ActionScript 2.0 :: Call All Buttons Within A Certain Movieclip (without Naming Each Instance Individually)?
May 21, 2008how can i call all buttons within a certain movieclip (without naming each instance individually)?
View 5 Replieshow can i call all buttons within a certain movieclip (without naming each instance individually)?
View 5 RepliesCode:
for(var i=0;i<10;i++){
var skeet:MovieClip = attachMovie("skeet", "skeet" + i, i);
I've made a pretty complex button thats actually a drop down menu. So when you mouse over the button, it opens the drop down menu, but the actual button is also clickable. The problem comes in when I copy the button like 4 times. I can make the main button go to different links, but everything inside the button,i.e. the drop down links, changes across all copies whenever I modify one. How do I go about making each button a different separate button so that I can modify each one individually?
View 1 RepliesI have want to tell a movie instance to play from a class:
`package com
import flash.display.MovieClip;
public class Global extends MovieClip
pic1m is the class, but I get 1120 undefined property error.If I just put; in my main timeline action layer it works fine, but I need the function playMask to be global in AS3...
How would you add a listener to an object inside of a movieclip that is in the library and as not been placed on the stage yet? Or, could you tell it to listen for when it does go on stage if it does come on the stage and when it comes on the stage to add an eventlistener to a movieclip inside of that?
View 3 RepliesIs it possible to call an instance of a movieclip by a variable name?
Say I have several movie-clips on the main timeline and a variable named "disabled". I want to click a button and have be able to tell "disabled" to goto frame 2, where disabled will contain the name of the movie-clip. can I do this?
When I instantiate a new object I want the object to automatically be named the same as the name used in the instantiation.var fred:Person=new Person();trace(; // traces "fred"Is there a reference I can use in the Person constructor to do this?
public class Person extends MovieClip {
public function Person() { name = ??? // what goes here? }}
what is the quickest way to name more than one instance at the same time as i have 84 in total and they have to be named:
MC1 - instance name: 1
MC2 - instance name: 2
MC3 - instance name: 3
MC4 - instance name: 4
MC5 - instance name: 5
etc etc...
I have 4 Mc's on the stage, and they have instance names 'mc1' - 'mc2' etc.The MC's have links in them (they are kind'a navigation items) and i need to change the functions of the 'rollOver, and mouseDown events', but keep the MC's the same.The MC's are referenced by instance name and given functions in the first few frames of he movie. for example
mc_1_0.onRollOver = function() {
if (_root.mc_1_0._currentFrame == 1) {
Now, what i want achieve is to change the instance names of the MC's (mc_1_0 for example) so that when the user interacts with this MC on the stage, they are taken to locations of my choice (and the actions of another MC), by switching the instance names. IE, i want to change the instance name of 'mc_1_0' to 'mc_2_0' at runtime, BUT i want to do it with a variable from a .txt file.i would need to start with a script that looks for the MC with a certain instance name
-- look for instance mc_1_0, and then change the instance name to 'mc_2_0'
The effect would be that the user would instigate the same actions, regardless of which of the two MC's they rolled over.Maybe i could call the instances initially 'MC_1_Temp' and 'MC_2_Temp' etc: and then i would need a script to change them to 'mc_1_0' and 'mc_2_0' at runtime.SO in the text file i would need something like this
this way the behaviour of the MC on the stage wil take on the functions of another MC.should i be looking at something like this placed on the MC.....
//make this instance called - var = MC_1_Temp_name
i created a flash menu that calls its items from an xml document. the menu items are images that scroll within the menu movie clip depending on mouse position. my problem is that, when clicked, each of these menu items needs to call a pretty complex function.
so this seems like a really basic question, but, is there a tag or something i can use in the xml file to like, name each of the items so that i can write functions with them individually with my actionscript in flash?
I've got an fla with over two thousand movieclips in one frame. Each movieclip does not have an instance name. way to control each movieclip individually? For example, rotating all movieclips 45 degrees?
View 4 RepliesI just want to ask if is it possible to call a movieclip using the String Class together with it's instance name to use gotoAndPlay() method. I know how to use the instance name and the method but then what if I want to use a string together with the instance name and the gotoAndPlay.
View 1 RepliesI have a problem with a button.It has 4 keyframe and a text field with the same instance name "myText".I use this button in a MC, and its instance name is "myBtn".I'm trying to change myText with actionscript in the MC without any results.Debugging it I find a text field insiede this button named "instance6", so i think there is some problem with instance name.
I trying with:
and it says "undefined"!
How can i correctly give instance name to this text field?Is there any way to find out the name of the instance of an object (the text field) knowing the instance name of its parent (the button)?
How to name through AS3 buttons components?I have 3 buttons components: a BackButton, a ForwardButton and a PlayButton.I have named them through the properties panel, (where it says 'Instance Name').But once I click on them and check for I receive, always 'button_mc'.How could I name the buttons?
View 1 RepliesI've got about 50 buttons onstage with names like btn1a_mc, btn2B_mc, etc. Each one loads an external swf (called "Monosem1Aslideshow.swf", where the "1A" corresponds to the button name.) into a movieclip holder called slideHolder_mc. I'm trying to use an array instead of writing code for each button. I'm using the following:
buttonNumber = ["1A", "2B", "3C", "4D", "1E", "2F", "3G"];
for(i=0; i<buttonNumber.length; i++){
var btnName:String = "btn"+[i]+"_mc";
But I can't seem to get it to work.
I've got about 50 buttons onstage with names like btn1a_mc, btn2B_mc, etc. Each one loads an external swf (called "Monosem1Aslideshow.swf", where the "1A" corresponds to the button name.) into a movieclip holder called slideHolder_mc. I'm trying to use an array instead of writing code for each button. I'm using the following:
buttonNumber = ["1A", "2B", "3C", "4D", "1E", "2F", "3G"];
for(i=0; i<buttonNumber.length; i++){
var btnName:String = "btn"+[i]+"_mc";
But I can't seem to get it to work. I'm a little shaky on array syntax and can't find a tutorial that addresses my particular problem.
I'm having some trouble finishing an interface i'm working on,the function indica() adds a menu listing of items (indicadores) inside a mask because its too large, and i added a scrollbar that allows to scroll through the items but now i need to add the buttons inside the movie clip indicative,i can add symbols and buttons, but i'm having trouble having them call functions inside the same class that the function indica() is running.[code]
View 2 RepliesI have a general / somewhat newbie question. Is it better practice to call a function from another class like so:
Does one way free up more memory or enhance performance?
I am just getting started with AS3 and have run into a problem. I had a way of attaching movieClips from the library to the stage in AS2 that used the old attachMovie() function where I would run a for loop and it would duplicate the moviclip to the stage and dynamically create new names for the new instances.I now am using this:
var myCube = new cube();
Then, I can access the myCube instance's properties like this:
I have a Flash file containing a floor plan over my office. I want visitors to be able to locate the room for a specific person by clicking on the room nr.In my HTML-code I give the FlashVars a value equal to the chosen person's room number like this:
<param name="FlashVars" value="roomNr=G207" />
Then I have the script in my Flash file where I first declare a variable fetching the value from my FlashVars:
myRoom = roomNr;
After that I have the code to produce a different color to a movieclip, thus indicating which room it is:
import flash.geom.ColorTransform;
var myCT:ColorTransform = new ColorTransform();
myCT.rgb = 0x009900;
I have made a movieclip for each room and named their instances like the values that will be passed when selecting a room.For instance: G207, F106E, U123 and so on. let the instance name of a movieclip be the value from my FlashVars which I declared earlier. I wrote the next line:
myRoom.transform.colorTransform = myCT;
BUT... this will not work. I have tried two things to understand the problem:
1. I put a dynamic text field on stage, naming it and assigning its text to be the value from FlashVars:
testTextField.text = roomNr;
And it works perfect. It gets the correct value and writes it out on stage.
2. I tried to hard code the myRoom variable to be equal to G207 (myRoom = G207; ), and that works fine as well.WHY won't it recognise my FlashVars value as an instance name of a movieClip?
How can I call the instance name of a mc? For example in AS2 I would do: this._name How do I do in AS3?
View 3 RepliesI am using Flash2004 MX
I thought this would be simple, but it hasn't been.
I have a seris of hidden MCs named star1, star2 etc.
I want them to become visible when I call this function.
star_fn = function() {
starshow=("star" + starcount)
But it is not working.
I thought maybe it was like converting variable info to a number format, but using a text scenario instead.
i've got 48 small movieclips named "1clip", "2clip", etc. all the way up to "48clip." I want to do something with them all and use a loop to affect them all the same way.
but that doesn't seem to work. are variables and instance names interchangeable? my lClip var traces out of course, but the lClip.imagHolder.loadMovie never happens (clip inside the clip).
configuring this instance movie to play when i click a button, here is my movie structure:
- root movie - container and some external .swf movie
The process is there will be button load at the end of root movie, and calling some external swf movie with number. all the swf will play in a container each swf movie(about 5 animation)
At the end of root movie there is also some loop animation that play at the end of root movie, while we can click the button also.
What i want to do is how can i play the loop movie, start from the middle when i click one of the button.
So what happen will be: - click button = external movie load and the instance name play from frame 100 and loop again.
i have a main movie. i use a loader to load a "example.swf" file. then i place that file inside a holder movieclip. in example.swf, i have an instance of a class i just wrote. this class has some particular methods. from my main movie, i want to call the methods of the instance of my class i have in example.swf. how can i do that??? i know it's a kind of casting, but none seems to work.
View 1 RepliesFrom my Main class, in the method onBackgrLoad, I am trying to call a couple of public methods (i.e. xmlData, hintergrund & numOfProducts) located in LoadXML. I keep receiving an error message that "loadXML" is undefined. I dont understand why because I clearly defined it in the main class:
PHP Code:[code].............
When I try to use this code to call a function for every instance of a certain class I get an error saying that there is a "call to a possibly undefined method removeInstance through a reference with static type flash.displayObject".
for (var i:int=0; i<=numInstances; i++) {
if (numInstances!=0&&getChildByName("b"+i)!=null) {
I've created a button in my stage. I've set the instance name to init and have the MainTimeline being called from an an external script[code]...
View 2 RepliesI'm trying to reference an instance through the use of a variable in my call to a prototype. The variable is myVar and contains the instance name to which I want to apply the resizeTo prototype. My syntax is incorrect.
//disregard this line
//this is calling a prototype named resizeTo
this.resizeTo(150, -100, -100);
//Setting instance name of another movie
myVar = "green";
//Trying to drop that instance name into my next prototype call
this._parent.myVar.resizeTo(100, _parent.old_X, _parent.old_Y);
I have 35 textboxes with the names "t1" to "t35". How would I call these names in a for loop? I have tried this with no luck:
I know I'm doing something wrong with the ("t"+i) but I dont know how how to combine a string and number like that.