieClip Instances?

Sep 11, 2010

Trying to do hitTestObject on instances that are dynamically placed on the stage. Receiving an error:

TypeError: Error #2007: Parameter hitTestObject must be non-null.
at flash.display::DisplayObject/_hitTest()
at flash.display::DisplayObject/hitTestObject()


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AS2 :: Flash - Name All Instances Of A Movieclip Dragged On To The Stage?

Jul 4, 2011

I have a number of instances of a MovieClip on stage. These are dragged onto the stage and arranged manually. Now, I would like to alter the instances during run time, using as2 code.

how can I name all the instances of the same MovieClip dragged onto the stage, using as2 code? (specify if the solution involves exporting the library MovieClip with an identifier name)

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