ActionScript 2.0 :: Detection If User Has Flash Player?
Mar 12, 2009
When a user does not have a flash player... and enters a flash there a way flash can recognise this and with a click he/she can download the latest flash player from that site?
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Dec 1, 2003
is it possible if i have two versions of a flash file made, to have a redirect or detection that would choose the swf depending on what version of flash player the user has? so if they have flash five they get 5.swf and if they have flash 6 they get 6.swf
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Dec 2, 2009
I've created a website for a client and this is my first time. What I was wondering is how can I set up her website so that if someone views her page, but they don't have the latest flash player, then the website would prompt them to go and download it.
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Sep 27, 2010
when we place flash files in our websites, it OFF-COURSE requires flash player on client machines, and prompts to install flash there some php code using which i can check weather there is flash player on the client machine and if not then instead of placingembedding a flash file i place an images over there...cuz in my specific case flash is not that much important... it is just for cosmetics, an animation... which i can replace by a gif or a simple jpeg doesnot matter...
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Feb 20, 2008
How can I detect the version of the Flash Player from within your Flash movie?
I would like to export swf as flash 6, but would like to show alternative image for flash 5 user.
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Oct 28, 2002
just wonderign whast's the preferred/easier method:1 add the player detection code into flash2 use html editor (like dreamweaver) to insert some javascript on the webpage
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Jan 20, 2010
I'm looking into implementing the flash player detection kit onto our website. I found a good resource about this but had a question: [URL]. It looks like the flash player detection kit is focused on flash player 8. Are there any differences as to how to handle this situation for flash player 9 or 10, or will the kit work for all? Please note that I am not a flash developer, but am doing research to advise our IT folks as to how we should go about setting up proper flash detection on our site.
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Aug 11, 2010
Some of my flash buttons do not work in FlashPlayer 10 but work in 10.1 So I wanted to alert a user to upgrade to the most current flash player 10.1 if he/she has 10 and visits my website. What is the best way to do it? My entire site is done in Flash and I am using AS3.
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Nov 11, 2010
I use Red5 server 0.9.1 for live streaming from Adobe Flash player to my RTMP protocol transport.I test it with audio data captured from my microphone using flash application and for now transport recieves and recognizes audio packets. For further audio data listening I need to know what audio codec Flash player uses to send data to the Red5 server.Transport doesn't recieve any metadata packets with detailed information about media codec. All I know for now from "connect" message is that publishing side supports the set of audio and video codecs.
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May 11, 2010
With AS, can I trace that user hasn't been operating on the computer for a while, say 5 miniutes, and then do something? theoretically speaking, to detect that there is no mouse or keyboard event for certain a period of time, and then do something~~ just like screensaver of Widows~
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May 11, 2010
With AS, can I trace that user hasn't been operating on the computer for a while, say 5 miniutes, and then do something? theoretically speaking, to detect that there is no mouse or keyboard event for certain a period of time, and then do something~~ just like screensaver of Widows~~
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Mar 12, 2009
When a user does not have a flash player... and enters a flash there a way flash can recognise this and with a click he/she can download the latest flash player from that site?
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Aug 12, 2010
I would like to find out if there is a way for a message to pop up on my website if the user has Flash Player version lower than 10.1. If the version 10.1 or higher (in the future) no message should come up. The message should prompt a user to update to the Flash Player version 10.1. My entire site is in Flash and I am using AS3. So I am guessing I should implement an AS3 code on the first frame of the script layer. Does anyone know what would be this code?
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May 14, 2011
When the user clicks on the video once its ended id like it to pop up a window with a new url in it - how can i do this in jw player?
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Sep 20, 2011
I want to publish this link [URL] into wall via Graph Api. If you see the code of the link you can see that the required metas are wrote. In fact, if you paste the link in Fb, you can see that it recognise and even publish the player.For test purpose i have used the Graph API Explorer [URL]) with this parameters:
Method: "POST"
Api :
oauth_token : ...
message: "Test from API Explorer"
I do not understand why, whith the API Explorer works fine, but whit my PHP call does not.
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Jan 30, 2012
I am fairly new to actionscript 3, and coding in general, and I am trying to build a music application with a user account system, using which each different user can access their own music files.
I have found many tutorials online on how to create music players and playlists, user login systems, but nothing that combines these into one application.
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Aug 16, 2010
I was able to gather info on how to test and display users OS and FP version. However this info is "dormant" it is just being displayed on the screen.Does anyone know how to make an alert message to upgrade to the current Flash Player if a user runs the lower version?
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Jul 4, 2010
At the moment I'm using Selenium-Flex to write functional tests for a video playback app.At the moment, I need to test that the app behaves appropriately when switched to fullscreen mode - make sure that the control bar is in a reasonable spot, the video resizes appropriately, etc., and of course to do that I need an automated way to make Flash Player go fullscreen.
For good reason, Flash's security features prevent being able to fullscreen except in response to user input. Actual user input, a javascript callback being called does not count.Is there any way to disable this security feature on my test rig, so I can actually run my automated tests on fullscreen mode? Barring that, is there any way to put Flash into fullscreen mode externally, so I can hack it up to work that way?
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Nov 19, 2011
I have developed a flex application (Flex 4.5.1).I want the flex application to be used only by the domain names that I allow. As soon as the application is loaded, I check with the remote database if the domain name is valid.
The problem is that flash player only returns the domain name of the user's machine. What I want is the domain name of the website that the flex application is part of. For instance, if the webpage I browse for my flash application is[url]...., I need [url]...or [url].... Is that possible? Every method I have tried only returns the name of the website visitor's computer.
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Jul 17, 2003
I made a project (learning courseware for kids) in flash MX and want to distribute on a CD. what I want is When user runs the course it (.htm or script) should check whether flash player is installed or not. If its not there then it should prompt the user to install it which I m planning to distribute in my CD but I dont have any idea how can it be done...
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Mar 30, 2010
I've just been asked to create a video player which automatically chooses the correct bitrate video to stream by detecting the bandwidth.I have no experience creating a video player so I'm looking for links/resources to do some research on the topic.Has anyone here created a video player in Flash? Would it be better to create in Flash or Flex?Once again, I have no prior knowledge in this type of creation and could use an experienced developer's opinion on what the first step is towards progress.
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Jun 16, 2010
I have a site that includes a Flash music player integrated into the layout. I want users to be able to navigate around the site without interrupting the music. I've done plenty of research and thinking and the following are the options I came up with (keeping in mind I want to be as SEO friendly as possible).
AJAX: I set up a version that changes the main content div to whatever nav link they click, thereby not interrupting the Flash player. I set it up in the proper search-engine-friendly manner with direct links and JQuery/Ajax functions. If someone goes to and clicks the Contact nav link, it loads what's in the main content div on into the main content div and changes the URL bar to The same goes for if they go to and click About in the nav, it loads the About content and changes the URL bar to Obviously this opens up a whole new can of worms with AJAX and hash navigation/history issues, and I would end up with people possibly linking to things like (which I think looks terrible and can't be too great for SEO). Store the Flash player vars somewhere and reload them with the page: I'm not sure how to go about this, but I thought about keeping my regular navigation without AJAX and have it so when a user clicks a nav link, before it changes pages it stores the Flash player vars (current song and song position) somewhere, then loads them into Flash when the new page loads. Something with an iframe? Good alternative to a Flash player that will work for this type of application?
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Sep 19, 2011
How can I mute the video on the a page to do the following: Once user clicks on any of the social buttons, the flash video should mute automatically.
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Jun 20, 2011
I am trying to use the Flash + Set the browser to a desktop agent on the Galaxy Tab.
mWebview.getSettings().setUserAgentString("Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv: Gecko/20101019 Firefox/3.6.11");
So the issues is, when the UserAgentString param is enabled, flash player wont load as many websites like Iplayer don't recognise the browser in the WebView.
This may be a bug in the Samsung browser. Anyone have any desktop agents that the WebView will accept whilst enabling flash?
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Apr 23, 2011
how to work out the direction of the mouse on stage and say from this:
"if the mouse goes from the left to right (visa-versa) once, add score +1" and "if the mouse speed which is player controlled - slows down - to then display an error graphic"
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Jul 7, 2009
Just wondering where I could get a flash video player that enables the user to embed the video like youTube functionality.URL....
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Jul 29, 2010
Is there any as3 based source code that accomplishes pitch detection or beat detection accurately? Doesn't have to be both, if you know of at least one of those,
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Sep 15, 2010
i want to make my mp3 player generate some sort of a xml/txt file or e-mail that will store which song has been downloaded and the number of times it has been played and add date stamp to it so i can view it when required. i think parts of this can be achieved in a simillar way as a flash ''contact form''.how to start this.links and examples would do very well. I am not sure if most of this can be possible but i would like to try it.below is the action script i have on my player...
var song_folder:String = "songs/";
var song_list:Array = new Array();
var code_list:Array = new Array();[code]....
all i want is when the download btn is pressed, it has to generate the necessary data.
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Jan 30, 2009
1) I am working on a custom FLV player for a website. The users will upload various FLV files onto folders on the server and I would like the users to have the ability to browse those folders and select a video to play.
2) Also, as I will be having the users upload their videos via fileReference in Flash, as soon as their upload of a particular video is complete, I would like the video they just uploaded to begin playing or be loaded and ready to be played. Is there a good way to pass the video name directly into the FLV player on the completion of the download so it can begin playing or at least be ready to play?
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Mar 14, 2010
I wonder wether on a website like chatroulette for example, the streaming video is going directly from user to user or wether it is going through a server.
In other words I wonder wether it is possible to offer a webcam service on a website, so that the streaming video goes directly from user to user, without overloading the system.
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