ActionScript 2.0 :: Generating MovieClips - Uncompatibile AttachMovie Method
Feb 4, 2009
I have very big problem with generating movieClips at the begining of my code I have two preloaders I'm using createEmptyMovieClip method to create them and then I need to attach some movieClips using attachMovie method and thay are uncompatibile... :/ what shuold I do to make this code work properly...
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Jan 11, 2009
I am generating movieClips dynamically using attachMovie and then using a setInterval to animate them. However, if I repeat the operation the second set of mcs move twice as fast, the third set three times as fast etc. I can't for the life of me work out why.
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Jul 20, 2009
I'm working on a timeline system which you can see here:http:[url]....I am generating each flag using attachMovie to duplicate a TextFlagMC over and over, giving each one a date and blurb.If there are a lot of them on screen they often overlap.I wrote this code on the 1st frame of the TextFlagMC so that each flag will create itself into TopShelfMC, a shadowed container MC on a higher layer:
onRollOver = function(){//Pop flag ontop of all others
TopShelfFlag = _root.Timeline.TopShelf.attachMovie("TextFlagTopSh elf", "TextFlagTopShelf" + FlagNumber, + FlagX)[code]....
and to turn it off when we rollOut, I have this code on the 1st frame of the TextFlagTopShelfMC that just got loaded in the TopShelf layer:
onRollOut = function(){//Pop flag ontop of all others
unloadMovie(_root.Timeline.TopShelf["TextFlagTopShelf" + FlagNumber]);
it works.but often times not if you roll from one button right to another.
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Sep 17, 2009
This is my actionscript problem (AS2)The aim if this script is to load images from a xml, show them on screan, and when clicking on one of them, show the big one. I know there are a lot of ready-made scripts, but as I would like to learn AS, I try to do it myself....Now the problem actually is the onRelease... in this example whatever the picture i clic, I always get: "clicked on image: 5" as output.. (when 5 images are loaded...)
ActionScript Code:
espacement = 10;//l'espacement en px entre les images
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Jan 20, 2010
I am making a game where random letters and words are generated into movieclips, thats the background. I built it using arial as my font, however I then decided to go with a fixed width font to make sizing the movieclips to the words much more straightforward. Yesterday this worked fine, the font i am using (Liberation Mono) is installed on my computer, all the textboxes which use this font have the character embedding on them, and I have not changed any of the movieclips, only non-relevant code. So I run it up again today and none of the words appear. Thinking it might be some code changes I made I go thourhg tracing out everything, only to find the wrds are being generated, and written to the textbox absolutely fine. I switch back to Arial just as a check and bang it works again.
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Dec 30, 2009
The specific problem (first four lines in first for loop) is related to mcName it doesnt have a problem if I replace it to an actual name of a movieclip.
I'm trying to reference mcName to the array that stores the names of the movieclip. In other words I'm trying to generate dynamic variables that include movieclips generated from a multidimensional array.
how to create movieclip variables that get the names of the movieclips from multidimensional arrays.
ActionScript Code:
//VarName, mcName, XPos, YPos
var row1:Array = ['thisBall', 'thisball', 100, 200];
var multiArray:Array = [row1];
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Feb 2, 2009
public function mc1():Void {
for (i=0; i<9; i++) {
c = c+30;
var mc_new = my_clip.attachMovie("mc_bread", "bread_"+i, my_clip.getNextHighestDepth()+1, {_x:80, _y:385-c});
mc_new._visible = false;
bread_1._visible = true;
When compiled the code gives error:
There is no property with the name 'bread_1'.
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May 18, 2005
I'm trying to create a pop up window using the AttachMovie method and i want it to act like a coventional pop up window should do, i.e. it should be draggable and it should have a close button.
I have no problem getting the window to pop up and drag but when i try to use the close button it doesn't work or visa versa.
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Mar 10, 2012
I am trying to call objects from the library for a collection game.
Having major issues with the best way to assign the good objects and the bad objects to later update a score.
how i can first assign the movieClips from the library into a good and bad array and then after randomally fill the stage with them.
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Mar 2, 2011
Our client has tasked to dynamically generate grids with different size boxes. The grid should not have defined edges, but each movieclip should have a certain defined border. I'm pretty new to AS3 still, but can handle pretty much everything besides this sort of giant math problem. Here's a simple layout of what I'm looking for on a much smaller scale: [URL].
I can almost emulate this, but sometimes my boxes will overlap, and that's a dealbreaker. If I start hitTesting it works up until I try it with 55+ movieclips, then I fear that the script could freeze. Here's the code that works, but may freeze at times. How can I optimize this so that stack overflow errors can't happen?
package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.utils.getDefinitionByName;
public class box_builder extends MovieClip {
private var _path:MovieClip;
[Code] .....
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Oct 11, 2007
I am creating a gallery that loads the images from the library. The only method that I managed to do this is by creating movie clips that contain each of those images and then calling those movie clips from the library using the .attachMovie method because this method only works for movie clips and not instances of other library items such as actual images.
Is there anyway in ActionScript to create an instance of an image asset in the library?
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May 11, 2010
I am new to AS3, in AS2 it was really easy to select a dynamic attachmovie method.I'm trying to attach a dynamic bitmap dynamically. In my library I have a load of bitmaps with class export names, img1, img2, img3 etc..[code]But I want to select it dynamically, is there a way of doing this?[code]
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Mar 19, 2003
it's possible to make masks using attachMovie or any other dynamic method?
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Sep 14, 2006
basically i am attaching a movie dynamically with the attachmovie method like so:
for(var y = 0; y < rowSize; y++) {
for(var x = 0; x < colSize; x++) {
attachMovie("box", "box" + count, count);
now for each attachmovie they have a Event handler, rollover,rollout, but, on the release event holder I want it to load in some XML like so:
path.onRelease = path.onReleaseOutside = function(){
//alot of my nifty code that will be skipped for elongated post purposes
//but here is where im getting a error
I thought at first having the XML declared in the loop does make it just loop through 15 times ( length of my nodes) and just display the last XML item, but when i declare it before it, it does NOTHING !!!!!!!!!! it doesnt even display a damn thing, soon as i put it within my loop it displayed atleast something?
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Sep 30, 2009
I have a file where movie clips are added to the stage at random time intervals and locations. How do I get pieces of code to effect all the created movie clips? At the moment I'm using attachMovie to add the movie clips to the stage. Once a movie clip is added I want to add three actions to it: the first makes it so that clicking on the movie clip will remove it from the stage, the second makes the movie clip move in a random direction across the stage, and the third makes it so that when the movie clip reaches the end of it's own timeline it performs an action then removes itself.
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May 21, 2007
Here is some code I have been using. The movieclips stac on top of each other.
function loadXML(true) {
if (true) {
xmlNode = this.firstChild;
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Sep 17, 2009
This is my actionscript problem (AS2)The aim if this script is to load images from a xml, show them on screan, and when clicking on one of them, show the big one. I know there are a lot of ready-made scripts, but as I would like to learn AS, I try to do it myself.Now the problem actually is the onRelease... in this example whatever the picture i clic, I always get: "clicked on image: 5" as output.. (when 5 images are loaded...)[code]
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Apr 11, 2007
say i have a method "btnClick", and i have 5 buttons: btn01,btn02,etc.. how do i apply this method/function to the 5 buttons through code? here is what i am trying to do(this is just pseudocode):
MovieClip.prototype.btnClick = function(img){
this.onRelease = function(){
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Oct 14, 2008
The section in my code that does the rotating is in _root.onEnterFrame. Each movieclip is moved up/down an notch at a time within a 'for' loop. this loop is within a larger 'for' loop depending how many catagories to move up/down. I shall include this section of code for; i hope, better understanding
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Dec 3, 2004
Trying to use the setMask method and having trouble. I have it working on my dynamic text, but I am trying to mask the movieclip that is loading my image from the server. I have a moviclip called Comments. And in it I have movieclips called textbox and image
I have one setMask AS like this for the textbox
this.textbox.setMask(this.mc_mask2); - this one works
But for image I have the same thing and it doesn't work. I have
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Nov 19, 2010
I am getting this error: 1180: Call to a possibly undefined method startWorld.but the method startWorld is defined as you can see in attachment.
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Feb 19, 2010
I'm tryng to make a public static method call another method, but Flash throws error 1180, sayng that the method called by the static method is undefined.
Code: Select allpackage
import flash.display.MovieClip;[code]....
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Dec 23, 2010
i have a fortran method which creates random numbers. i want to convert this method to a flash method . I want to get numbers from this method and use them in the delay method of flash.
the fortran method is the folowing
real znew1 , zold1 ,a,m,z1,p,TIME1
a= 16807.
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Feb 1, 2011
I have a class called Animal that has a method foo() and I call it out within the Animal class.
protected function foo():void
I also have a class called Cat that extends Animal and overrides the method foo()
override protected function foo():void
However when calling the function foo() from the superclass it traces out Animal not Cat (using a Cat object).How can I make superclass call out methods in the subclass?
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Jan 16, 2009
I'm trying to make 3 sliders that, depending on each other, changes the value of a text-box.
Example, If Slider A moves to 150, the value in the text-box changes to 150.
If you then move Slider B to 40, the value in the text-box changes to (150+40) 190.
Same thing for Slider C.
So basically I want the value of what you select in each Slider to be added together in real time like this:[URL] Only this shows just one slider, and I want three, added together
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Sep 14, 2010
two classes, both extend EventDispatcher. Static method in 1st class calls instance method in 2nd event not getting caught. [code]also, since dispatchEvent() is an instance method, is there any way of calling it without first instantiating the class? i expect not.
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Nov 9, 2009
I have an FLV file but need to generate an SWF to then upload onto the internet (with a play/stop bar)
I have no idea how to do this. Is there a step by step I can access or can someone point me tell me where and what to do!!!! I have CS4
I understand that I need to have all the files in the same folder and then link them all in. I will be uploading onto the website (back of house html) is there a basic code that i can modify that will suit my needs?
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Feb 11, 2003
I want 16 numbers generated in a row, like a credit card
3456 6765 4564 3453
Is there a good way to do that? The card would generate The numbers when it's loaded.
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Mar 18, 2009
What I'm looking for is to have a button on the screen. When clicked it will generate a random fact. I'd like to have around 25 facts, although the number doesnt matter at this stage.
I'm only learnigng flash and actionscript at the moment so my thoughts are a bit confused. Would I store all the facts in an array and use the math function to generate a random number that will access the fact stored in the array? not sure how the code would look like.
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Aug 9, 2009
I'm trying to dynamically create links from data in a JSON file.
I can load the JSON file and extract the data, but I'm not sure how to keep track of which URLs go to which titles.
For example, I create a text box and put the words "AOL Homepage" in it and another that says "Google Homepage". I know their respective URLs are [URL] and [URL], but how do I store that information so that when someone clicks on "AOL Homepage" it knows to take them to [URL]
I considered creating a dictionary that stores Titles and URLs so that whenever someone clicks "AOL Homepage" it looks that up in the dictionary and sees [URL]. However, if there are two equal titles, this method will not work.
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