ActionScript 2.0 :: Stop Buttons Not Appearing?
Sep 9, 2011
I'm working on an external mp3 jukebox for an Interactive Design course and I've almost got it. However, none of my 'stop' buttons appear to stop the song. I have 3 songs, so I have 3 sets of 'play' buttons and should have 3 sets of 'stop' buttons. The way I have it set up is the 'stop' button is onion-skinned behind the 'play' buttons, so once the user presses a play button, the stop button should appear.....but, it does not.
I'm stumped because the play buttons appear to work. It's just the stop buttons do not appear after the play button is selected. Here is what I have in the first frame of the actions layer.
stop ();
play_btn1.onRelease = function ()
stopAllSounds ();
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Sep 10, 2003
This all works great until the items have been cached by the browser and then the movies still load but the preloader doesn't get time to animate and just shows for a split second which looks a bit crap.I read somewhere about creating an array to store the paths of all the loaded in swf's so I could then turn on and off the preloader's visibility if that file had been loaded before.This all worked great until I refreshed the browser window then of course the array got reset so all my stored values went and the preloader started to show its self again.
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This all worked great until I refreshed the browser window then of course the array got reset so all my stored values went and the preloader started to show its self again. Then I thought could I store the array values in a local shared object but then I thought there's got to be an easier way. My preloader is just a bog standard 100 frame animation that go to and stops the frame of the percent loaded.
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import com.effects.BackgroundEffect;
var effect:BackgroundEffect = new BackgroundEffect ();
effect.bgEffect ("effect28","up",0.3,{zigZag:z = new Array (1, 30)});
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function b1Pressed(event:MouseEvent){ trace("b1 pressed");
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Oct 29, 2009
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barControl.barContent.barUp.addEventListener(Mouse Event.CLICK, menuSwitchHandle); barControl.barContent.barDown.addEventListener(Mou seEvent.CLICK, menuSwitchHandle); barControl.barContent.barMenu.vivaBtn.addEventList ener(MouseEvent.CLICK, vivaHandle);
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Aug 20, 2010
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MC._y = (MC._y)-50;
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Oct 29, 2009
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the viva content button works fine to begin with, but after the menu bar control is clicked, the content buttons stops working.
Code is as Follows:
All of the code (bar a few stop() flags on cirtain frames) is located on frame 1 of the root, which is the only frame on the root.
barControl.barContent.barUp.addEventListener(Mouse Event.CLICK, menuSwitchHandle);
barControl.barContent.barDown.addEventListener(Mou seEvent.CLICK, menuSwitchHandle);
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Mar 6, 2009
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Apr 10, 2009
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var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest(Pounding.mp3;
var sound:Sound = new Sound(); var controller:SoundChannel;
function soundLoaded(event:Event):void { controller =;
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Jun 29, 2009
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Dec 31, 2009
Buttons after stop code (vidPlayer.stop();) wont work.
I figured out the stop code needed to stop my videos from playing when you click another button, but with my stop code being on top of my "gotandStop ("label")" my buttons doesn't perform that function. I take the vidPlayer.stop(); off the buttons the buttons work fine, but then my videos wont stop playing when I click another button. Help, how I can get my buttons back working and still stop my videos from continuely playing when another button is clicked.
With the code exactly the way it is; when I like on the services button it wont work (unles I start from the about btn, which houses the vidPlayer) I want to beable to go into my website and click any button and it work, not go to the about button first an then to any other button.
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Mar 20, 2010
I can do this in AS2 but am struggling in 3. I've got the Play/Pause working and toggling and the Stop button stopping but I can't get the Play/Pause to toggle when the Stop button is pushed.
Here's my code:
var isPlaying:Boolean;var soundChannel:SoundChannel = new SoundChannel();var sound:Sound = new Sound(new URLRequest("commercial.mp3"));xstop.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickStop);xplay.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickPlayPause);
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Aug 20, 2010
I have created set of dials/meters with moving arms that change as buttons are pressed. The arms move based on a "Classic Tween" set-up I created. I then applied my buttons to the flash document and then coded in some "gotoAndPlay" on an actions layer to get the arms on the dials to move when I click on the buttons. My problem is that since I have 3 buttons (High, Medium & Low) and the tweens follow one frame right after another (0, 41,78) there is no stop. When I click on Low it plays the low tween, the medium one, and the high tween. When I click on the medium it plays both the Medium and then the High. The High button obviously only plays itself. I don't know how to insert a stop between these buttons.
low_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onLow); function onLow (Event:MouseEvent):void {
gotoAndPlay(0) }
med_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onMed); function onMed (Event:MouseEvent):void {
gotoAndPlay(41) }
high_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onHigh); function onHigh (Event:MouseEvent):void {
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Dec 6, 2010
How would I go about adding stop and play buttons to a slideshow?
stop1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, stop1);
play1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, play1);
function stop1(event:MouseEvent){
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Aug 23, 2011
I have a SWF with two buttons that both direct users to new URLs. The first frame contains an FLV. During the playing of the FLV, the buttons work fine. When the FLV is complete, the SWF plays, resizing and moving the buttons. During the movement of the buttons I can click them and they work--while moving. But they don't work once the SWF reaches the last frame and stops. I need the buttons to work the whole time, especially at the end. [URL]
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Feb 28, 2012
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The Flash code should be enough to make the shapes have hover states, but not be a 'button', if that makes any sense? The hyperlink shapes i add on afterwards in Powerpoint should be the clickable areas with the cursor turning to a hand, but the Flash code by itself should just have a hover state with the cursor staying as an arrow.
Here's the code -
var tl:MovieClip=this;
for(var i = 1; i < 30; i++){
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Dec 24, 2009
how to make some scroll buttons. Not like a regular scrollbar button, but just two graphics that have a rollover function. I got the buttons to work except that I can't get it to stop. Here is the code I wrote:
Once I rollover, it keeps going forever unless I rollout, but it doesn't stop at 43 or -167. It only checks the boundaries at the start of a rollover, but I thought it would run the function every 10 milliseconds to see if I had passed the boundary.
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Apr 24, 2010
I'm trying to stop the swf from reloading when the buttons are clicked.just want it to load once [default.html] and then onclick or onrelease get the correct URL [without reloading the complete page]
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Aug 2, 2010
My site has a thumbnail gallery that loads larger images that then jump to sections containing flash video. Everything works great when I test my movie and all buttons work. But after clicking on one certain button (my "about" button in the header), all of a sudden the large image buttons stop working and won't jump to the sections. Although they do still display correctly when over, down,ect.
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