ActionScript 2.0 :: Smooth Movie Clip Rotation
Sep 13, 2002
is there any way to get a smooth rotation in AS? I would assume i would use this._rotation, but it doesn't smoothly rotate the way i want it to.I'm trying to make a movie clip that randomly goes to a location while rotating.[code]
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Apr 8, 2012
I created a movie clip which plays ok. But when it ends there is a slight jump, if you will, when it goes back to frame 1 to begin playing again. Does anyone know how to make the transition unnoticeable from the last frame of a movie clip to the first frame of a movie clip?
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Dec 2, 2008
I am trying to do a simple "pseudo 3D" rotation of a movie clip. The clip would "flip" on to the screen. I have created the effect using PaperVision3D, however, the final SWF is about 64k and my project requires a smaller file size. I tried to create the flip effect manually by creating skewed versions of the clip and tweening between them, except this doesn't work because the shape is not tweaked along the vanishing point as it should be. It looks like perhaps I could accomplish what I want to do using the MatrixTransformer but I've not had much luck so far.
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Mar 20, 2011
I have a large movie clip and four buttons. Each button is supposed to move the movie clip to a specific _x and _y location. What I'd like to do is have the MC scroll smoothly, rather than jump to the new location.
Here's my file so far. Note that I have some onClipEvent code on the MC itself, and the button code is on the actions layer.
It scrolls, but it seems to be ignoring the _x and _y values for some of the buttons.
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Apr 8, 2012
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Jan 14, 2010
I have a movie clip on stage (dsp), which I would like to keep rotating horizontally. With the following script it rotates in circular mode from left to right, but not horizontally (left to right or vice versa). How do I rotate it horizontally?
dsp.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, rotateHorizontal);
function rotateHorizontal(event:Event): void
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Nov 22, 2004
I am trying to make an interactive floor plan and I am stuck on the final aspect. The user can pick the type of table they want and can add or remove tables. I am using duplicate movie clip for this. There is one type of rectangular table which I need to rotate, the problem I am having is that I�d like the last table selected (dragged) to be the one which can be rotated by the arrow keys if desired, and I just can seem to get it right
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Aug 16, 2005
First off, lemme start by saying that this site is incredibly awesome. Every time I have a problem or wish to learn something in Flash I turn to [URL]. Now for my problem. Have you ever played Madness? You know how, depending on where the mouse is, the hand rotates i.e. points at the mouse's current position? Well, I want to learn how to do that. I've attached a short animation demonstrating what I want to be able to do (the arrow points at the mouse's position, and then gun represents the movie clip that rotates) using a script
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Sep 16, 2003
I have a draggable movie clip with another movie inside that. On the click of a button I need it to be at 0,0. This works fine but I also need to rotate the draggable movie clip and when I attempt to move the child movie to 0,0 it goes of the screen.
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Jul 31, 2010
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Nov 8, 2010
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Mar 22, 2011
I am trying to rotate a PNG image around its centre point so that I can use it as a wait icon. This seems to be the way to go but there is a noticeable delay before the animation repeats.
<s:Parallel id="animateTimer" target="{timerImg}" repeatCount="0" repeatDelay="0" duration="1500">
<s:Rotate angleFrom="0" angleTo="360" autoCenterTransform="true"/>
Why when I have set the repeat delay to 0 does it have a noticeable delay before it repeats?
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May 19, 2010
I want to make a movieclip moves smoothly and when it changes the direction, it can turn smoothly but not a sudden turn, I try out the code below. and the truning is odd:
this.rotation = (Math.atan2(targetY-this.y, targetX-this.x )/Math.PI)*180;
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Mar 5, 2009
When I try to rotate a movie clip along the x-axis on the default stage size (I'm using a basic rectangle right now), the rotation appears just as I expect it to. It "rolls over" with the perspective even on both sides of the rectangle.
When I try to duplicate this in a movie with different dimensions (320x480) and apply the 3D Rotation Tool, the rectangle skews to the left for some reason. (See attached .fla files)
I've tried changing the registration points on the movie clips, I've tried making new files with the "Adjust 3D Perspective Angle to preserve current stage projection" box checked both on and off, and I've tried repositioning the actual Rotation Tool, but I can't figure out what's wrong. Could it have something to do with the stage resizing?!
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Sep 9, 2003
I have a clip that rotates to orient itself towards the mouse when the mouse is over a given area. When the mouse leaves the area, the clip snaps back to its original position.
1) the clip snaps directly towards the mouse at the moment the mouse enters the clip; I would like it to actually rotate;
2) the clip snaps directly back to its original position when the mouse leaves the clip; I would like it to ease back into position.
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Feb 9, 2004
I have a movieclip that I want to be resized when a button is clicked. I want the animation to be smooth as if it had weight though. I read the tutorial on this but I need something slightly different, I would rather it where I can just refer to a function that is set in another movieclip. That way I could easily refer to it again and just set the height, width, and if possible, x, and y.
And my second question, is how to keep the border of my movieclip that is going to be resized the same thickness. I want the inside to be resized but the sides to stay the same width but move to stay on the edge.
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Dec 28, 2009
I've received a .fla file with a movie that I'm supposed to edit. I have managed to make little changes as entering the movieclips and updating pictures.I have to cut out from the movie from a certain point to the end. I have managed to selecting all frames in that certain point and pressing SHIFT + F5 .The second part that I must cut is between the frames 510 to 671. I have deleted the layers with the content that was supposed to appear in that part of the movie, but I'd like to make the movie shorter by cutting these frames as the only thing that is seen in that part is the background image.When I select all the frames between 510 to 671 and press SHIFT + F5 all the rest of the movie is modificated, pictures aren't shown and there are graphics appearing where they should not.
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Sep 29, 2006
is there any way to do this using movieclips with a single swf? [URL] instead of using external swf's
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May 9, 2010
Im able to link to a movieclip inside a movieclipUnfortunately one of the movieclips now are a scrollbar and scroll. Now the actionscript isnt working?cal.onPress = function() {gotoAndPlay(2); = unit1;
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Jun 24, 2010
I am pretty new to ActionScript 3 and Flash. I don't want my movie clip to play unless the person's mouse curser is on the movie clip for more than a second. If the person just runs their curser over the movie clips really quickly, then it should do nothing. It must be more than a second. How do I code that?
View 17 Replies
Jan 11, 2010
I'm creating a small drag & drop activity, and I want to be able to check and see if the dragged movie clip is completely within the bounds of another movie clip (or at least in the bounds of a certain x/y zone on the main stage. I can't use dropTest because it returns true if any tiny bit of the movie clip overlaps with the dropTest movie clip.
I also thought of something that just checks the x/y coordinates of the dragged movie clip, but I'd need this to reflect a range of values rather than one coordinate. For instance, I'd want to return true if the movie clip's x is between 50-60 AND the y is between 50-60. I'm attaching a small graphic to illustrate in case my explanation isn't clear enough [URL]
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Feb 21, 2010
I have created a flash website, each button is a movie clip with an invisible button over it containing the following script
on (rollOver) {
_root.mouse_over_profile_btn = true;
on (rollOut) {
each page is also a movie clip and on release of a button its played. the problem is that when i press another button to play another movie clip 'page' the old content is still there.
Is there a way of reversing the page transition i have used to bring out the movie clip and then bring in the next movie clip.
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Jun 22, 2005
i am making a pacman game, and i need to know how to make it go to a certain scence when a movie clip collides with another movie clip.
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Nov 5, 2010
There is a bad gap in my knowledge with Event Dispatch and Event architecture, and this problem proves it. I've been getting nowhere on this problem for two days, I've posted everything to my Flash site. Go here, please: [URL] Click on "Flash Banners" The two thumbnails represent two different classes. Each class is identical. Both are "extends Movie Clip" classes. Tweeners of various types control the hover and click methods. URL Loaders load the thumnails which I then wrap in MC's and make them buttonMode = true, etc. Hover and click to load the Banners on the thumbnails.
I can't send an event from the Eagle movie clip or the T2D movie clip to tell the other to fade out. Both Banner classes are instantiated through a separate Base class. I'm sure this has to be an Event Dispatch from one MC to another and that it can't be done by the Base class. how I can send an Event or Event Dispatch and what the code structure is so one movie clip can in one class can tell the other movie clip in the other class to disappear while it's neighbour is playing. I'm happy to post code or explain / clarify anything that's not clear.
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Feb 23, 2011
I've got a main timeline .swf file called "blank.swf" which contains nothing but two blank movie clips one called called "pproduct", the other called "ppalette". In the script frame of this main timeline I use the simple "Loader = new Loader();" method to load a URL of an .swf file into the "ppalette" movie clip. The "ppalette" movie clip contains several color chip buttons, each of which use the same Loader method above to load an external .swf into a clip. Here's what I want to do: let those color chip buttons, when the "blank.swf" file loads, be used to load an .swf movie into the "pproduct" clip on the main timeline. I'm wanting to be able to swap depths with various movie clips which will take out the movie which has the palette, but I want whatever that palette has loaded in the original "pproduct" clip to stay there.
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Jun 1, 2006
I have approximately five external movies I am loading into one main movie. I load the movies using various buttons in the main movie.
My issue is this...I press a button and the first movie loads and then runs to the end of the timeline. Works great.When a push a second button the second movie loads and runs to the end of the timeline. Works great also.but I hate how there is a blank space between the movies.
All the movies start with a white stage and end with full graphics. When I press a second button, the movie on the stage disappears immediately and I am left with a white stage for a few seconds while the loading movie animates onto the stage.
I want there to be a cross-fade or some effect that allows the loaded movie to remain on the stage while the second movie is loading. Is there a way to make this happen?
I'm including the code I have for loading movies so you can see what I am working with thus far.
Here is the code:
loadMovie ("Quest Wall Animation.swf", "_root.content");
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Oct 23, 2010
it seems simple enough but i have no idea on how i could get a movie clip to slowly move to the coordinates of another existing movie clip
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Sep 7, 2010
iam tring to make a new project , i just wants to know how to make a movie clip ( constant speed ) follows anther movie clip <--- "which can be moved by the user "
<<<>>>> i believe that this idea is good , that i records the X and Y postion of the User's movie clip and just make the other movie clip points at this postion and move toward it ,
how to make the other Movie clip (( which is a car ! .. so it have acceleration , speed , steering , etc )) go to this position or let us say try to??
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Mar 26, 2006
Q1) The registration point of a created clip is top left - my question is how can I dynamically change it's registration point - say to center center?
(I am trying to attach a movie clip to a created clip and I wanted it to be centered inside the container - a related sub-question, how can I find the x-y coordinates of the attached movie clip within the created movie clip?)
Q2)When I tried to create two different movie clips, I found I had to create them at different depths, else the first would load and the second would not. Why would that be so? I'm on MX 2004 Pro.
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May 15, 2009
I have a very simple problem but I can't find the very simple solution to it. I've create an animated menu with animated movie clips inside to work as buttons. All the main buttons work perfectely but I've got just on button with a sub-menu. On this sub-menu I've placed an invisible hitarea button in order to place some gotoAndStop action. The thing is, it seems to me like this submenu hitarea are underneath something else (even though is the seccond layers right about the actions layers). I've placed a simple trace action whenever the mouse rolls over this area but I get nothing... Am I doing something really wrong? I'm losing all my hair already.
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