ActionScript 2.0 :: Sliding Frames (Text And Images) In Flash Movie

Oct 23, 2010

I have a flash movie with about 350 frames, each frame is a mixture of text and between 1 and 10 images, later on I might add some download file links, website links and videos to some of the frames. I have a menu at the top of the movie which lets you flick between each frame, so by clicking the menu button "image 20" you are taken to frame 20, click menu button "image 135" and you are taken to frame 135 and so on, very simple. I also have 2 buttons at the bottom of my movie, these buttons let you go backwards and forwards through the frames. If you are on frame 50 and click "forward" button, then you go to frame 51, click the "back" button on frame 50 and you would go to frame 49.

At the moment I simply use
Actionscript Code:
on(release) {
Which of course would take you to frame 4.

My movie has nothing else, that's it, very simply and very little action-scripting on each button. At the moment my movie just flicks between each frame which doesn't always look very nice, so I want to change it so that the frames do a slide effect. So if you are on frame 15 and click the "forward" button, it would slide from frame 15 to frame 16, so as frame 15 slides to the left hand side, frame 16 would slide in from the right hand side. Or, if you were on frame 21 and clicked the top menu button "image 320", then frame 21 would slide to the left hand side and frame 320 would slide in from the right hand side.

And it would do the slide animation seamlessly and smoothly, I saw some examples online which didn't look very smooth when doing a slide, so it would be good if I could make it as smooth as possible during animation. I have search around online and the only examples I can find are image galleries, which seems to have action-scripting far beyond my capabilities at the moment, or they work in a way that is not any good for what I want to do. I use action-scripting 2, but I could change this to action-scripting 3, I am also using CS4.

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Attachments: (752.0 K)

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PHP Code:
import fl.transitions.Tween;import fl.transitions.easing.*;import fl.transitions.TweenEvent;var exitTween:Tween;var currentPage:MovieClip = new home();var


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Frame 2:
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