ActionScript 2.0 :: AttachMovie To Create Multiple Columns?

May 6, 2008

I have this code that I've used before to dynamically attach a movieclip to create one long list of movieclips, however for a design I'm working on I need to be able to create multiple columns of 4 (configurable) items so the 5th items get's a new _x position, and starts over calculating the _y position.

var x:XML = new XML();
x.ignoreWhite = true;
var thumb:Array = new Array();
var thumbTitle:Array = new Array();
var thumbDesc:Array = new Array();


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var extless:String = PATH.substr( 0, extIndex );


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_root.onMouseDown = function() {
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var coluna:DataGridColumn = new DataGridColumn();
coluna.width = 75;


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Oct 26, 2009

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What's the most efficient way of doing this?

I'm used to creating empty MCs in AS2, but I'm not familiar with the new display object way of handling this method.

So far I have this:

for (i=0; i<numImages; i++) {
var imageLoader:Loader;


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var myLoader:Loader=new Loader  ();
page1_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, page1content);
function page1content(myevent:MouseEvent):void {


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Oct 12, 2010

i got this flash with duplicated mc's say...enemy1, enemy2, enemy3. now we all know we can do something such as..
if {_root.blah.hitTests(_root.enemy)){_root.enemy.nextFrame();}}
because the enemy is duplicated and its no longer "enemy" but enemy12 or ****.is there any way to ...create multiple enemies and be able to do hitTests against them somehow.Also im not really a fan of attachMC

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create Multiple Sound Variables Using It?

Mar 30, 2011

My issue is that I have 10 small audio clips and I want to make them into variables that i can access later in the code. But I'd be happy if I didn't have to write the same code 10 times down over and over to create/access them.[code]...

A question on the side, is there any built in sound generator in actionssccript 3.0?

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Using Loop To Create Multiple 3D Squares

Jun 8, 2010

I put together this code that builds a container that contains boxes(squares) in an ordered way. Problem is when I rotate the container, the boxes don't stay in their order. (something to do with swapping depths I think) . In fact, they look a bit confusing. Just create a movieClip 24 x 24 and Name it Box. Create another movieClip and name this one Container. Save them in your library. Then just copy this code and compile. You know the routine.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Can't Create Multiple Movieclips With A For Loop

Nov 12, 2003

i'm having a problem with a for loop. The problem is that it doesn't create multiple movieclips with an unique instance, i think it copies over itself.

for( var i = 1, x = -20; i < 4; i++){
if(this['plaatje' +i] != undefined){
_root.again.createEmptyMovieClip("image", i);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create Multiple Movie Instances?

Feb 18, 2006

I'm running into a roadblock with creating multiple instances of a movie clip. I'm trying to display a series of boxes across the bottom of the stage. The number of boxes are determined by _global.maxStep[_global.sectionNum]. I have a movie clip called StepBox that will serve as the template for each box. In the StepBox movie clip is a dynamic text box called stepNumText, which I want to set to the value of the counter. The problem I have is that I've only ever used attachMovie, but there is no movie for it to attach to. I tried using Content since that's the name of the layer this is in, but I know that doesn't make sense (and it doesn't work).

_global.updateBoxes = function() {
var curr_box;
for (i = 1; i <= _global.maxStep[_global.sectionNum]; i++) {[code].....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Using An Array To Create Multiple Variables?

Aug 23, 2006

If I have multiple variables of the same type, can I create an array and loop to create them or do I need to create them individually.

For instance,

var ajArray:Array = new Array(mc1, mc2, mc3, mc4, mc5, mc6, mc7, mc8, mc9, mc10, mc11, mc12, mc13);
for (var i:number = 0; i<ajArray.length; i++){
var [ajArray[i]]:MovieClip;


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