ActionScript 2.0 :: Delete Undelete MouseMove Function

Nov 16, 2009

I am working on a paintbrush application in AS2.Currently I am working with drawing a circle. I have a circle movieclip in library. Whenever users click and drag on the stage they can design a circle. I am using mouseDown, mouseMove and mouseUp event for this.So for mousedown I am calculating the current x and y position then for mouseMove the circle starts to grow depending upon the x and y position of mouse.Then for mouseUp I am deleting the mouseMove function, so that it stops drawing. This is working fine. But when I want to draw another object on the stage the mouseMove function does not work. I am confused on how to undelete the mouseMove function.[code]

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Flex :: MouseUp And MouseMove Outside Of The Application?

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx=""


This breaks down when the user moves the mouse outside of the app. Not only _currentPoint stops updating, but also if you let go the mouse button outside of the app you miss the mouseUp event, i.e. when you move the mouse back on the app _currentPoint starts updating again as if you had never let go of the mouse button. Was wondering if there is a way in Flex (for web apps) to get around this by listening to mouseMove and mouseUp events when outside of the app (if that's possible)

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ActionScript Code:
thumbViewer.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, scrollStart);
private function scrollStart(event:MouseEvent):void


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This is the movie clip 1 code:

PHP Code:

function moreTimerFun(moreTime) {
this.onEnterFrame = function() {
if ((getTimer()/1000)-moreTime>7) {
delete this.onEnterFrame;


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ActionScript Code:


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var obj2=obj1;

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(or if somebody is resizing a HDividedBox, basically if someone initiated a click anywhere in the app and rolls over this renderer, we get unwanted dragging. The alternative is listening on MouseDown instead of MouseMove, which fixes the previous issue, however the nested button loses it's click. I can click on the button, but the renderer just thinks it's time to Drag.

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private function someFunctionHere(_ar:Array):Void {
var _swf:String = _ar[0];
var _nm:String = _ar[1];


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Javascript :: Jquery - Mousemove Event Does Not Fire When Mouse Is Over Flash

Jan 25, 2012

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Website's width is not constant (different browsers for example) so I'd have to push viewport's width to the flash too, which will complicate the script, also mouseenter events etc. I don't know AS very well.

The code: (I'm using jQuery here because it's also used somewhere else on the page, previous mockup used plain JS)

function viewport()
var e = window


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if ((Key.getCode() == Key.DELETEKEY)){
if((anytxtclip == cursor._x) && (anytxtclip == cursor._y)) {
delete anytxtclip

I think I'm looking for a world variable to describe anytxtclip.

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I got these four errors when I tried to create a button on the stage that would delete the text I inputted in the inputtext(ti). Based on the scripts I have and the errors, what should I write to create the delete button?


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Flex :: Combobox Backspace Or Delete Key Does Not Delete Highlighted Text

Mar 26, 2010

I am implementing a flex auto-suggest combobox - as the user types in each character: Consider the string 'Stackoverflow' and user input = 'st'

1) the data provider is filtered to show all items starting with 'st'
2) text is set to auto-suggest string such that the un-typed part is highlighted.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Circle Shape "Grow" On MouseMove?

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I want to make the circle grow and then delete it's "older" instance so that it's only one circle on screen, not a million circles behind it. Here's what I've got to work (makes a circle, then keeps growing as I move the mouse over the stage... although it will leave a trail of all the other circles "growing"

function mouseMove(e:MouseEvent):void
if(mouseDownFlag == true){
xpos1 = e.localX;


In java I had a "clear" function that kept on deleting the old circles as the new circle grew...

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Xml :: Flex - Nodes Will Not Delete Despite Calling "delete"?

Feb 9, 2011

I'm trying to use the delete keyword to remove nodes from an xml file and it just plain won't work.Here's a stripped down example of what I'm working with. Every node has a child named "deleteme". If its value is equal to 1 I want to remove it from the xml file. If its anything else I want to leave it be. The delete method is deffinately gettig call but it's having no effect.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Delete A Mc With Delete Key?

Sep 17, 2009

i have A,B,C,D moveiclip
now i want to delete a mc with delete key .if i select A then press delete key it will delete .

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Flash :: Delegate Function (Function).toString() Prints Function Function() {}?

Nov 1, 2010

I've got a Vector of ViewToActionMap objects, which have following constructor:

public function ViewToActionMap(_forModule:eModule,


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How To Delete The Line

Oct 20, 2009

I draw a line from point A to point B (lineMove & lineTo). Am I able to delete the line by either a button or other way ?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Delete A MC

Oct 19, 2003

I have a movie containing a movieclip in which an empty movieclip is created with AS, showing an externally loaded pic.At the click of a button i want the pic to unload again, but it does'nt work. I tried removeMovieClip and Delete.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 Cannot Delete Arrays

Aug 24, 2009

I am currently making a small game using a couple of arrays, which contain MCs.

It goes like this:

grid = new Array();
this["row"+i] = new Array();


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Delete Current Mc?

Apr 19, 2009

how can you delete the "current" mc?

the following scripts returns:
960[type Function]960 _level0.mcundefined
function onframe(){  var mc = _root.createEmptyMovieClip('mc',


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Delete A Variable?

Jun 17, 2009

I want to delete a variable so if i create it later using again "var myVar:DataType" it won't throw an error because of the duplicated variable.I tried using delete but it says i can't use it on fixed property. I setted it to null as it states in help and again tried to delete it without luck.So how do i delete a variable?

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How To Delete Space In An XML File

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