ActionScript 2.0 :: Mp3 Player That Generates User Data?

Sep 15, 2010

i want to make my mp3 player generate some sort of a xml/txt file or e-mail that will store which song has been downloaded and the number of times it has been played and add date stamp to it so i can view it when required. i think parts of this can be achieved in a simillar way as a flash ''contact form''.how to start this.links and examples would do very well. I am not sure if most of this can be possible but i would like to try it.below is the action script i have on my player...

var song_folder:String = "songs/";
var song_list:Array = new Array();
var code_list:Array = new Array();[code]....

all i want is when the download btn is pressed, it has to generate the necessary data.

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Jun 16, 2010

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private function init():void


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